You only have this one-shot

I remember

I remember every fight we had.
I remember every laugh we had.
I remember every time I held her tight.
I remember every kiss we shared.
I remember every time we said I love you.
I remember every detail about her.
I remember everything about her.
I’m remembering too much.

I sat alone in my apartment. I’m a lady’s man but I’m upset over this girl.

I, Sean Avery, am officially becoming a softie.

When she left I told her to come back if she actually cared about me. I called her every name in the book and I don’t think my own teammates are strong enough for those names. She was crying and looked upset. Why didn’t I stop?! Why was I such an as?!

I called her phone for the first time in months. She answered.

“Hi Sean.” she practically whispered.
“Hi Mia.” I said.
“How are you?” she asked, still quiet.
“I feel like crap for what I said and what I did.”
“Sean why did you think that I didn’t care about you?”
“I don’t know. Do you still care?”
“I never stopped caring. I wanted to call you so many times but I didn’t want to bother you.”
“I still love you. Do you still love me?”
“That never stopped either.”
“Will you come back?” I asked.
“I’m closer than you think.” she said and I heard a knock on the door. I ran to the door and opened it to find her standing there.

“Mia.” I said.
“Oh Sean, I missed you.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I got a deal with the Rangers!”
“So I get to see you everyday?”
“Thank God!” I said and kissed her.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one-shot is for;;;; cityxlights

I hope you like it <3