Status: On hold at the moment. Kourtneyfaye's stories are also on hold. Sorry everyone :(

Chasing The Night

Chapter 8: A Twist in the Tale part 2

“Well.” I started but was cut off by my phone ringing. “Hello.” I answered it walking to the other side of the room so no one could my conversation. “Hey baby, guess what?! I have a huge surprise for you.” He said really excitedly. “What is it?” I asked matching his excitement. “Turn around!” He told me before hanging up. Confused I turned around toward the door and my jaw nearly dropped when I saw that he was standing there in my doorway with his suitcase. Without even realizing who was in the room I ran toward Luke and picked him up twirling him. “Babe, put me down.” He giggled. As soon as his feet hit the ground I pushed him back up against the door and covered his lips with mine. We were kissing for about a minute solid when we were interrupted by a few throats clearing. I blushed looking down remembering I was in the middle of coming out to all of them. I then shyly looked up to see a mixture of looks on their faces, The EA boys just looked amused, same with our band, Frankie looked confused, Joe and Kevin looked shocked and Kourtney and Amanda looked happy and they were giggly. I sighed at least no one looked mad.

“Um, guys I want you to meet someone.” I said grabbing Luke’s hand lacing our fingers together. “This is Luke, my boyfriend.” I said while he leaned over and pecked my cheek. A chorus of aww’s were heard from Kourtney, Aniza and Amanda. The boys from EA all got up and gave me a high five saying hi to Luke on the way out, what can I say, sometimes those boys are pretty weird. Our band members all said that they were happy for me and that it didn’t bug them something about always seemed a bit off. They had to leave to go to soundcheck. Frankie took Kourtney, Amanda and Aniza to go ride scooters on stage. Soon it was just Luke and I left in the room with Joe and Kevin. They had both been silent up until this point.

“Joe, Kev, are you going to say something? Please.” I asked them, sitting down on the couch with Luke by my side. I snuggled into his side when he wrapped his arm around me waiting for my brothers to say something.

“Nick, we don’t really care that your gay. Love is love right? It was just a little weird to go from thinking you like girls for 18 years to see you making out with your boyfriend. But we support you both completely. I do have one question for you though if you don’t mind me asking.” Joe spoke for the both of them. “How long have you been together?” Kevin asked speaking for the first time. “Yeah, that’s what I want to know too.” Joe said.

“Luke and I met about a year ago in Starbucks and we’ve been dating for a little over eight months.” I told them “I didn’t tell you because I was afraid that you wouldn’t accept me. I couldn’t face the rejection from my big brothers and sister. I was scared. I’m sorry I kept such a big part of my life from you for so long but I had to. I love Luke with all my heart and I couldn’t even think of losing him.” I told them, close to tears, clutching harder into Luke’s side. I felt him presses soft kisses to the top of my curls, trying to get me to calm down.

“Nicky.” This time it was Kevin to speak up. “We would never not support you in a decision you make for your life. Your in love, its obvious. You guys really are adorable together. I can see it in your eyes when you look at him you love him, it’s the same when he looks at you. That is true love and what kind of brothers would we be if we stood in the way of that?” Kevin finishes with a smile. “Now calm down Nicky everything is fine. Do you want me to ask Mom if Luke can stay on tour with us here so you can be together?” He asks.

“No.” I tell him, they are picking Frankie up on Friday so I’ll sit them down and tell them then.” I answer him.

Joe and Kevin stand up and walk over to in front of the couch Luke and I are cuddling on, Joe holds his hand out to Luke. “I didn’t really get a chance to introduce myself, I’m Joe.” He told Luke. “I’m Kevin. Kev said offering him a hand as well. “Well nice to meet you both I’m Luke.” Luke finishes with a smile. Kevin and Nick left the room leaving me and Luke alone.

I smile up at Luke when he looks down at me. “What?” He questions “I’m just happy you are here, with me, and that I’m in your arms right now. How long are you staying by the way. I’m also happy because I have the best big brothers and sister in the world.” I tell him learning up and kissing the side of his mouth tenderly.

“Well babe, the surprise is that I’m staying here for as long as you want me to. I can be here when your parents get here and when you tell them. You could very well be stuck with me for the rest of tour.” He answered smiling hugely.

“I think I can live with that.” I tell him scooting up in his arms so I can kiss him fully. We lay there for awhile just holding each other and kissing from time to time. That is until Kourt comes in and tells us its time for lockdown, apparently Kev tuned my guitar for soundcheck because I was to happy to be disturbed. Again best older brothers and sister ever.

