Status: On hold at the moment. Kourtneyfaye's stories are also on hold. Sorry everyone :(

Chasing The Night

Chapter 6: Prank War

"Hey Aniza, by the way payback really is a bitch isn't it." I mimicked what Josh had said to me to Kevin and he started laughing. "It's not funny Kevin!"

"Yeah it is. Maybe I should tag team with Josh for payback on you." I glared at him while taking a sip of my frappuccino.

"You know two can play that game." I said challenging what he was suggesting. "I'm sure Kourt would be more then happy to pull a few pranks on you and Josh with me."

He smirked before asking "What makes you think that you would be able to?"

"Because I know that as soon as you see her, you're going to be staring at her and stop everything you were doing before that moment." I responded with a smirk of my own and he blushed. "Which reminds me, where are you taking my best friend on your first date?"

"Uh... I haven't exactly thought it through yet." He admitted sheepishly, "I was hoping that you could help me out with that."

Right when I was going to answer him his phone went off and so did mine with a text.

'This means war!' Kourtney's text caught me off guard.

'What happened?' I texted back and not even a minute later I got a text back

'Josh and Kevin tag teaming is what happened. I woke up to shaving cream on my face and then a gallon of water getting dunked on me right after!'

As soon as I finished reading that text Kevin busted out laughing. I didn't need to ask him what happened to know this meant war.

"You are so going down." I declared before chugging down the rest of my frap. Kevin chuckled and replied "Dream on."


"So, what's the plan?" I asked Kourtney when we were on our bus. The only person we had to worry about hearing us was Frankie and he was with my brothers at the moment.

"What do we have?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Some cans of shaving cream, paint, water guns, arts and crafts stuff..." The light bulb went off in my head after I started to analyze what categorized in arts in crafts. "Glitter!"

Kourtney raised an eyebrow at me. "Glitter? What for?"

"To make their clothes shiny! Oh, and when they go to sleep we could totally paint their faces!" I said loving my idea already.

"I love the idea and all, but how are we supposed to get to Kevin's clothes when you know perfectly well that their outfit coordinator is protecting it with her life?" Kourtney asked and I shrugged.

"It's only one shirt. It's not like she'll kill me because I messed it up." I replied hesitantly. Maybe she would.......

"If we pull this off, do you know how mortified they would be?" I smiled thinking about it and Kourtney rolled her eyes playfully while shaking her head at my childish thoughts.

"What? I have nothing else better to do. All I have to do is watch Frankie and I'm sure he would keep the guys away from the dressing rooms just so we have enough time to pull the prank."

"Okay but we should paint their faces with bright colors and random designs plus I think we could do one or two more pranks before the show." She added and I grinned.

"It's settled then. Operation PJK is a go."


“Prank Josh and Kevin." Kourtney's mouth formed an 'O' before we went to look for the point.


Josh POV

“Josh, Aniza knows about what you did to Kourtney this morning.” Kevin informs me as I rounded around the corner to talk to him.

“Kourtney called her?” I asked and he shook his head.

“Texting. Now they are bound to prank us. She basically gave me the look that said 'This means war.'” He replied and I smiled.

“Perfect! I need something to do for the day anyways.” He looked at me with a raised eyebrow but shrugged it off.

“So what’s the plan?” He asked when we started walking around and ‘Barbie Girl’ was playing out of one of the shops that were nearby.

“Blast Barbie girl to get them up while video taping them getting scared shit less and post it on youtube. We win the war and totally brag about it at the next show." I explained and Kevin smirked.
"We are so going to win this." Kevin said and we high fived.

The next day >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Kevin POV
My alarm clock woke me up and I had a evil smirk on my face. I can't wait to see their faces when we prank them. I walked into the bathroom before meeting up with Josh in front of the girl's bus. I rubbed my eyes before looking into the mirror and I gasped.

"I can't believe they did this." I said out loud looking at all the paint they put on my face. Paint was covering almost my whole face with all the colors splattered everywhere. I tried to rub it off but it wouldn't come off. Then I tried washing it off with a wash cloth and I saw that only a little came off. This isn't how I wanted to start off this morning.

After about twenty minutes trying to wipe all of it off, finally realizing that it would be a couple of days before all of it comes off, I met Josh in front of the girl's bus to see him with the same paint on his face like me.

"They got you too." Josh said as he noticed the paint. "This is war!" He declared before opening the bus door and slowly walking into the bus. I had the video camera already ready and we started to record.

"Hey everybody this is Josh." Josh said quietly at the camera. I turned it around to face me.

"Hey everyone it's Kevin." I said to the camera before returning the attention back to Josh.

"If you haven't noticed yet, our faces are painted. Well, Aniza and Kourtney decided to be funny and prank us and this is the result. So we're about to have our revenge." Josh whispered while we walked up slowly up to their bunks. "Now, we're going to blast the song 'Barbie Girl' through these speakers for their wake up call and you guys are going to see their reactions."

Josh put a speaker on their bunks and set his Iphone at full volume before pressing play.

"Hiya Barbie
Hi Ken!
You wanna go for a ride?
Sure, Ken!
Jump in!
Ha ha ha ha"

Kourtney was the first one to scream and hit her head with the top of her bunk. Aniza quickly followed and she hit her head with the top of the bunk.

"Turn that crap off!" She yelped before stumbling out of her bed and falling on the floor with a 'thud.'

Josh and I were laughing and Josh turned to the camera saying "We hope you enjoyed" and we ran off before Aniza could get up. Revenge is so sweet.


