You only have this one-shot

I promise

I was in the locker room for my team, the Detroit Redwings. I was 5 foot tall. I was from the town of Thunder Bay in Ontario. I got accepted into the NHL. The coach walked in and asked to see me.

“Lo we have bad news.” he said.

“What’s the bad news?” I asked.

“You’re being traded to the Pittsburgh Penguins” he said “they want you because you can play every position. They think you are really good.”

“When do I leave?” I asked.

“Tomorrow.” he said.

“Thanks.” I said and walked out.

When I got back to the locker room I got out a large equipment bag and began to pack everything except my goalie equipment. I was just finishing when Valtteri Filppula came over to me.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Packing everything.” I said.

“What for?” he asked.

“I’m being traded to the Pittsburgh Penguins. I’m leaving tomorrow.” I said.

He hugged me and said “I’ll miss you, I never told you this but I’m in love with you, you’re my best friend but you are so sweet and beautiful. I love you so much. You can’t leave.” he said and a tear rolled down my cheek. Valtteri quickly wiped it off.

“Valtteri, I don’t want to leave here. I love it here, but I have to. I’ll miss you too.” I said and walked out of the locker room with my equipment bag in my hand, taking it to my Porsche, leaving Valtteri standing there. I came back and he had sat down in his stall and had his head in his hands. I went over to him, he buried his head in my stomach. Other players walked in and I told them the coach would tell them what was going on.

After all the players were here the coach walked in.

“Guys, we have bad news involving a player.” Mike said.

“Lo is being traded to the Penguins. She is leaving tomorrow.” He continued.

After he was done talking, players just sat there. Then Valtteri got up went over and grabbed a stick and a sliver marker.

“Will you sign it?” he asked.

“Sure.” I said. I wrote on the blade ‘never give up, I’ll miss you’.

Other players did the same, bringing sticks over and having me sign them, each with an individual message. Ozzy and Conks came over and asked me to sign their helmets. I agreed I would. Then we went out to practice. I was in one goal and Ozzy was in the other. I was their back-up goalie, as well as a Forward and a Defensemen. Hank came over to talk to me while they gave Ty a chance in goal.

“You know we are going to miss you, right?” he said.

“I’ll miss you guys so much.” I said holding my goalie helmet.

“Valtteri told me how he feels for you, he is in love with you. He has such a big heart, people just don’t have the patience to get to know him. He’s kinda shy. He’s gonna miss you. He wanted to take you back to Finland with him. He doesn’t want you to leave. Have you noticed the way he looks at you?” he said.

“He told me he loved me this morning, but I didn’t know that much. How does he look at me?”

“Just look at him staring at you. When your eyes meet look how happy he looks.” he said.

I looked to Valtteri and our eyes met and he did look happy. I skated as fast as I could to the runway door, a man opened it and I ran back the runway which isn’t easy on skates or with goalie pads on. Hank chased after me.

“Why are you crying, what’s wrong?” he asked.

“I don’t know, I have so many mixed emotions. I am going to be bad in tonight’s game against the Lightning.”

“Just try your hardest.” he said.

“I know, I hope nobody underestimates me.” I said.

“They shouldn’t, I mean look at how far you’ve come. You have how many points? You are an amazing player.” he said. I smiled at this.

When it came game time I was ready to play. I just didn’t want this to be my last game with the Wings. This was going to be a very emotional game. I was playing as a defenseman tonight. When Steven Stamkos came rushing down the left side, I was on the right. He got close to the goal and I rushed to the crease. He shot and the puck bounced off my ankle and into the net. I fell down and just layed there.

I went to the injury and ended up with a broken foot but I played the rest of my game.

I woke up and got ready. I took my bags downstairs. Val was to take me to the airport. I took everything to his car. I came back inside to find Val with one of my hoodies in his hand.

“You forgot this.” he said.

“Keep it.” I said.

“Too painful.” he said.

“Please keep it. Don’t forget me.” I replied.

“How could I?” he asked.

“If you replace me as a friend, make her a sweetheart, you deserve it.” I whispered.

“Nobody could ever replace you, nobody could ever be close to my heart like you. You are the only one who has ever captured my heart, remember me always.” he hugged me.

“I will remember you always.” I said smiling as we left and got to his car. When we arrived at the airport I signed a few autographs and went toward the gate. I hugged Val goodbye and kissed his cheek. He let a tear fall and I wiped it away. The guys came too and I hugged each of them and got a few kisses on the cheek. I boarded the plane and a tear escaped. I was leaving my best friends. When I arrived in Pittsburgh I was picked up by Mr. Lemieux.

“I think you will love Pittsburgh.” he said I just nodded.

“You’re very quiet.” he said.

“I’m more of a listener I guess.” I said.

“We need more of those.” he said with a smile.

When we got there, we were the first ones in the arena. This was such a pretty city in the winter. The buildings were huge. We walked into the locker room and it was filled with guys. They looked at me, some of them looked away but one pair of eyes never left. I was introduced to all the guys.

