Status: On hold at the moment. Kourtneyfaye's stories are also on hold. Sorry everyone :(

Chasing The Night

Chapter 3: Surprises, Swimming and Sleepovers

As I walked into the living room I froze. Sitting on the couch with my brothers and parents was my favorite band in the entire world, besides my brothers obviously, Every Avenue. I squealed when I saw them. Everyone in the room turned to look at me when they heard that. ‘Well that’s embarrassing. Keep it together Aniza.’ I told myself blushing. ‘They’re just normal guys. Calm down.’

The boys stood up and sort of formed a little line for introductions. One by one they gave me a hug and introduced themselves. “Hey I’m Dave.” “Yo, I’m Matt.” “Hi, I’m Jimmie. “And last but not least I’m Josh.”

When Josh hugged me I couldn’t help but feel a tingle through my body. I have had a crush on him for so long and now I’m finally meeting him in person in my living room.
“I’m Aniza Jonas.” I told them, surprisingly my voice came out a lot calmer than I was expecting. I turned to see if Kourtney was freaking out about seeing her favorite band as well. She wasn’t even paying attention to them. Her and Kevin were busy sitting on the couch flirting with each other like they were the only people in the room. They just need to admit they like each other already and get it over with.

I turned my attention back to Josh who had been trying to tell me something about the tour. “So are you excited for tour?” He asked.

“Yes, of course I am. My favorite band is opening for my brothers. My best friend in the entire world is going with us for the first time ever and my parents wont be there to treat us like were five.” I replied. ‘Yeah, I love my mom and dad but sometimes they need to see that Kev and I are 23, Joe is 21, and Nick is 18. Were not little kids anymore.’

“Me too. It’s weird to be touring with your brothers though. They have such a different fan base than us. This tour should defiantly be interesting!” He said with an adorable smile.

“Yeah, I think the record label said something about a tour with someone who had different fans than them would help broaden their fan base or something.” I told him.
“Well, I’m glad that we are going on this tour, now that I know they have such a cute sister.” He whispered to me winking and walking over to the other boys in the band so they could finish their meeting.

I walked over to where my brothers were standing with a huge smile on my face. “You guys were touring with Every Avenue and never told me?” I asked them excitedly but managing to keep my voice quiet since they were still in the room.

“Well, you’ve been sort of depressed lately since your last relationship didn’t go well at all, we asked the record company if we could somehow tour with them to make our big sister happy.” Nick explained.

“Wait, you did this for me? How does that work isn’t this tour all about you guys being international rock stars now?” I asked slightly confused.

“Niza, were you brothers. Yeah, we are musicians but our family comes first. This is a big tour for us but we still want to make you happy to. Since you are coming on this tour we wanted to make sure that you were completely comfortable with who we are touring with. No random Disney Pop Princess to pick fights with you.” Joe said with a laugh, thinking of the time when they toured with Demi. Man did she have it out for me, even them I’m four years older than her. [A/N: I have nothing against Demi, she is a great person and I love her music, I just needed a bad person and Miley is overused.]

“Plus, it helps that you are in love with Josh.” Kevin said with a smirk.

“That’s not true, I don’t love him, I don’t know him. I just met him five minutes ago.” I argued.

“That maybe true Aniza, but we all know that you have had a crush on Josh since you first heard of EA.” interrupted Kourtney. Wow, I didn’t know she was standing there.

‘Shit she had a point there.’ “Ok, so maybe that’s true, but we just met. There’s no way he likes me back.” I said.

“Well, maybe you can spend time with him on this tour and get to know him. Who knows what could happen in nine months.” Kevin said as Joe, Kourtney and Nick left to sit on the couch.

“Yeah, that could work. As long as you take your own advice.” I told Kevin as I patted him on the shoulder and turned to join my best friend and younger brothers on the couch.
“Okay everyone lets finish this meeting now that the girls are here.” Dad said.
For the next hour and a half we discussed tour rules, venue rules, sleeping arrangements, and all that other boring necessary tour information. Dad and EA’s manager were talking to themselves more than the group, then they turned to us to make sure we understood everything.