Josh POV
"Hey Josh. I posted the video in the afternoon and we already have 20,000 views!" Kevin announced talking a seat in front of me with his guitar in hand. We were currently under lock down so we have time to chill out.

"That's awesome! We can totally brag about it tonight!" I said excitedly. We started talking about the line up of songs for the show and how we were going to brag about winning the prank war.


Kourtney POV
"I'm going to be laughing so hard when they get up there." Aniza says admiring her glitter artwork on Josh's shirt. I was currently finishing up Kevin's when Frankie peeked in.

"Hurry! I can hear them rounding the corner." He said and we quickly exited the dressing room and walked away before they could see us with Frankie tagging along. We high fived each other and then watch as all the guys came back out, obviously unaware of what has happened to their clothes.

"Two minutes everybody!" A guy called out through the speaker and I was thanking God that we did prayer before they put on those shirts and I got to my spot on the drums before they opened the curtains. The guys gave me the look of 'Where were you?' but I just ignored it. Matt was the first one to notice Josh's shirt.

"Josh, what's up with the shirt? It looks like a cat glitter puked on it." Matt joked and Josh finally looked down.

"Aw fu..." Before Josh could finish the sentence the curtains opened and Matt, Jimmie, Dave, and I were laughing at Josh's mortified face. He immediately glared at me with a look that said 'I know you did this.' Dave noticed this and high fived me.

The entire crowd started laughing when they noticed Josh’s face and the glitter on his shirt. Then once everyone quieted down we heard a very feminine sounding male scream from backstage and an angry Kevin appeared at the edge of the stage wearing an equally glittery shirt. I leaned up into my microphone “Kevin Jonas everybody.”

I pointed out and everyone started laughing again. Kevin waved and stomped over to where Josh was. He took the mic. “Apparently this glitter on our shirts is the girls attempt at getting us back in our prank war.” Kevin said.

Josh took the mic back. “How many of you saw our new you tube video this morning?” He questioned and a bunch of the crowd screamed.” I cut him off, “Before he explains this prank war lets have Aniza come out here on stage and be a part of this too considering shes part of the war.”

"How's everybody doing tonight?!" Aniza screamed into the mic and a roar of a screaming was the response. "Awesome! Well, Kevin, Josh, Kourtney, and I are currently in a prank war. Since Josh decided to dump a gallon of water on my best friend to wake her up, we painted their faces with paint...."

Kevin cut in, "Then we got revenge on them which resulted in the very funny Youtube video most of you have seen. I say we did a pretty good job considering both Kourtney and Aniza hit their heads and Aniza fell out of her bed."

We glared at him and Josh cut in. “For those of you who haven’t seen the you tube video, let me clue you in.” He starts. “I got my I-phone out this morning turning it to full volume before blaring Barbie Girl in the bunk rudely awaking these two lovelies here.” He said handing me back the mic.

Kevin starts talking about how they should win the prank war because their prank was better, which starts a little no we should win, no, yes, argument between Aniza and Kevin. The crowd just laughs at the twins antics. I laugh thinking about how the whole prank war got started. Josh looks at the crowd like he has something to say. I bring the mic up into between me and him.

"So Josh, got something to say to the audience out here?” I ask causing everyone to scream. I’m not sure why Jonas fans seem to scream for no reason at shows. Kevin and Aniza’s attention is back on us.

“Well, Kourtney I was actually thinking about how this whole prank thing got started in the first place.” He said smugly, staring at Aniza.

“Oh, I remember. It was by your and Aniza obnoxious flirting that started all of this.” I reply with a smirk. The arena goes silent with the exception of gasps coming from some of the fans, I’m guessing EA fans? Seriously is it a big deal if we date, come on it’s only natural.

“Yeah by that.” He says proudly, while glancing over at Aniza who’s face is bright pink. “I think we should change up this prank war we have going on here.” He tells everyone, but aiming it toward the three of us.

“Okay, what should we do instead of pranks?” Asks Kevin.

“Well,” Josh says. “I think we just turn up the flirting. It’s obvious I like Aniza and Kevin it’s so obvious you and Kourt here are head over heels for one another. So why don’t we make this into a kissing competition between the boys and the girls? All you have to do is flirt with the person you are interested in. No limits. Then whoever breaks down and kisses the person they are flirting with loses the competition.” He says causing half the audience to gasp, a few to cry out NO and some to laugh. “The prize for the winners is a prize of their choice from the loser. It has to be something they already have or can do for them.” He finishes.
I notice Kevin’s blush when Josh said we like each other. Maybe he does like me, I thought. This is my chance to get closer with him. “I’m in.” I said into my mic, causing Aniza to turn and glare at me, apparently she was still thinking about it. “Me too.” Kevin says smiling shyly at me. “Okay, I’m in too.” Aniza says finally. “Okay let the games begin.” Josh says with a wink toward Aniza.

Aniza and Kevin go back off stage and Josh and I resume our places so the show can begin. The whole time I’m playing my mind keeps traveling back to Kevin and this game. My main thought though was, the paparazzi is going to have a field day with this one.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kourtney deserves all the credit for this chapter! She gave me all the ideas and wrote the ending. Hmm... Wonder what mischievous things will occur in a flirting game with no limits?

Special thanks to

mackenzy-kate (we have a lot of fun writing it)
alias093001 (i hope this chapter answered your question)

Kourtney's up next!

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