Status: On hold at the moment. Kourtneyfaye's stories are also on hold. Sorry everyone :(

Chasing The Night

Chapter 13: Premiere Part 1

Nick’s POV

We just got back home from the interview. I’m surprised that Regis and Kelly, plus all the fans that were there were so accepting of mine and Luke’s relationship. I know that not everyone will be like that, but it’s reassuring to have supporters before we come across the haters. I went up to my room to get ready for the premiere since we were leaving in about two hours and all of the girls were hauled up in the various bathrooms in the house. When I got in there the sight before me brought a huge smile to my face. Laying curled up in the middle of my bed was my boyfriend sound asleep cuddling with my pillow. I chuckled at how adorable he looked before sitting next to him on the bed. I leaned over and kissed his forehead then his lips. I felt him smile into the kiss, I pulled back knowing he was awake.

“Hey baby.” I smiled at him. “Mhm, what time is it?” He asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. God, he looked so adorable right now. “It’s about 4, we have to start getting ready for the premiere. Did you have a nice time shopping with everyone today?” I asked him. “Yeah, I did, but when Kourtney and Josh get super hyped up on caffeine and then want to shop, it can get rather exhausting.” He said with a chuckle while sitting up and leaning his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him while he continued talking. “I saw part of the interview by the way. I’m really proud of you for coming out to everyone in America. I know that it was hard for you, but I really am proud of you.” He told me while kissing me on the cheek.

“Thanks baby, but I think you missed.” I told him while pointing to my lips. “Well, I guess I did.” He said with a giggle before leaning up the rest of the way to connect our lips for a short kiss. “Okay, come on lovebug we need to get ready.” I told him while standing up and grabbing his hand to help him off the bed. “Ok.” He said. About hour later we were both dressed. “Hey, we match.” He giggled. “Yeah, I guess we do.” I said while pulling him into a hug, then a kiss. “We still have about an hour before we have to leave.” He pointed out. “Yeah, what do you want to do?” I asked him, before he answered I heard a knock at the door. I untangled my arms from around Luke’s waist and went to answer it, on the other side of my door was a very distressed looking Frankie. “Hey Tank, why the long face.” I asked him. “I’m confused will you and Luke help me get ready? There’s to many pieces to this outfit.” He asked putting on his famous puppy dog face, I couldn’t say no to. Luke appeared behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder again, “Sure Tank.” He said.

We went with Frankie to his room and helped him get ready. By the time we were ready all the guys were gathering in the living room to get ready to go. When Luke, Frankie and I walked in the room my mom went crazy with her camera. She said her babies were all growing up so much. I took a seat on the chair, and noticed that there weren’t any other places to sit, so I pulled Luke onto my lap while we were waiting for the girls. He just cuddled up to me and we sat there whispering sweet nothings back and forth to each other making us giggle, totally oblivious to everyone else in the room.

A few minutes later my Dad came into the room and noticed us. He cleared his throat and instantly we looked up at him. “Boys, knock it off. There are other people in this room, including your little brother, we don’t want him exposed to ‘that’ behavior, now do we.” He said with a hint of disgust evident in his voice. “Dad, I though you accepted the fact that we are dating?” I asked him. “I said I accepted it yes, I am not happy with it and don’t want to see the sins you are committing with my own eyes.” He said casually. “Dad, calm down they aren’t doing anything.” Kevin said, trying to avoid drama. “Yeah, Dad, Luke can’t help that Nick here is such a stud.” Joe said with a chuckle, making Dad glare at him before leaving the room. Luke looked at Joe and growled, “Mine.” He said before hugging my waist and burying his head into my chest, causing the entire room to bust out laughing. “I know, dude, I was kidding. That’s my brother, that’s sick.” Joe said while still laughing

The girls all entered the room while we were all still laughing. “What’s so funny boys.” Aniza said from the doorway with Kourtney and Amanda behind her. The room fell silent and the girls giggled. Why is it when girls giggle I want to scream at them for being annoying but when Luke does it it’s the most adorable thing in the world. Random wolf whistles and compliment could be heard from Matt, Dave and Jimmie. While Kevin, Joe and Josh all stood up and went to their perspective girls silently. “You look beautiful baby doll.” I heard Kevin tell Kourtney causing her to giggle and give him a kiss. “Aniza, you look amazing.” Josh told her causing my sisters face to turn an embarrassing shade of pink.

Joe just wrapped his arms around Amanda’s waist before leaning down to catch her lips with his. “Does it look okay?” She asked Joe self consciously. “Joe, dude don’t drool.” Luke hollered to him causing his attention to come back to him before he turned to him and flipped him off. “You look stunning.” He told her before kissing her again.

