I Can Save You.


When I awoke, swirls of grey danced around my head.
The thick stench of cigarette smoke entered my nostrils.
The smoke was followed by the scent of heavy liquor.
A booming set of sound waves shook the couch I sat on.
The bass of a drum kit moved everything around it.

I sat up.
The room I was in was a yellowish color.
The walls hadn't of been painted, the smoke tainted the walls.
Posters scattered the walls around me.
The carpet was a dirty grey, covered in random stains.

The couch I was laying on was also occupied with 2 other figures.
Jimmy sat near my feet.
A guy was sitting on Jimmy's lap, and I noticed he was a lot smaller than the rest of the men.

A guy with a black hat and bandanna looked my way, smiling at me.
On his nose was a simple diamond stud.
His eyes brown and emotionless.
They kind of sucked you into them, like a bottomless pit.
He was quite attractive.
His smile bright and lovely, just like Jimmy's.

"Hey, guys she's awake."

My eyes darted across the room as 5 men looked in my direction.
I felt like they were inspecting me.
I felt as if I were under a microscope.
Every imperfection could be spotted.
There was a lot of those.
I wanted to curl up into a ball and die so that they wouldn't see how disgusting I was.

Each of the men smiled at me and Jimmy shoved the guy off his lap.
He shuffled over to me and wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders.
I moved closer into Jimmy, watching the man that was on his lap stand up again.

"Hey, I'm Brian."

The guy who had noticed I was awake stood and walked over to me.
He placed a hand out toward me.
I carefully took his hand into mine.

"Don't be so shy."

Brian smiled at me and pulled me out of Jimmy's grasp.
His warm arms wrapped around me.
Being in his arms didn't give me that feeling that I couldn't trust him.
He was intimidating, with his height and muscle.
But his arms were comforting, which surprised me the most.
I went from his arms to anothers.

This time, the owner of the arms around me was slightly pudgy.
I could feel a slight brush of his facial hair against my forehead as he pulled me in.
He pulled away slightly, holding me out like a prize.
I wasn't much of a prize.

"I'm Zacky."

Zacky smiled brightly, just like the rest.
His lips had rings of silver on them, along with a ring in his nose.
A rather interesting placement for a piercing.
The ring was put in the same place you'd put a bulls.
But it was unique, and I mentally declared that I liked it.
His eyes flickered from me, to another guy standing in the room.

I was starting to get overwhelmed with the amount of people that wanted to meet me.
Especially since most of them were a lot larger than I was.
But as scary as they seemed, they didn't give me a reason so fear them.
Usually men scared the crap out of me, and for once, they didn't.
I'd shocked myself.

Zacky let go of me and sat down on the couch I had been pulled from.
I wanted to lay down again.

"Hi, I'm Matt."

I turned towards the voice behind me.
A tall, built man stood in front of me.
His body may have seemed intimidating, yet his smile showed otherwise.
He had a ring through his lip, large spacers in his ears.
Matt's smile made me smile too.

I choked out a quiet ,"hi" and sat back down.
Jimmy placed his arm over my shoulders again.
I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't get to introduce myself."

I opened my eyes and looked over to my left.
There sat the guy that was on Jimmy's lap before.
A small smile was placed on his lips.

"I'm Johnny."

Johnny was the smallest out of all of them.
He had comforting eyes, and a brown mohawk.
I could tell he was the youngest.
Probably the closest to my age.

He stuck out his hand, and I placed my hand in it.
He smiled again and sat back down beside me.

I noticed the music had been turned down, and all eyes were on me.
I felt like burring myself under Jimmy's arm and dissapearing.
Unfortunately, that wasn't an option, or even possible.
They may not has scared me, but I didn't like attention.
I moved myself closer to Jimmy, placing my hands on my lap.

"So, what's your story?"

Brian stood across from me, leaning on the wall.
A cigarette dangled from his lips.
I watched for a quick second as he placed it in his mouth and took it away, leaving a trail of smoke.

"I-I'd rather not...say."
♠ ♠ ♠
I tried to update this, but it didn't work ><
Sorry I haven't posted in a while.
