Status: On hold at the moment. Kourtneyfaye's stories are also on hold. Sorry everyone :(

Chasing The Night

Chapter 18: Bus changes and hospital visits.

Aniza’s POV

It’s been almost a week since Melinda has joined our tour. Her and Matt are so alike it’s scary. They are like perfect for each other, but as of right now, they have decided to be just friends so that can actually get to know each other. Melinda fits in great with all of us actually. It’s like we’ve known her our whole lives rather than a week. I’m glad that Matt wasn’t mad with the prank and it ended out as a good thing for everyone. Since that night though, we have decided to completely end the prank war because nothing could top pretending to get Matt married.

“Aniza.” I heard Josh call my name from the front of the bus, pulling me out of my thoughts. “In the lounge.” I called out to him. He appeared there about a minute later. He saw me and smiled before leaning over to where I was seated on the couch and giving me a quick kiss before sitting down next to me. He pulled me over to sit on his lap once he was comfortable. “Morning baby.” He said after I was in his lap before he kissed me again.

See that pile of mush on the floor right there? Yeah, that’s me. It’s amazing how he makes me feel.

“Morning.” I said and yawned, and cuddled up with him shutting my eyes. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist before leaning his head on mine.

It was currently 4:00 AM and everyone is supposed to meet in our bus by 4:30 for a meeting with Every Avenue’s manager, Adam. Our dad told us that he agreed with whatever Adam said so go with it since he can’t be here as the boy’s manager. Kevin came in and told me that we were only a block from Starbucks so we could go quickly before everyone got here. I smiled and slid of Josh’s lap, kissing him quickly then turning to get coffee with my big brother.

We quickly made our way to Starbucks. We decided that we didn’t have time to drink our coffee’s there so we headed back to the bus, but not before getting everyone there favorite drink. It’s 4 AM, we were going to need our coffee. We made it back to the bus about 4:20, to find everyone except Nick in the lounge already, including Adam. Kevin took all the drinks and started passing them out to everyone. “Where’s Nick?” I asked noticing he was the only one missing from the group, even Luke was there. “I think he’s still sleeping.” Mumbled a sleepy Joe. “I’ll get him.” I told the group before turning and heading toward the bunks.

To my surprise though, when I got to Nick’s bunk he was awake, but he was sitting there with his legs drawn up to his chest and his arms wrapped around them with his head resting on his knees. To most people they would just think he was tired, but I knew my brother and he was either sick or crying when he sat like this. “Nicky. What’s wrong?” I asked him. He raised his head up to look at me and I could see pain on his face. I sat down on his bunk and he immediately curled up to my side. “What’s wrong baby J?” I asked him again, slightly worried. “Sick.” He mumbled. I felt his forehead, he was burning up. “Nick, you have a fever, what else is wrong?” I asked him. “Stomach, throat, head, levels.” He told me quietly. I could hear when he spoke that he was losing his voice. “Your levels?” I asked. He nodded before explaining that one minute there high and the next low. I told him to stay in his bunk and go back to sleep and I would be back to check on him. He started to tell me he needed to go to the meeting, but that was the least of my concerns. “Nick you’re sick. You need to stay in your bunk. I will tell you what happens in the meeting, for now get some sleep. I’m going to talk to Kevin and then call mom because I think we need to get you to a hospital. If your levels are messed up something is wrong.” I told him. He reluctantly agreed and laid down.

“Nisi.” I heard him whisper to me. I turned around, “Yeah Nicky?” “Can Luke come sit with me while you are in the meeting?” He whispered again, apparently his throat was hurting him a bit more then he lead on. I smiled, they were so perfect together. “Sure Nick. I’ll send him right in.” I told him.

I walked back into the lounge and everyone fell quiet and looked at me. “Where’s Nick?” Joe asked sounding much more awake then when I left. “He’s sick. He’s got a fever and his voice is shot. He also said his head, stomach and throat hurt. His levels are all over the place too.” I explained with a sigh sitting next to Josh on the floor. Luke got up from where he was sitting before muttering something about fill him in on the meeting later and leaving the room to go be with Nick.

I busted out laughing at this. Everyone looked at me weirdly. I calmed down a bit to explain what Nick had said to me about wanting Luke to go sit with him. Everyone laughed at that and I grabbed the band’s Blackberry out of my pocket to text my dad. I knew if I texted him from the band’s Blackberry, he knew it would be important and get back to me quicker.

Adam coughed to get our attention, saying that we were doing this meeting now with or without everyone. “Asshole.” Josh muttered under his breathe causing those of us in ear range to laugh quietly.

