I Can Save You.


I didn't see this gorgeous stranger 'till a couple days later.
He was wearing the same shoes from before, a purple top and black jeans.
His beautiful blue eyes still shined from across the road.
His black hair still blowing in the wind.
He was rather pale for a Californian.

"Let me help you."

I refused.
My head shook left and right.


He asked me, his voice desperate.
Why did he want to help me so much?
Why did he even care?
He should save himself now and leave me.

Why do you want to help me?
Why do you care?
Save yourself and leave me.

What I didn't realize is that I spoke every word I thought.
He looked hurt as the words left my chapped lips.
I regretted every word I spoke, even if I hadn't meant for the words to leave my mouth.
I never wanted to offend him.

"Everyone deserves a second chance."

He put his hand in front of my face.
I grabbed it, not knowing what would come next.
But no one truly knows our futures.
Unless you believe in God.
Then yes, he would be the one to know what we had in store.

"You have no idea what your gonna get yourself into."

He smiled, letting his bright white teeth show.
I wished I had his teeth.
I wish I had many things he had.
But I wouldn't get it.
I don't deserve it.

"I'm willing to risk it."

He spoke with such confidence.
Like he knew he would succeed.
Like he knew he could help me change.
He didn't know me, my background, or my issues.

He was going to give me a chance, but would I give him a chance?
I didn't know whether or not to accept his help.
I wasn't sure if I could trust him.
What if he just wanted to use me?
What if he was a rapist?
I couldn't help but trust the look he gave me.

"I'll take your help."

His grin became even bigger.
He pulled me through the regular crowd of people.
Everyone seemed to give him a weird look.
They all wanted to know why someone like him would help a nobody like me.
I knew it.
It was obvious.

He had a car parked around the corner.
It was a nice SUV, and it was shiny and clean.
It was so much nicer then any vehicle I had ever seen.
The leather interior felt immensely comfy against my worn out body.
The temperature of the car was perfect.
It was very different from the feeling of a brick wall against your back on a sunny, sweaty day.

He spoke no words as he drove off to what I assumed was his house.
Soft music played in the background.
I watched everything pass me.
Even if I had been in a car before, it had been so long ago.
I had no memory of luxury.

He pulled up to a middle class home.
There was no garden in the front.
The curtains were grey.
The house itself a peach color.
The porch that lay in front was wood, no paint or staining.

He pulled into the black driveway and stepped out of the car
Following him, I got out and stood in front of this home.
I felt odd standing there.
I shouldn't be here.
I didn't belong.

A black dog greeted us as we stepped into his home.
It was welcoming, even a little 'Welcome Home' mat lay in front of the door.
The dog sniffed me and ran away.
I knew I smelt horrible.

"If you want to take a shower, it's upstairs."

I smiled at this stranger.
I had yet to learn his name.
I just nodded and ran up the stairs to my left.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would like tons more comments on this story if I'm going to continue it.
Although it's completed, I'm bad enough with updating my other stories.
I'm extremely forgetful.
Don't let me forget!