Status: Writer's block. Will not be updated often. Sorry.

Symphony Of Sympathy

And That Night, We Meant Every Word We Said

The loud music pulsated through the building, ringing in my ears as I threw back my fifth shot. I knew I'd regret drinking so much tomorrow when I was hung-over, but it was okay. I didn’t have classes, so I could just sleep in.

The guys had already played and were hanging out at the bar with my friends and me. They thought nothing of my drinking. Ella and Alex, however, were extremely worried. They'd never seen me drink, besides the occasional beer.

"Loh, you sure you should be drinking like this?" Ella asked, taking a sip of her beer.

"I know that I promised Conner I'd get you back eventually, but I figured you'd be sober when I brought you back... He's going to kill me! I'm letting his fiancé get trashed- damn it, he is gonna murder me!" Alex complained.

"Stop worrying!" I said, my voice slurring. "This can be meh last shot, I promise." I drank the alcohol, it burning my throat as it slid down. They looked skeptical, but returned to their conversation with Curtis.

I raised my eyes to see Oli staring at me, eyes full of lust. Drunkenly, I winked and giggled at him. Instead of coming over to me, he sighed and shook his head, walking away. I decided to follow him, upset that he was ignoring me. I walked through the doorway he'd gone through and ended up in a long hallway. Oli was sitting on the floor, leaning his back against the wall. His head rocked back and forth slightly, just enough to keep slamming into the wall.

"Hello, Oli," I grinned. The alcohol had put me in a great mood- nothing could bring me down.

He jumped up, his eyes wide as he looked at me, startled. "H-hi, Shiloh..." His voice stuttered nervously, causing me to giggle.

I walked closer to him, swaying my hips as I did so. "Do I make yeh nervous, Oli?" I smirked. There was no distance left between us, and Oli licked his lips nervously.

"N-no, yeh just... uh... I ain't nervous," he said, trying to step away from me, but his back was against the wall.

I pouted slightly. "Don’t lie to meh, Oliver. I make yeh nervous. Jus' look at yeh," I smiled innocently, pressing my body into his.

He bit his lip, looking like he was in deep thought. Then suddenly, Oli looked down at me, grabbing my face in his inked hands. He pressed his lips to mine, spinning me around so my back was against the wall. I tangled my fingers in his hair, deepening the kiss. My fiancé was the farthest thing from my mind. I had Oli again- I was with the man I loved.

I went to deepen the kiss even more, but Oli pulled away. "Damn it, Shi, no! I can't do this to yeh!" He stepped back, putting as much space between us as he could in the small hallway.

"Do what to meh?" I asked innocently, trying to step closer but he pushed me away.

"Yeh love Conner- I'm not gonna screw up yeh relationship again," Oli said quietly, staring at his shoes. "I can't do this."

"Why not?" I screamed at him. My sudden anger startled him, for he stared up at me with wide eyes. I threw myself at him, kissing along his neck. "I'm jus' a whore to yeh! Why does it matter if I 'ave Conner? That never bothered yeh before!"

He pushed me back again. "Yeh ain't a whore, goddamn it. That's why I can't do this to yeh. Yeh deserve so much more then this."

"Oh, but back in Sheffield I didn’t deserve more? C'mon, Oli. Use me. That's all yeh ever did!" I began to cry, pounding my fists into his chest. In my drunken state, I had no strength, my punches doing nothing to him.

He grabbed my wrists, pinning them on the wall above my head. "Yeh stop. Jus' listen. Shiloh, I ain't a good guy. Yeh 'ave Conner, an' he's a great guy. Yeh deserve someone like him. Yeh ain't a whore, an' I ain't about to make yeh one. Don’t do this. Don’t make a scene. I love yeh, it's killin' meh to see yeh like this. Please, can't we jus' try to be friends?"

His face was close to mine, making me nervous. I had never felt so much shame. "I... I'm sorry, Oliver," I whispered, hanging my head in shame. "I-I do wanna try... bein' friends, I mean."

"I'd like that," Oli released my arms, which had been pinned to the wall. He put one hand under my chin, forcing my head to look at him. Gently, he leaned down and pressed a light kiss to my lips, pulling away after a few seconds. "Because I really do care about yeh, Shi. I don’t wanna keep hurtin' yeh, love," Oli stepped back, sitting his hand out for a handshake. "So friends?"

I stared at his hand, then up at him. I stepped past his hand, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug, my face pressed into his chest. I looked up at him and smiled. "Friends."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's Christmas Eveeeeee!
Merry almost Christmas to those who celebrate it, happy holidays to those who don't.

This is short, and not all that good. I'm not so sure about the next chapter, how much drama will happen (not much, believe me). But the chapter after that, well, it's extremely intense. It's also when the song I'm basing this off of really shows through. So any song guesses?!
And feedback is always appreciated. :D