While Adam talked business to the bands, I decided to go ahead and text Dad about Nick’s illness to see if he felt we should take him to the hospital or not. He told me to check on him in an hour and if he wasn’t better then take him to the nearest hospital and call them back.

I stopped texting my dad when I looked up and noticed everyone looking at me, “What?” I asked. Josh whispered in my ear they have been saying your name for like two minutes now, I blushed and looked down. “Oops my bad, I was asking Dad if we should take Nick to the hospital or not. So, what are we talking about?” I asked. “Well, I wanted your attention back on this meeting before we started talking about the bus situation.” Adam spat at me. I cowered back from him and into Josh slightly. He noticed and glared at their manager. “Adam, can we continue this fun little meeting here without you being a dick to people who don’t deserve it?” Josh asked him. Adam scowled and continued talking completely ignoring Josh.

“As I was saying, when we get to the next venue, it has been decided that everyone’s going to be switching buses. We got one big bus for all of you to share instead of two separate buses. The backup instrumentalists for the Jonas boys will have their own bus together. We will arrive at the next venue in approximately two days and you will need to have all of your things packed and ready to be moved to the new bus the minute we get there. If Nick is to ill to pack his own shit, Aniza you will pack it. Understood?” He said with much more force then he should of. I just nodded before he continued, didn’t he understand Nick was sick? The room was silent, apparently everyone was getting fed up with Adam’s attitude and condescending tone, it was obvious.

“Now, there is a concert tonight and a free day tomorrow, but due to the email I just received from Paul, we will be switching that because he feels that Little Nicky will need some recovery time from being sick today.” He said as he rolled his eyes. “So your free day is today now. Enjoy it.” He finished.

By the time he was finished I could feel Josh shaking from anger, I knew Adam was pushing everyone’s buttons but I didn’t want Josh to do anything that would get in trouble. As soon as Adam stormed off the bus I got up and planted myself in Josh’s lap to calm him down. He looked down at me (curse my shortness) and smiled. I knew that would calm him down some. I leaned up and connected our lips in a kiss filled with love and passion. I felt him smile into it before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him if that was possible. He pulled back with a smile when breathing became necessary. “How do you do that?” He asked me with a goofy look on his face.

“Do what?” I asked him with a smile. “Kiss me and make all of my problems just disappear.” He told me with a wink kissing my cheek. “That my dear, is love.” I explained to him before telling him I was going to check on Nick, everyone else in the room was busying talking amongst themselves mostly about Adam’s appalling behavior.

When I got over to the bunks this time no one was there. I heard talking in the bathroom and went to check on it. Nick was throwing up and Luke was rubbing his back comforting him. “Luke, how long has he been throwing up?” I asked him as soon as I saw him. “Uh, about half an hour.” He told me. “Nicky, we need to get you to the hospital, this obviously isn’t going away.” I told him before telling Luke to go grab both of their shoes so we could go. He left and Nick finally stopped throwing up. I helped him stand up so he could wash out his mouth. Luke returned with their shoes and helped him put them on. I left the room to tell Kevin what was going on.

“Hey Kev.” I said entering the lounge, breaking up him and Kourt’s make out session. “Uh, yeah?” He asked with his cheeks turning pink, as well as Kourtney’s. “Nick’s not getting any better, I’m taking him to the hospital. Luke is coming along, and so is Josh. I’ll call when we know what’s up okay?” I told him. “Okay, tell Nick I said to feel better.” He said. “All right.” I said before turning to grab my keys, I noticed Luke and Josh help Nick out to the car. I quickly made my way around to unlock the door and open the backseat doors so they helped him slide in. He laid down across the backseat with his head in Luke’s lap. Luke was whispering something to him I couldn’t hear and running his fingers through Nick’s curls. If Nick wasn’t so sick it would be adorable.

I pulled out of the parking lot we were in and started driving to the hospital. I was really worried about Nick, usually he is healthy for the most part well except the diabetes thing so seeing him this weak and venerable was heartbreaking. I felt Josh grab my hand over the console and rub his thumb over my knuckles. I smiled. The gesture wasn’t much but it managed to calm me down, just like Josh knew it would. He told me everything would be okay. I tried to believe him, but would everything really?

I pulled into the ER parking lot and Josh and Luke helped Nick inside where he was taken back right away. They wouldn’t let us go in with him so we were stuck to wait it out in the waiting room.
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Thanks for the paitence everyone. It's been awhile. Sorry about that, but I'm back and ready to go. Aniza just started school again but hopefully updates are faster .

Thanks to the commentors and subscribers.
