Status: Writer's block. Will not be updated often. Sorry.

Symphony Of Sympathy

We Didn't Think Goodbye Would Be Our New Favorite Line

A few hours later, Curtis and Lee had headed back to the hotel, and I was getting ready for their show.

"Con, yeh sure yeh don’t want to come?" I asked, applying eyeliner. Conner sat on our bed, watching me in the mirror. I turned around to talk face to face with him.

"It's yeh past, not mine, love. Go an' 'ave fun, 'lright?" He tried to smile, but I could see the nervous look in his eyes.

I sighed, walking over to sit in his lap, kissing his cheek. "Conner, I love yeh. I mean that. I promise, nothin' is gonna 'appen."

He nodded, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck. "Yeh right, I'm jus' bein' paranoid, I'm sorry," he breathed against my skin, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. "I love yeh."

A knock on our door told me it was time to go. "Alex, yeh can come in. I'm almost ready!" I called to him, walking back over to the mirror to finish my makeup. The door opened and shut, and then Alex walked into our room.

"Damn, girl, you look hella fine," Alex grinned, looking me up and down. Conner glared at him, and Alex noticed. "Well it's not my fault your girlfriend is a hottie. Honestly, she makes me question my sexuality sometimes."

I looked at what I was wearing. Ripped, black skinny jeans, and a purple and blue tie-dye t-shirt I had made. I didn’t understand what was so hot about it.

"Al, that's not funny," Conner whined, glaring at his friend.

"Mm, honey, don’t worry. You'll always be my favorite!" He squealed, before grabbing my arm, and dragging me towards the door. "I'll have her home eventually!"

"Shi, be careful! I love yeh-" his voice was cut off by Alex slamming the door shut, and rushing me to his car.

"Yeh are so goddamn impatient!" I exclaimed, staring at him oddly.

Ella popped her head out of the window. "It's because we want to know what's going on!"

"Yes, we're both dying to know the story of why you left Sheffield!" Alex grinned, clapping his hands together as he climbed into the driver's side of the car.

I made a face, twisting my mouth to the side as I climbed in the back seat of their car. "I dunno, yeh guys. Meh past ain't something I'm proud of..."


"Alex, shut up. You are not helping," Ella said, slapping her brother on the arm. "Loh, we're your friends. And obviously someone in the band is connected to this. Tell us, or we won't go to the concert with you."

I shrugged, playing with the hem of my shirt. "His name is Oli. Oliver Sykes. He's Bring Meh The Horizon's singer... screamer... Whatever," I sighed, not wanting to go on with my story. "I was young an' stupid. I met him at a party. He was drunk, an' we kissed. I was fifteen, an' so stupid.

"But then I met Conner. We started datin' and it was great. But Oli... he wanted more than jus' that kiss. After I turned sixteen, we started sleepin' together. A lot. Almost every night. Meh mum was always workin' night shifts, so he'd always jus' sneak over. It was such a dumb thing to do, but I was addicted," I frowned, thinking about how all those nights turned into a haze of sweat, sex, and lust.

"I um... Conner eventually caught us- jus' kissin', thank god. I was lucky he took meh back. But I stopped seein' Oli. It was one of the 'ardest things I ever 'ad to do."

Ella's jaw hung open slightly. "Jesus Christ, Loh! How could you not tell us that?"

"It ain't something I'm proud of, Aya. It took meh a long time to forget about 'im and I ain't 'appy that he's back in meh life," I explained.

Alex, who had been focused and driving and hadn’t said anything, sighed. "Hun, I'm sure it'll be okay. It's not like you're going to start sleeping with him again. They're only in town for a few days. Just because he's here doesn’t mean you're going to cheat again."

"Yeh are right, I just need to calm down," I nodded, hoping his words would be true. Just because I saw Oli didn’t mean I'd sleep with him. Except that deep down, I knew I couldn’t resist. I loved him, as much as I hated to admit it. I must have had a worried look on my face, because Ella gave me a small smile.

"Come on, Loh. Enjoy the concert. Have fun with your friends. Forget Oli."

I gave her a weak smile. "I'll try." Despite appearing fine, deep down, I couldn’t help but feel that this would go horribly wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is so late.
I wrote all but like, the last two paragraphs two days ago, but I was super busy then, and yesterday, so I'm sooo sorry I didn't post it. :(

Hey, so there are quite a few of you. BUT YOU DON'T ALL COMMENT. I love getting feedback. Even if you don't know what to say, just post a smiley face or something.
I like knowing that people are actually reading this story. So come on, I don't want this to be a desperate plea for comments, but let me know my readers are actually alive!

Also, I just posted the first half of a Sykecest. I dunno if any of you read slash or incest, but if you do, you should go check it out. :)