When Life Gets You Down

Confused Reunions

Jake awoke confused, but well rested and comfortable. He looked around the room. Plain white wall, plain floors, all spotless. He tried to stand, only to fall on the floor. He pulled the string with the red cross on it that he'd seen earlier.

"Definitely a hospital." He thought to himself.

A familiar looking nurse ran into the room moments later. She helped him get up and back into bed.

"Where...am...I?" Jake asked slowly with obvious strain.

"You are in the hospital. You were shot." She explained. "Do you remember?"

Jake nodded. He remembered it all very clearly, despite the rest of his memories being mixed up. "Why...am...I...so...dizzy?"

"Its a slight side effect of the medication." She responded, then removed the I.V. from his arm. "Things should clear up within a matter of hours."

"Who...are...you?" Jake asked, purposely saving the question for last.

"You should know Jake. We've known each other since we were kids." The nurse replied.

"What?" He asked, still confused.

"Its me, Jake, Desiree." She said. "Now you have to rest."

"But ... "

"I'll explain it all later. I just want you to get some sleep OK?"

"Alright." Jake said in frustration. He laid back down and closed his eyes. He wasn't asleep but he didn't want to scare Desiree anymore. She walked out of the room. ' What the hell is going on?' Jake thought to himself. He looked around trying to find a good escape route. He found a window. It was about a ten foot drop to the ground but thank god for trees. He grabbed his clothes, and opened the window. He jumped to the first branch and it was easy the rest of the way down. That was until a branch snapped. He fell face first. "Fuck! That hurt like a bitch!" He dusted himself off and started taking off towards home. As far as he could remember, he still lived in the same place. It didn't take him too long to get there. Jake opened the door and was instantly attack by Chris. "JAKE!" He brought him into a strong brotherly hug. "Hi .. Chris.. now .. stop.. "

"Oh sorry." He let go. "God it's been too long."

"What do you mean?" Jake asked in confusion. "Jake... It's been two years." Jake was in shock. Danielle came downstairs. "Jake!" She hugged him. "Jake?" He couldn't move. He was in too much of a shock to compel his brain to send the messages to his muscles. 'Two years?' Was all Jake could think.
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This is only the beginning of chapter 3. I have to post each part in "pieces" for a reason that Desiree and I know, but that the rest of you shouldn't be concerned about.

~*~ Desiree Edited! ~*~