I Can Save You.


Car's flew past me.
People rushed around me.
Not even a second glance.
Not even a ackward smile as they polietly said, 'No'.

I sat against a grey bricked building, waiting for someone to help me.
But at this moment, and this time, I had no hope left.
No one wanted me, no one cared.
I screwed up my life, and now I had to deal with it.
But being rescued would have been nice.
No one wanted to take that risk.

I sighed as I rubbed the back of my head with my ripped up glove.
My fingers slightly touching my greasy hair.
I had very few articles of clothing, that glove had been one of them.
My only clothes being a rugged old grey sweater and sweat pants.
I couldn't even afford underwear.
I was stained and absolutely smelt repulsive.
That was were I was.
Sitting on a street corner, looking like trash.

But I was trash.
I ruined my life, gave it up for an addiction.
I was a drug addict, taking any drug I could get.

Selling my body for the next hit.
Asking for change to spend it on a line.
Instead of saving it up and getting a job, I would rather forget about my life.
I didn't even want to try anymore.
I knew it was all over.
I was pessimistic, and young.

I tugged on a strand of my glove, trying to amuse myself.
There wasn't much I could do.
I had gotten 5 dollars, maybe enough to buy a gram.

The sun was high in the sky, baring down on my ugly figure.
The dirt on my face started to flow down my cheeks with the sweat that collected on my forehead.
I felt dehydrated, my throat started to close up on me.

I hadn't washed myself in a public bathroom in at least a month.
Too much risk of being kicked out.
My teeth were yellow.
Covered in plaque and bacteria.
A tooth brush was never in budget.
My hair wasn't brushed, filled with dirt and other unmentionables.
I must have looked like a cavewoman from 10,000 BCE.

Everynight I strived to stay alive.
I needed to find a safe place to close my eyes everynight.
Without that safe place I could be beaten, raped, killed.
But why live?
But sometimes I wished I would die.
Anything would be better then here.
Anything would be better then suffering.

I heard footsteps coming closer to me.
I decided not to look up, I didn't need a confrontation.
They stopped right infront of me, fancy new shoes infront of my eyes.
Great, some snobby rich kid.

"Can I help you?"

His words weren't full of annoyance.
It sounded like, he wanted to help me...
Like he was a good person.
Possibly my angel.

I laughed at myself in my mind.
An angel?

I looked up a this stranger.
I questioned his words.
You want to help me?

This man was tall and skinny.
His eyes a light blue, shining through his shaggy black hair.
He had a peircing underneath the middle of his lip.
If I had a chance with someone so perfect, I would take it.
But I'm an ugly peice of trash.

"You, want to help me?"

My voice was scratchy, I hadn't spoken in so long.
Days, months, weeks? No idea.
The man shook his head eagarly.
A smile set on his lips.
I shook my head, I couldn't let myself be a burden.
I couldn't let him deal with my problems.

He kneeled infront of me, looking into my eyes with a soft look.
I felt like he cared, like he wanted me to be happy.
But he didn't know me.
He didn't know how much of a fuck up I was.

"I can save you."

And he walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
All the chapters will be like this, so ... yep :]

Comments and such would be LOVELY!
Get on it :D

Love: Your darling author Meghan ♥