When Life Gets You Down

Gunshots and Vapor

That Friday, Chris, Jake, Desiree, and Danielle, went to the local movie theater. It was Danielle's idea to double date. Since it was summer, Chris and Jake decided to get their motorcycles out of storage. Chris had a black Honda Gold-wing, while Jake had an electric blue Suzuki Savage.

The movie was one of the average chick-flicks. Jake didn't mind, seeing as it kind of gave him a reason to put his arm around Desiree without feeling awkward.

All together, it was an average night, until the ride home.

Desiree was riding with Jake, with Chris and Danielle behind them. A familiar car had pulled in front of them, but Jake couldn't remember where he had seen it before. The car began to swerve, then suddenly cut sharply to the left, blocking the road. Jake took a sharp turn in the only direction he could, The old nuclear power-plant. Chris had to copy Jake's feat in order to prevent from crashing.

"What the Hell?" Jake asked.

Jake and Chris parked their bikes near the back of the parking lot and went to investigate.

"Stay here." Chris told the girls. "We'll be right back. If you need us, just yell."

They agreed and the twin brothers started towards the entrance to the parking lot. But when they got there, the car was gone. They began walking back to the bikes. They passed a car on the way.

Chris stopped. "Hey... isn't that..?"

He stopped abruptly, hearing a scream.

"That sounded like..." Chris began saying, but Jake was already running back to where they parked, pausing briefly to grab a rust pipe that was laying on the side of the parking lot, half buried in dirt.

"Jake!" Chris yelled, right behind him. "Wait!"

"Why should I!?" Jake screamed. "Who ever they are, they have Desiree! And Danielle too!"

"Don't you think I know that?" Chris said calmly. "But we can't just run in there, swinging around a piece of pipe! We need a plan!"

"Okay, Sherlock! What's the plan! And while your at it, where did they go?" Jake furiously stated.

"Well they open doors leading to the power plant is a good clue." Chris said.

"Fine. Can we please go now!" Jake pleaded.

"Lets go." Chris said.

They ran through the empty hallways of the plant, thankful for the dust, and the fact that it preserved the footprints of the ones that came before them. It led them to a room filled with large cylinders that contained a sickly green vapor. Each had a radioactive warning label.

"Glad you could join us." Victor said.

Victor was holding a gun to Desiree's head, while Nick, Victor's partner, held a knife to Danielle's throat. Jake realized that it had all been a trap. Victor had hated Jake ever since grade school.

"Let them go." Jake said. "Now. You want me, not them."

"You're right." Victor said, releasing Desiree. "Let them go."

As Desiree ran to Jake though, Victor raised the gun.

"Desiree." Jake yelled. "Get down!"

The bullet, missing Desiree, traveled forward and hit one of the cylinders, shattering the glass and releasing the vapor. The bullet ricochet off the glass and hit Jake in the chest.

The last thing Jake heard was the gunshot, the shattering of glass, then Desiree's scream, before he fell to the ground.

"Shit!" Nick yelled. "You hit a cylinder! We have to get out! NOW!"

Nick and Victor ran out the doors. Chris dialed 9-1-1 and tossed the phone to Danielle.

"Tell them what happened and get an ambulance down here." He explained, lifting Jake's limp body.

They ran for the doors. They got out just in time. Just as they got outside and the rescue team had arrived, the plant exploded. An ash caught Desiree's coat on fire. Chris felt Jake's skin, it was cold as ice. Danielle took off her jacket and gave it to Desiree, since Desiree's caught fire, and fell into a water puddle from the previous nights drizzle. They were then taken to the nearest hospital.

Nick, in the car, about a mile away from the explosion, picked a rock out of his hand. He had fallen in the parking lot. Victor had his had out the window, feeling the wind on his hand, as well as a deep sense of guilt.

"Well," Nick said, "That didn't work."
"And now we may have more problems." Victor said.

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally done.

~*~ Desiree Edited! lolz ~*~

March 5, 2010 - Edited slightly by me.