I Can Save You.


The warm crystal liquid that streamed down my body felt like it was the best thing I would ever experience.
The steam rising up from the water looked beautiful as it clung to the glass doors of the shower.
I was in pure exstacy at this moment.
I could definatly get use to this.

The stranger knocked on the bathroom door, letting himself in.
The steam making it impossible for him to see my boney body.
My stomach grumbled at the thought of possibly eating food.
It had been so long.
It's been so long since I had done anything positive in my life.

"I'm leaving some clothes for you on the counter."

And he left me alone again.

I took my time in the shower.
I wanted to soak in every minute of this shower.
I didn't know when I would have another.
I liked this feeling of being clean.

The clothes he left were alittle big on me.
They still felt amazing.
I never thought I would feel this again.
It was so amazing.
Everything was.
6 years since I had last felt this much happiness.

I carefully walked down the stairs.
I didn't want to fall and break my neck.
I felt like a baby again.
Just learning how to walk.
I didn't really like it.

When I reached the bottom I decided to wander.
I didn't know where anything was.
The best way I ever learnt where things were, was to just wander around.
I just hoped the stranger wouldn't mind me creeping around his house.

"Kitchen's this way."

I turned and saw the stranger standing in a doorway.
He chuckled slighty, his cheek bones rising into a smile as he laughed.
My cheeks heated up, feeling completly stupid at the moment.

The stranger waved for me to follow him into what I soon found out was his kitchen.
Like the rest of the house, it was clean.
The oven and refridgerator were stainless steel.
The lighting above the small island was a small elegant chandelier.
The light bouncing off the crystals of the chandelier made the room seem so much bigger.
So much brighter.

The stranger pulled a seat out from under the island.
His eyes flickered back and forth from the seat to me.
I guessed he wanted me to sit.

I walked over to the seat and sat cautiously.
The feeling of sitting on a warm cushioned seat felt amazing.
The fabric was so soft.
For once in 6 years I was comfortable.

A warm tear slid down my cheeks.
Everything was so wonderful.
This stranger had let me see everything I had missed.
Everything I could have had if I hadn't of ruined my life.
I wipped away the stray tear with the palm of my hand.

The stranger turned.
He smiled at me.
I was looking all over the kitchen.
Taking in every detail, every beauty.
The brightest, happiest smile perched on my face.

"You know what I just realized?"

I turned and looked into the strangers beautiful blue eyes.
They sparkled like the crystal chandelier.
They were as blue as the summer sky.
Simply beautiful.


My voice was still scratchy.
It pained me to hear my voice.
The deadness to my voice reminded me of the streets.
Of all my terrible memories.
But I was only to blame.
I put myself there.

"We don't know each others names."

The stranger smiled at me.
I felt the corners of my mouth quiver.
Slowly, my lips formed a small smile.

The stranger walked over.
His tall, thin body swaying back and forth as he took a few steps towards me.
He stopped and stood about a foot away.
Looking down at me, about a foot and a half above me.

"My name is Jimmy. What's yours?"

He took my hand, gripping it lightly.

"Emily. Emily London."
From the fine gutters of England.
♠ ♠ ♠
I fail for updating.
Guh. ><
I've had a lot on my mind this whole damn year and it doesn't seem to be getting better.

Lots more comments?