I Can Save You.


Jimmy's skin against mine made my body fill with quakes and shivers.
His hands looked twice the size of mine, and a lot more healthy.
That's if you can consider the hand a healthy looking part of the body.

He let go slowly.
His eyes were still on mine.
A little smirk set on his red lips.
Some sort of plan was forming behind his eyes.
A twinkle flashing through the sky blue eyes.

Jimmy pulled me to the front door, kicking a set of shoes in my direction.
Without question I put the old converse on my feet.
They were red, with rips and tears near the top of the shoe.
I could see the socks I had borrowed poking through the red material.

"They use to be mine when I was smaller."

I nodded.
Anything was better then bare feet of a hot sidewalk.
I should be grateful I've gotten this much.

"I'll get you better shoes later."

I shook my head.
I don't deserve better shoes.
I knew what I would do with them.

"I don't deserve it Jimmy. You should spend your money on someone who's worth it."

Jimmy shook his head.

"You deserve it. Don't kid yourself. I don't know why you were on the streets, but you must have had a hard past. You deserve a better life."

I didn't have much time to reply.
To tell him how I was to blame for my ruined life.
To show him, I really shouldn't be getting anything.
But I just kept my mouth shut.
He said he wanted to save me.
I'm going to be one hell of a challenge.

Jimmy grabbed my hand yet again, this time pulling me out the door.
I noticed this time, that a bunch of nice SUV's were parked in his driveway.
He pulled me over to a black one, opening the passenger seat.
The interior was leather, the steering wheel was leather.
It was all so expensive.

"If it's not rude to ask, how to make the money for all this?"

Jimmy turned his head away from the seat belt he was now buckling, to my face.
I pulled my legs up to rest against my chest.
My fingers made their way to the fringes on the shoes.

"I'm in a band."

Jimmy sat up proudly, his black hair falling on either side of his face as he did so.
His blue eyes seeemed to sparkle.
I could tell this band meant alot to him.
I wished I had something like that.
Something actually important in my life.
Not drugs.

At the thought of that, my legs shook alittle.
I had reminded myself.
It had been 10 days since my last hit.
What are you going to do if you relapse infront of Jimmy? You're pathetic.

I tried to cut out the voices.
Even my conscience knew I was nothing.

"We're going to my friends house."

I turned to face Jimmy.
His ocean eyes were focused on the grey pavement underneath us.
His back was slouched against the seat.

His stretched his hand out to turn on the radio.
A loud rumble of sound came out of the speakers.
A hum of a guitar started to creep up on the drumbeat.
The sound of a scratchy scream entered my ears.

"I like it."

My statement made Jimmy advert his eyes from the road.
For a split second he glanced into my glassy eyes.
I could feel the red forming on my eyes from the lack of sleep.
I stiffled a yawn as he spoke.

"It's my band."

I could hear the smile in his voice.
He was obviously very proud of his work.
They were pretty amazing.
You would be crazy to not be proud it.

I caught myself glancing at Jimmy.

Jimmy's appearence.
Even if it had only been a couple days.
He was my beautiful stranger.
I just needed to decide if I could truely trust him.

I let out a soft sigh, turning my body to face the glass window.

I felt my eyes start to close, my body start to relax.
I was exhausted.
All I needed at the moment was a day or so of sleep.
And that was what I fell into.

Everything went black as I fell into a deep abyss.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't update often, sorry I suck xD
