Status: On hold at the moment. Kourtneyfaye's stories are also on hold. Sorry everyone :(

Chasing The Night

Chapter 2 : Starbucks and Surprises

Kevin and I arrived at Starbucks about ten minutes later. “Keys!” He demanded once we were parked.

“Whoa K2, were you really that scared? I don’t drive that badly do I?” I questioned playing innocent, so I may have run a stop sign or two, who hasn’t?

“Aniza, you were going 70 in a zone specified for 25.” Kevin said.

“Oh, ha-ha. Oops, my bad.” I muttered while following him inside our favorite coffee shop. Once inside Kevin went up to get our usual drinks while I grabbed the table. A Chia Tea Latte for him and a Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino for me.

The two of us go to Starbucks together everyday, just me and him. It’s a tradition we started the day we found out Nick had diabetes. That day we went and were able to just talk with each other. We’ve been going to Starbucks everyday together since. Whenever someone asks to go with us, Kevin simply tells them that it’s “twin time.” Eventually everyone figured out that this was our time and stopped asking to go. Our “twin time” is essential for us. No matter what city we are in or how busy the boys schedule is, Kev and I always start our day with our Starbucks trip.

When Kevin returns to the table with our drinks, we decide to talk about tour for awhile. We talked about everything from the new stage, new setup, the fact that Frankie will only be with us for three weeks (he’s trying out public school for the first time this September) and we wont have parents on the trip. Everything we could think of for tour we talked about. All except one thing, and it was bugging me.

“So Kevin.” I started.

“So Aniza.” He answered mockingly.

“Who’s the opening act for this tour my lovely brothers are headlining?” I asked finally, hoping to get some sort of an answer.

“Well, that is a surprise for you.” Kevin replied with a smirk.

“What, but why. Tell me Kevy come on, please!” I whined to him, knowing well that usually works on him.

He rolled his eyes and got up to throw his cup so we could go to the car while finishing our conversation. “Aniza, that wont work on me this time. This is a surprise because were trying to do something nice for you. But I was told that I am allowed to tell you part of your surprise now. The other part you’ll get when we get home. The band is coming over for a last minute tour meeting.”

Kevin got in a started the car, I followed suit and got in the passenger seat. He pulled out of the space and started driving in the opposite direction of our house.

“Umm, Kev. Where are you going? The house is the other way.” I asked rather confused.

“Well,” He started with a smile. “We need to pick up part one of your surprise. Me, Joe, Nick as well as the rest of the band have been talking. We discussed that it really wasn’t fair that you had to go on tour with all these boys alone, so we felt it was appropriate to have Kourtney join us for tour as well.” He finished completely beaming. (God, when is he going to admit he likes her?)

“Oh My God. Kevin are you serious? She’s going? She’s never been allowed to go on tour before. This is amazing. You all are the best brothers a girl could ask for.” I said really excited. I always hating leaving Kourt stuck her with her parents when we went on tour. They don’t get along at all, which is why she’s always at our house. “Does she know yet?” I asked after realizing we were picking her up right now.

“Yeah, the last time she was at the house I asked for her number.” He blushed. “You know, for the tour purposes.” He stuttered out after noticing he said he asked for her number.

Being the little sister in this situation I decided to bug Kev about his crush on Kourt. It’s so painfully obvious and we still had about five minutes until we got to her house anyway.

“So are you going to use this tour as an opportunity to finally admit you like Kourt and do something about it?” I asked. As soon as he heard this, the blush appeared on his cheeks.

“I have no clue what you are talking about” he said, obviously lying as he bit his lip. (That’s his tell, when he lies he bites his lip.)

“Come on Kevin we all can tell you like her. You smile whenever someone says her name. Your eyes lit up when you see her. And you blush whenever she’s around. Not to mention the blatant staring from both of you. She likes you too. Just think about this, we are going to be on tour for nine months, that’s a long time. Just use that time to get closer to her, you never know what might happen.”

“I will, ok? I just don’t want something bad to happen between us and screw up her relationship with the rest of the family. Everyone loves her, I don’t want to mess that up.”
“Kev, stop thinking so negatively. If something happened and you didn’t work out at least you tired. As for her and the rest of the family, don’t worry about it, we will all be fine. Just do what makes you happy for once.” I told him as we were pulling into her driveway. I noticed she was sitting on her duffel back in the middle of her front yard, I-pod headphones in. I rolled my eyes at this, her parents are either fighting or picking on her.

“Hey Kourt.” I said as I got out of the car. She turned off the Ipod and glared at me.

“You know I hate that nickname.” She said with a smile.

“But I get to call you that anyway right?” I asked innocently.

“Only because you’re my bestie!” She replied hugging me. [[A/N This is a real conversation Aniza and I had over AIM the other day. I hate being called Kourt but let her anyways.]]

“So are you ready to go?” Kevin asked picking up her duffle bag, he blushed when Kourtney looked up at him.

“Absolutely, I’m so excited. This is the first time I’ve gotten to go on tour. I can’t wait.” She replied smiling again.

“So what are you waiting for lets GO!” I said pulling her to the car. “There’s a surprise waiting for me at home and I for one can’t wait.”

“Oh you mean that.” Kourtney started.

“Kourtney don’t say it, its supposed to be a surprise.” Kevin interrupted her.

“You know?” I asked her. She nodded This so isn’t far how come everyone knows but me.
The drive back to our house was filled with excited chatter from me and Kourtney about tour. The occasional respnse from Kevin thrown in there too.

When we pulled into our driveway I noticed an unfamiliar SUV parked in front of our house. Wonder who that could be, I thought to myself.

“Honey I’m home.” I hollered as the three of us walked in the door. Kevin helped Kourtney upstairs with her bag.

“In here.” My Mom answered from the living room.

As I walked into the living room I froze. Sitting on the couch with my brothers and parents was…

A/N : Sorry about the slight cliffhanger there. Had to leave you guessing. Although I’m sure you all know who it is.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, it's sorta a filler.
Cliffhangerish moment. Chapter 3 coming up soon!
I've got most of it typed, still need to finish it. I wont make you all wait a month again I promise!!!
[[After that Aniza it will be your turn. You've got chapter 4! That ok?]]

I am SOOO sorry about the wait on this chapter.
It's been insanly crazy around my house lately (and I broke my arm. Twice. haha funny story. Dont jump on trampolines in the rain.BAD IDEA!!) but I'm trying to get at least the chapters I have prewritten out .
Big thanks to all of my readers for being so paitent with me.

Shoutouts to our commenters :



mackenzy-kate (special thanks for the idea help and pushing to get this out.)

Comments always appreciated!