Status: On hold at the moment. Kourtneyfaye's stories are also on hold. Sorry everyone :(

Chasing The Night

Chapter 14: Premiere Part 2

Josh’s POV

I sat down with Aniza on the bench outside. She was shaking and I could tell she was scared, I turned toward her and told her it would be okay. She grabbed both of my hands in hers and took a deep breathe. “Okay,” She said, “This is really hard for me to talk about, no one knows what really happened except me, him and Kourtney. If my brothers ever found out I’m pretty sure that they would kill him and I don’t want that to happen.” She explained while her eyes filled up with tears. I could tell this was going be something bad, I just didn’t know how bad. “It’s okay Aniza, you don’t have to tell me right now if you can’t.” I started but she cut me off.

“No, I need to tell someone. I want you to know. I met Robert at the Princess Protection Program premiere party. We hit it off right away and talked throughout the entire party. At the end of the night, he asked me out for the next day and we exchanged numbers. It was so nice having someone like me for me and not because of my brothers.

We dated for awhile and everything was all right. He had been pressuring me to have sex with him but I told him no and explained about my vow and he backed off. The night of our six month anniversary though, everything changed.” She stopped to take a breathe, because her voice started getting really shaky. “He picked me up and we went out for a real nice dinner and he told me he loved me, but I was really ready to tell him it back yet so I didn’t say it back to him. It didn’t seem to bother him, so after dinner we went back to his apartment to watch a movie. He started acting really weird during the movie, sitting closer then normal, more touchy just overall stuff that was making me really uncomfortable.” I could see the tears running down her face now, I took my hand and wiped away her tears while she continued explaining what happened.

“I went into the kitchen to get us both a drink and when I was at the counter he cornered me. He had an evil smirk on his face and he said that I was going to give him an anniversary present that he wanted or else. I was confused at what he meant, since I had already given him a Rolex he asked for. He then leaned in and started kissing me, I squirmed because he was getting too into and I wanted him to slow down. I was still pinned against the counter when he started whispering in my ear things about me being a tease wearing tight jeans all the time and how I was a heartless bitch for making him wait for sex. I started crying and trying to get away from him again because I knew he wasn’t going to give up like he did last time we talked about this.

My attempts to break free from him were pointless. He just got mad and backhanded me across the face, finally letting me fall to the floor. He started yelling at me again and kept hitting me saying that I will listen to him and he’ll get what he wants or I’ll regret it. I tried getting up off the floor but he kneed me in the stomach making me lose my breathe, while I was struggling to regain control over my breathing he pinned my hands on the ground and straddled me. He somehow managed to get my shirt of and tried to get my bra off. I laid still for a minute and when he was completely concentrated in trying to find the clasp (which he never found since it was in the front) I took my knee and hit him right in the balls. He rolled off of me in pain and I grabbed my shirt as fast as I could and ran out of there. I ran to Kourtney’s since it was only about a block and she let me in. I told her what happened and she took me to the hospital (under a fake name) to get the bruises and everything checked out. I had three broken ribs and my cheekbone was cracked, everything else would heal just fine.

I don’t know what Kourtney did to Robert but he left me alone for awhile, when I asked her what she did all’s she told me was he probably wouldn’t be having babies anytime in the future and sort of spaced out. I never told my brothers what happened with Robert because I knew they would kill him and I didn’t want anything to happen to them.” She finished while calming down some. I didn’t know what to say, so I sat there with her on the bench rubbing her back while she rested her head on my shoulder. “Robert has been trying to get me to get back with him for about a month now. I don’t want anything to do with him and he knows that but he wont let it go.” She told me sounding scared.

I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead before telling her, “Don’t worry anymore, baby, I wont let him anywhere near you. He’ll never hurt you again. I’ll protect you.” I whispered in her ear. She smiled and leaned up kissing my cheek calling me her hero. I blushed at this comment. I’ve never been considered a hero before, but I would do anything to make sure Aniza was safe. This jerk would not get near her again, I can guarantee that. I stood up off the bench and grabbed Aniza’s hand and pulled her up, “Come on sweetie, people are going to wonder where we are. Let’s go back to the table.” I told her, she sighed. “Don’t be scared baby, I’ll protect you.” I whispered in her ear one last time before taking her hand and leading her back inside.

Narrator’s POV

Aniza and Josh went back over to their table and joined the rest of their family and friends. They all joked around and had a great time the rest of the evening. Aniza still has not told her brothers the real reason that she broke up with Robert and isn’t sure if she ever will. The more time that she spent with Josh the less important what happened with Robert seemed. She felt that he would always protect her and that made her feel completely safe for the first time in months.

The group partied with each other enjoying their last night of their week long break from tour. Tomorrow morning they would reload the tour bus and continue on this crazy tour for the next eight months. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the new movie and even chatted with the stars about it afterward.

Amanda got pretty star struck in front of Tom Felton and everyone picked on her for that, but it was all in good fun. At the end of the night, Amanda, Kourtney and Aniza went to stay at Amanda’s apartment for a much needed girls night. Frankie somehow talked Matt, Dave, and Jimmie into camping out in a tent with him for the night in the Jonas backyard. Josh, Joe, Nick, and Kevin all spent the night thinking of new pranks for the second leg of the tour, just because the contest is over doesn’t mean that pranks wont still happen.

Everyone met up in front of the tour buses at 6 am to begin the second part of this tour. Next stop, Las Vegas, Nevada.
♠ ♠ ♠

Shoutouts to:




Thanks for the constant comments from both of you, we really appreiciate it!!

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Aniza your up! Have fun with them being in Vegas!
