Status: Writer's block. Will not be updated often. Sorry.

Symphony Of Sympathy

After Everything You Put Me Through, I Should Have ***ing Pissed On You

5:30 in the morning came much faster than I wanted. I paced my room nervously, attempting to calm my anxiety attack.

"Shiloh, c'mon, love. It's gonna be okay," Conner said in an attempt to calm me down, staring up at me from my bed. He was sprawled across it, lying with his hands propping his head up. "Yeh don’t 'ave to be so scared. I'm 'ere for yeh."

"Yeah, you and Success," I smiled, holding up the bear he had won me at the fair.

He smiled that I still had it. "Yeh wearing the ring I gave yeh," he said happily, looking at my hand. I nodded, staring at it too.

"I know you were angry when you gave it to me. I didn’t think you'd mind if I wore it now, though," I shrugged, sitting next to him. He rolled onto his back so he was looking up at me.

"I don’t mind at all," he told me, sitting up to press a small kiss to my lips.

A knock at the door startled both of us. "Shiloh, your father is here."

My anxiety begins again as my mother speaks. Conner notices, grabbing my hand in his. "Don't worry, Shi. We're in this together, love."

I nodded, trying to breathe. "Conner.... thank you."

We grab our bags and head downstairs. Dad and Janelle were standing at the doorway, whispering to each other. Mum was standing awkwardly away from them, her eyes bright red from crying. "Baby girl, you be safe now, okay?"

I nodded, and ran over to her, crying into the fabric of her shirt. She rubbed my back, trying to calm me down.

"Shi, we have to go..." my dad said, having to pull me off of her.

After Sierra's death, my mum was truly all I had. Well, I had my dad, but we moved so far away from him. We had a great relationship, and I was proud of that.

"Bye Mum," I whimpered, as Conner helped me outside and into the car.

I thought back to last night. Oli had stayed outside for hours, despite the bitter cold. My phone continuously went off, his name showing up on the screen every time. But I refused to give in, eventually shutting it off and going to sleep. My room had been empty, besides the mattress, a blanket, the stuffed bear Conner had won me, and a suitcase. It was lonely and cold.I probably felt the same as Oliver.

When Conner showed up this morning, I had broken down crying. I was scared to death to be leaving everything I had. But he held me for what felt like years, until I eventually began pacing the room.

I was still wearing Curtis's hoodie, even on the way to the airport. He would have yelled at me if I tried to return it, so I didn’t even bother. Conner had fallen asleep, his head resting on my shoulder, and I thought back to Oli. It had been almost two weeks since I last slept with him.

When he had told me how beautiful I was, and how sorry he was for using me. In a way, I knew deep down that I loved him. But it was Oliver, and despite what he had said, I knew he didn’t really love me back.

So that was it. We were over. I choked back a few tears, not wanting to worry my dad, Janelle, or my sleeping boyfriend.

"Oh, and Shi," Janelle piped up from the front seat. "I have this niece that lives near by. She plans on going to the same college as you, because her older brother, who just turned 20, is going. Ella and Alexander, er, Alex. You should get to know them."

I nodded. "Sure thing, Janelle." She grinned at me, obviously happy I was listening to her, and not ignoring every word she said.

Sierra's voice rang out through my head. Maybe this fresh start is exactly what you need. And I smiled, because for once, the real Sierra was back- and she was right.

This was exactly what I needed. Or so I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
This took me basically a month to write.
And it's really short.
I just kept scrapping everything I was writing. =/

But here. Next chapter will be in America, obviously.
And Oli won't be back for awhile. Sorry.

Also! I went back, and editted the accents a bit.
And in America, I'll be writing Shiloh's speech with an accent, because she has one, though she feels she doesn't.