About five minutes later I sort of zoned out and started looking around the group. Dad was in full lecture mood completely oblivious to what was going on around him. Mom and Frankie escaped the room somehow without Dad noticing. How they managed that I’ll never know. Joe was busy texting someone on his phone. Matt and Jimmie were both blankly staring off into to space tuning out Dad and their manager. Kevin and Kourtney were texting each other even though they were sitting next to each other. Kourtney was quietly giggling and Kevin was blushing while staring at her with wide eyes. Hmm, wonder what she just said to him, I’ll ask her tonight. Nick was sitting there trying to listen to Dad but focusing more on the dog sitting on his lap. Elvis was laying on his back with his head on Nick’s lap trying to get his belly scratched.

I looked over to Josh and he was staring at me. He noticed I saw him and quickly looked down. Okay, in the famous words of my brother, that was awkward. “Aniza, are you listening.” I heard Dad question

“Uh, yeah I was. Heard it all Dad.” I said quickly earning a laugh from everyone in the room. No clue why they’re laughing though, it’s not like any of them were paying attention either. I just called out because he asked me a question.

“I asked you if you would mind watching Frankie while your brothers perform for the three weeks he’s there since we wont be there with you. We will be picking him up after the California concert on August 23 so he can start school on the 25th with his class.” Dad stated obviously not buying my lie.

“Sure dad no problem.” I stated. With that the meeting was dismissed. We leave for tour in two days and the boys from EA would be staying here to get to know us until then. We decided to just go outside to go swimming. Everyone took turns changing in the three bathrooms upstairs and finally everyone made it outside about 20 minutes later. Kourtney and I sat on the pool chairs in the sun while everyone else jumped right in.

“You excited for tour Kourt?” I asked her.

“Yes, its going to be epic. Spending the next nine months out of my house away from my parents touring the world with my best friend in the whole world and both of my favorite bands. What could be better than that.” She said smiling.

“Admit it, your excited for tour to spend time with my brother.” I teased. She just blushed and looked at me with a smirk, “I’ll admit it when you admit you like Josh.” She said back.
“We already talked about this Kourt.” I groaned.

“Ok, ok. We wont talk about it anymore I promise.” She said. “Lets get in the pool.”

As soon as we got in the pool Joe declared a game of chicken. Partners were: Kourtney and Kevin, Me and Joe, Nick and Frankie, Matt and Josh, Jimmie and Dave. First round Joe and I got out first thanks to his wonderful balance. It was taking to long for someone else to get out so me and Joe cheated. We knocked Kevin’s feet out from under him making him fall forward and drop Kourt into the water. The next out after that was Nick and Frankie since Nick wouldn’t stop laughing at Kevin, Kevin pushed him over.

With it jut being two groups left, Things got sort of intense. Jimmie and Matt were trying to pull each other off their partner’s shoulders but neither was budging, so I got an idea. “Hey Josh, are you ticklish?” I asked him.

He looked at me confused, “Umm why?” He questioned. I just smirked at him and swam over to where they were and poked him in the side. He squealed and tried to move away from me. That was easy.

I tickled his side just a bit and he ended up dropping Matt off his shoulders while laughing. “Cheater!” Matt yelled at me once he resurfaced.

“Eh, oh well. You guys were taking to long and I was getting bored.” I said. “Let’s go in and watch a movie or something.” I turned and heading for the house after receiving several ‘sures’ or ‘okays’ from the group. Kourt and I went up to my room and changed out of swimsuits. She threw her hair in a ponytail and I left mine in its natural curly state.

We got back downstairs to see all the boys had already changed and were making a bed of blankets and pillows on the floor since we only had two couches in the living room and we had all decided earlier that day to just all nine just sleep in there. I jumped on one couch by Matt and Josh. Kourtney took a seat on one couch by herself and was soon sandwiched between Joe and Kevin. Nick, Jimmie, and Dave all sat on the blankets. We decided to watch Transformers. At some point in the movie Matt and Joe ended up on the floor, not exactly sure how but whatever. Kourtney was laying down and Kevin was behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist and her head resting on his chest. I started getting sleepy and wanted to lay down but I didn’t want Josh to be uncomfortable so I decided to lay down on the floor with my brothers. I moved to get off the couch but Josh grabbed my arm.

“Hey, where you going?” He asked.

“To lay on the floor.” I answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I’m tired and that way you can have the couch.” I explained.

“You can lay here too, I mean, if you want.” Josh said in a whisper. He then laid down using the armrest as a pillow and patted the space in front of him. I moved to lay down where he told me and he wrapped his arm around me rest. I couldn’t help but blush in this situation, laying on the couch with my crush and favorite singer, talk about dream come true. “Thanks.” I whispered once I was comfortable. I quickly feel asleep.