I take Luke’s hand and go to leave the bus, but he pulls back and stops me. “What are we going to say if the press or some fan asks about us holding hands or something?” He asks shyly. “Why don’t we just answer truthfully if asked but not say anything if they don’t. Leave them guessing. Sound okay?” I ask him unsure if he’s okay going public.” “That sounds perfect Nicky-bear, I love you.” He exclaims throwing his arms around me and giving me a kiss. “I love you too lovebug, but we have to go now.” I told him grabbing his hand and walking out the bus door to the venue, surprised that there weren’t any photographers outside.

When Luke and I got to lockdown everyone fell silent and giggled. “Okay, what’s going on in here?” I asked everyone sitting down in the nearest chair and pulling Luke down into my lap where he cuddled into my check and started places light kisses on my neck.

“Oh nothing Nicky-bear.” Kevin snickered. “Kourtney you are DEAD. First I cant believe you heard that and second You should not have told anyone especially your boyfriend. Information like that in his hands is bad, the world will know our nicknames for each other in 12 minutes.” I exclaimed feeling my cheeks turn red at the thought of our pet names getting out.

“Nick, its all right no one in this room will say anything I swear to you.” Kourtney exclaimed trying to defend herself. “It’s okay, but please don’t say anything, it’s kind of embarrassing if your aren’t me or Nick.” Luke said politely. “Now baby, this is lockdown. You need to calm down and relax before the show all right.” Luke whispered before pecking my lips a few times.

Lockdown carried on for a few minutes in silence then we all started to talk as a group. “So,” Luke asked the group. “Who do you think will cave first in the flirty war?” He questioned wonder if anyone had an guesses. Everyone in the entire room at the same all yelled ‘Josh’. “What why me?” he questioned once he realized who we all said. “Because you are sexually frustrated, man, we can all tell. It is taking everything you have not to go over and kiss Aniza right now.” Jimmie pointed out. “Well, I’ll have you all know, I will hold out longest and then you girls will have doing my chores.” Josh said with a smirk.

( Kourtney’s POV)

After the concert we were doing a meet and greet, both bands together again. It was my first meet and greet as an official band member. I was only going to play a few shows on tour, but the boys said they couldn’t give me up and made me an official EA member as of this morning. Since everyone decided to be open with their relationships during this tour, I was standing in between the EA table and the JB table so I could support my band and stand with my boyfriend too.

Everyone was standing with their significant others, Jimmie, Matt and Dave even had their latest “conquest” with them. Everyone knew the were man-whores but still slept with them anyhow. Joe standing at the table speaking with a fan just holding hands with Amanda. Aniza and Frankie were over at EA’s table with Josh. I was standing with Kevin. I was in front of him at the table and he had his arms wrapped around my waist whispering sweet nothings in my ear while I was signing an envelope a young girl held up.

Looking over at Nick and Luke made me want to giggle with happiness for them. They were so cute. Luke was sitting in a chair behind the table and Nick was very happily placed on his lap. Nick was chatting with fans explaining that was his boyfriend when ever asked. Luke was tickling Nick’s sides making him giggle and throw himself off Luke’s lap onto the floor. The floor busted out laughing while Nick just pouted from the floor. Luke leaned over and kissed his lips before settling back in the chair. Nick got up and sat back in his lap again. I have never seen him this happy before.

Once the meet and greet was over, we were all heading back to the bus. I walked behind Kevin and whispered in his ear, “Hey baby, you looked sexy up there on stage.” Before gently biting his ear causing him to shudder. I then just turn and ran, giggling as I heard him growl and turn around to follow me. He caught up with me in front of the bus door and throw his arm around my waist. He started to lean in before Josh came running up yelling NO. Kevin groaned but agreed that he wouldn’t kiss me. I laughed and walked inside avoiding the rest of the paparazzi. Even though I haven’t gotten to kiss him in the 9 days we’ve been dating, I’m falling hard for him and fast.

(Back to Nick’s POV)

As I was walking outside with Luke I slide my hand around his waist and put it in his back pocket and he did the same to me. This is just the way we were, we liked to be as close as possible at all times. I had my head rested on Luke’s shoulder as we walked, and he was whispering in my ear making me giggle. As soon as the outside door was opened we were swarmed with photographers yelling questions like ‘Nick who’s this?’ ‘You both look comfy.’ ‘Nick is this your boyfriend?’ and the most common, ‘Nick are you gay.’

I sighed, now or never I thought. I snuggled closer to Luke and told the photographers. “Yes I am gay, this is my boyfriend Luke. Now if you will excuse me, we have a date.” I said as we continued walking to the bus.

We met everyone else up in the bus and all settled for a movie night. Luke and I were seated in the chair. I was laying on his chest and he was rubbing my back. I slowly fell asleep in the arms of the man I love happy as can be. Hopefully tomorrow the press wont be on my ass to much, but this is California and the likelihood that will happen isn’t high.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay readers there my part!
Technically this is the third update in 4 hours, so make sure to go read them before this!

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Aniza, your turn! (Yes the pushing him against the door kiss was your idea, your credit there!)