We then went out to the limo and left for the premiere. “Luke,” I whispered in his ear, getting him to look up at me. “The paparazzi is going to be insane, and I don’t know how the press will be.” I told him nervously. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked him, scared he would want to run from this whole evening. “Nicky-bear, I would do anything for you. I love you, and I know how important this night is for you. I want to be right there with you all the way through the night. Proudly standing next to the love of my live in front of everyone.” He told me sincerely. Man, I love him. “Luke, thank you so much for standing by me. I know the press can be vicious but you are handling all of this so well. I’m glad that you are willing to do this for me, well technically it’s for us, so we don’t have to hide anything from anyone anymore. I love you my lovebug.” I told him while kissing his forehead.

After we finished our conversation I looked up from my spot cuddled into Luke’s side, to see a confused Frankie, an angry Josh, an embarrassed Aniza and a scared looking Jimmie. “Uh, guys what happened?” I asked. Kourtney spoke up seeing that I wasn’t getting an answer from anyone else. “Well, Nick while you and Luke were being all adorably cute over there, Frankie was telling us about his shopping experience with Aniza and Jimmie today.” “Okay?” I said, sort of like a question not getting why that would cause a problem. “He said that they had fun but he didn’t understand something. So Josh asked him what he didn’t get. He said that Jimmie said that I’ve he (Josh) hadn’t already ‘claimed’ Aniza that he would totally do her. Frankie didn’t get what that meant. But since Josh did, he got pissed at Jimmie for hitting on his girl and Aniza’s embarrassed that they are fighting over her.” “All that happened in five minutes?” I asked her. “Not really, we’ve been in the car for about half an hour now, were stuck in traffic, but you were sort of in your own little world with Luke, by the way you guys are almost to cute for words.” She added with a laugh. “Oh, ha-ha. Ok. Are we almost there then?” I asked. “Yeah, actually were pulling up now and by the looks of it, there’s a ton of paparazzi and press out there right now, hopefully were ready for them.” She finished as the car stopped and we starting filing out.

The EA boys, except Josh, all went through the press without any problems. Each of my brothers and my sister got asked about their dates and they all answered truthfully, there didn’t seem to be any problems there. So I got out of the limo and grabbed Luke’s hand. The press swarmed us. I turned to Luke and whispered, “Ready?” “Yeah, as ready as I can be I guess.” he whispered back. I let go off his hand and he wrapped both of his arms around my waist leaning against me so we could stand there and answer the press questions.

The questions roaring from the press were almost deafening. Some questions were good, I guess. “Nick, is this your boyfriend?” “How does it feel now that everyone knows your secret?” “How long have you been dating?” “Nick, where did you meet your boyfriend?” “Nick, are you really gay.” This question made me laugh, no lady, I’m not gay, I just have a boyfriend who I am madly in love with and girls don’t interest me at all. Nope, not gay at all, totally straight. Of course I didn’t say this, I respectfully answered all of there questions before walking a few steps to the next reporter.

This man could not have been any ruder to us. “Nick, how does it feel to know that you are going to be responsible for you and your brothers losing fans?” “You realize that you were supposed to be a role model to your younger fans, how do you think that the parents of your fans feel now?” I felt Luke tense up next to me, I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him closer assuring him everything was ok. We knew that this would happen and we couldn’t let this bother us. I turned to this reporter, “I’m sure we may lose some fans over this, but the way I see it is that they weren’t real fans to begin with. I’m not promoting homosexuality by any means, I am simply being me. The real fans wont let it bother them because we are still the same three boys making music that we were before I told the world about Luke. As for me not being a role model, I am still the same down to earth person I have always been. I still live by the same values and morals that my big brothers and sister live by, I just have a different taste in life partner then Joe or Kevin. Just because I am very happily in love with Luke doesn’t mean that any of that changes, the fans just get to see a much happier truthful side of myself that they haven’t seen before.” I told him. I looked over at Luke and he was staring at me with love and adoration in his eyes. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek in front of the reporter.

The reporter made a disgusted face before saying he had one more question. “This boyfriend here,” He said pointing at Luke disapprovingly. “His name is Luke.” I snapped at him. Luke squeezed my side trying to get me to calm down. “Ok, then, Luke.” He asked turning to him. “What are you using Nick Jonas for? Fame or money? We all know that you aren’t in love with him and you are just using him, so what’s it for the fame of being known as the boy who turned one of the most popular boys in America gay, or all his money you can sweet talk him out of?” He asked, laughing at his question. Everything went silent and I felt Luke tense up again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw all my siblings walking towards us anger evident on all their faces.