I woke up the next morning to camera flashes and loud whispers. “Whoever has that camera is going to die when I get up.” I threatened with my eyes still closed not wanting to be awake yet.

“Joe, I told you so.” Nick giggled.(Yes he giggled, Nick has his feminine moments!)

“Again, ugh Joe not now, I’m tired.” I complained burying myself closer to Josh. He laughed, “Good morning to you too.” He said.

“Morning, not so good, I’m so tired.” I complained. Again he laughed, well someone sure woke up happy I thought.

“Of course I did, I woke up to a beautiful girl this morning.” He said with a smile. “Crap I said that out loud didn’t I?” I question. “Yeah, but it’s all right.” He said while getting up and stretching.

“Niza, get ready. Starbucks before our meeting at 9. It’s 8 now. You need to move quick. We haven’t missed out on our coffee time in several years and I’m not starting now.” Kevin said from the kitchen. I groaned but didn’t complain, I knew he was serious. I left to get ready. Five minutes, I think that’s a new record for myself. With that Kevin and I left to satisfy our addiction for the morning.


Once Kevin and I got back from Starbucks, where Kevin said he asked Kourtney out last night, FINALLY! We went back to the house where both bands were waiting to leave for their press conference for the new upcoming tour that starts tomorrow! The press conference lasted about two hours. All reporters seemed to be focusing on was if the boys had girlfriends they were leaving at home, and how this match up occurred between the two bands. Seriously reporters need to realize asking the same question repeatedly just rewording is going to get them the same answer ever. During the press conference Kourtney and I were watching Frankie. We were all riding on scooters down the hallway. When the press conference was over we went to Red Robin for lunch.

At lunch Joe managed to somehow get not only the waitress number but the hostess’ as well. His reason for getting the numbers was because he can. Kourtney, Kevin, Nick, Dave and Matt were at one half of the table having their own conversation, sort of excluding the other half of the table but oh well, I’m just glad everyone seems to be getting along so well! Frankie sat on one side of me coloring in his kiddy menu. Josh sat on the other side of me doing a rap with Joe for some comical relief I guess. Jimmie and I were talking about how Every Avenue was currently drummer less and unsure of what to do since the tour started tomorrow. Kourtney butted into our conversation (apparently she was eavesdropping) and said that she had been playing drums for eight years. It was her passion. So it was decided that she would play drums for the tour for them seeing as they needed one by tomorrow!

After lunch we all headed back to the house to finish up some last minute packing and to rest before having to get up at 3 am. We had to be on the road by 4. I just wanted to lounge and watch movies again but everyone wanted to go help Kourtney learn the EA songs for tour, which may be a good idea. I told them to go and I would just lay in the living room, Josh stayed with me. They didn’t need him to practice apparently so he decided to hang out with me.

I sat on the couch, he put in The Hills Have Eyes. When he hit play he sat over on the couch next to me. About halfway through the movie I started hiding my eyes, this maybe the only scary movie that actually creeps me out. Josh noticed and laughed a little. “Aniza are you scared?” He teased.

“Psh, no of course not.” I insisted, right as I got scared and squealed. He told me to scoot over and he put his arm around me. I cuddled into his side. He looked down at me and smiled, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” He said.

I must have fallen asleep somewhere in the middle of the movie because when I woke up I noticed everyone else in the room sleeping as well, in the same spots as last night. Josh had somehow laid down on the couch and I was laying next to him. I looked at the clock on the DVD player and it said 2:50 AM. Everyone else is getting up in ten minutes anyway may as well get up, I thought to myself. I tried to get up off the couch but Josh had a grip on my waist. “Is it time to get up already?” He mumbled into the back of my neck. “Well we have about ten more minutes before everyone needs to wake up.” I told him. With that he pulled me back down next to him, “In that case,” he said, “Stay here, your warm if you get up I’ll be cold.” “Ok.” I said, seeing it pointless to argue.

Ten minutes later Kev’s alarm woke everyone up. We all got up got dressed and ready to go. We started loading up the bus also. Right at 4:00, we said our goodbyes to our parents and got on the bus, officially ready to start this exciting new tour.
♠ ♠ ♠
[[This chapter turned out being extremly long. It was like 11 pages on word.]]

Thanks to everyone that has been reading this!

Shoutouts to our commentors:


take the fall


Hope you like this one, it took FOREVER. I kept changing how I wanted this one to go.

Aniza's turn with the begining of the tour ! Have Fun!!