I couldn’t stand it anymore, I wasn’t going to stand there and let him bad mouth my boyfriend in front of everyone without confronting him. “You listen here,” I snapped at him again. “Luke and I have been dating for a very long time. I always knew that I was gay. I dated Miley and Selena knowing I was gay. I told them both before we went out and they both agreed to cover for me as long as possible. I am grateful for that, but I have been gay my entire life. I met Luke in Starbucks and he didn’t even know who we were. I feel in love with him the first time that I saw him. He isn’t using me for fame or money, it was my idea to come out to the press and he could care less about the money. He is the love of my life and I plan on spending my future with him. I love him with my entire heart and I know that he feels the same way that I do. You sir, are nothing but a homophobic jerk trying to cause problems for us and I will not stand for it any longer. Now if you don’t mind I would like to take my boyfriend and go inside to see the movie, thank you and goodnight.” I yelled at him. His jaw dropped, I turned and grabbed Luke’s hand before starting to walk away. Before we walked away though, I stopped Luke and turned around.

“Sir, one more thing.” I called over to him. I waited until he looked back toward me before I grabbed Luke by the waist pulling him towards me and crashed our lips together. I kissed him with as much passion and love that I could muster. Several aww’s and cheers were heard. A few that’s gross, or fags could be heard as well, but I ignored them all and kissed my boyfriend in front of the world. I pulled away from Luke who was slightly out of breathe, “Enjoy the show.” I yelled to the reporter before reconnecting my hand with Luke’s and heading inside, joining the rest of my family.

As I got to where my family was, Frankie looked over at me and said, “Go Nick!” Everyone laughed and congratulated me on standing up to that jerk for me and Luke.

Aniza’s POV

I walked on the red carpet with Josh. We may not be official but the world is convinced we are, and I secretly wish he would just ask already. I sighed, maybe one day, a girl can hope and dream right. We only stopped once to answer the ‘who’s you date’ question. We had just gotten to the door when I looked and noticed Luke and Nick were swarmed with reporters. At first the reporters seemed to be asking him easy questions to answer but this one reporter totally turned on them. I couldn’t believe the questions he was asking them, Kevin, Joe and I started to go over them to help Nick but stopped as soon as we heard him start yelling at him, defending himself and Luke. He would probably get in trouble for yelling at a reporter when we get home, but he was defending himself so it should be justified.

I was so proud of my little brother, he was standing up for not only himself but for Luke as well. I could tell that by the smile Luke has on his face, that he is proud of him to. Nick finished his opinion to the reporter and turned to leave with Luke but then stopped walking and had a different idea for the reporter. He called the reporter back over and as soon as he was looking he pulled Luke in for the most passionate kiss I have ever seen anyone give someone. Damn, Nick way to show that reporter, I thought and laughed. Joe and Kevin just sort of smirked at how brave their youngest brother was being. After Nick pulled back from Luke, they came over to where we were all standing watching his interviews.

“Go Nick.” Frankie yelled making everyone bust out laughing. Luke turned to Nick, “Nick, I am so proud of you. You stood up to him and didn’t care what everyone else heard. You stood up for me, thank you. Nicky you have to know though, I’m defiantly not using you for your fame or your money. I love you because you are my Nicky-bear not because your Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers.” Luke explained to him, trying to make sure he believed him. Nick leaned in and kissed Luke to end his rant. “I know baby, I know that you don’t want any of that. I stood up for you because you’re my boyfriend and I love you more than anything else, and that man had no right to say things like that about my lovebug. I love you.” Nick told Luke. The two of them went over to find their seats and cuddled up with each other to wait for the movie to begin.

Kourtney and Kevin and Joe and Amanda went to their seats as well. Frankie made Jimmie take him to the bathroom. He’s grown attached to Jimmie since the shopping trip, something about being able to do things for him since Joe and Kevin wont let him or something like that. Matt and Dave left to find the bar, as usual.

Josh and I went to sit down at one of the tables, to just get away from everyone for awhile. We just sat there for awhile talking and flirting when I noticed a person coming toward our table that I never wanted to say again. “Oh, God.” I groaned while putting my head down on the table and covering it with my hands. “What’s wrong?” Josh asked me. “Exboyfriend is here.” I said, which was muffled by the table somewhat. “Why is that such a bad thing?” He asked me with concern in his voice. “It’s a long story.” I replied not really sure if I wanted him to know yet.

“Well, I have all the time in the world babe, if you want to talk about.” He replied. “I’ll tell you, but you have to swear not to tell my brothers because not even they know the whole story yet. I couldn’t handle it if they knew too. Let’s go onto the patio and talk where it’s more private.” I told him grabbing his hand and leading him outside. We sat down on the bench out behind the theater.

“Okay, here’s the story.” I told him, taking a deep breathe.
♠ ♠ ♠
Somehow this chapter ended up being like insanely long so I'm posting it in two parts! Next part will be up tomorrow afternoon, I have to go to bed now seeing that it's 4:15 AM.

Shoutout to Mackenzy-kate for commenting! This chapter is dedicated to you.

Thanks to Aniza for helping me remember our plan for this chapter, wow I really couldn't remember what we had planned.

Here's links to what everyone wore to the premiere:
These Aniza made, and these I made. Hope you like them.