“Guys, this is Lo Mason. She’s gonna play for us. She plays all positions, we are gonna put her on D.“ he said.

A tall, blonde man came up to me. He had the prettiest blue eyes. “Hi, I’m Jordan. I’m a Center. I’m from Canada.”

“I’m Lo, I’m from Canada too. You have brothers don‘t you?” I said.

“It’s nice to meet you. How did you know about my brothers?” he said.

“You too, I’m a huge Staal fan. We’re both from Thunder Bay.“ I said.

“Sweet, well I gotta go, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Talk to you later.”

I sat down in an available stall that was assigned to me. I was placed next to the man who was staring at me.

We were getting ready for morning skate. I was on D.

After practice Evgeni came over to me.

“Can I ask you something?” he said.


“How old are you?” he asked looking down.

“Eighteen.” I said.

“I‘m 22.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes.” he said.

“Lo?” said a guy.


“I’m Sidney, the captain.” he said

“I know who you are, but it‘s nice to meet you.” I said. He walked away. I knew who most of these guys were, but I hadn’t played against many of them.

“Lo, did you have any nicknames with the Wings?” he asked.

“No.” I said with a smile.

“Lo can I talk to you?” asked Jordan.

“Sure.” I said back.

He led me out into the hallway.

“I know it’s a little soon but I was wondering if you wanted to go out to lunch.” he asked.

“I would love to. A nice place or a casual place?” I asked.

“Whatever you want.” he said.


“Like I’ll dress up, wearing a nice shirt and jeans or a suit?”

“Yeah, I’ll wear a nice dress.” I said.

“Ok. Who are you staying with?”

“Mario.” I answered.

“I’ll tell him.” and then he left. I walked back into the locker room. I got back into regular clothes. I had a separate shower time and wore a bikini. The guys showered right after exercise because I stayed out on the ice an extra half hour so I was a half hour late for a shower. I went home with Mario. He said it was fine I was going out into the city. I fixed my hair. I washed it and let it dry into the flowing curls I was born with. My hair was dark brown with lighter brown streaks. All natural of course. I put on a sea green dress and black heels. My dress matched my eyes. I walked down the steps and Sidney was sitting on the couch with Evgeni and Kris Letang. They all stared at me.

“Do I look bad?” I said starting to panic.

“No you look amazingly beautiful.” Jordan said standing in the doorway, I hadn’t seen him “You guys can pick your jaws up off the floor.” he said laughing.

“Oh. I thought I looked bad.”

Jordan took my hand and led me out the door. “It’s impossible for you to look bad.” he said.

“Thanks.” I said softly.

We got to the restaurant and Jordan came around to my side and opened the door.

“You look pretty.”

“Thanks, I am so glad we came.”

“Lo?” he said.

“Yes?” I said.

“What’s it like to be in the NHL?”

“It‘s hard but it’s fun.” I said.

After about an hour at the place we went to Mario’s

“How was lunch.”


“That’s great.” Sidney said.

“I know.” I said “Where is Geno?”

“He left. He looked kinda upset.” Kris answered.

“Did he say why?”


I must have looked worried.

“Take my car to his house, wait you don’t know where he lives, I’ll drive.” Jordan said and we walked out the door.

When we got there I ran up the steps. I was in heels but oh well. I knocked on the door. Geno came to it.

“Who is it?” he asked.

“Lo.” I said.

The door opened as he walked away.

“Are you ok?”

“No.” he said.

“What’s wrong?” I said and he turned around with tears running down his face. I wiped them away.

“You and Jordan. I am so jealous of him, I love you and you don‘t like me back. I have never felt like this about anyone. It hurts me because you guys look so good together.”

“Geno, calm down, we aren’t together.”

“He loves you. You can tell. Who wouldn’t love you Lo?”

“Everyone who hates me, listen Geno, Jordan asked me to go to lunch with him. We are both from the same town. We went to a nice place so we dressed up. It’s nothing more. We aren’t dating. I don’t know what you are worried about.” I said.

“He loves you, you don’t love him back?” he asked.

“We are just friends.”

I left and went back to Jordan’s car, Geno came too. We went back to Mario’s. I walked in and got changed. I came down in a Wings shirt and sweatpants.

“Take that off.” Sid said.

“I can’t help it, I don’t have a Pens shirt.” I said.

“I have one here, hold on.” he said.

He came back with a Crosby shirt.

“Put this on, please.” he said.

I changed right there and threw my Wings shirt at Sid. I had on a tank top underneath so it didn’t matter.

“Happy Sido?” I asked.


We sat and watched TV. I fell asleep and when I woke up I was in someone’s arms being taken to my room.

“Geno?” I asked.

“Yes Lo?” he said.

“I didn’t know who was carrying me.”

“Just me.”

I woke up and walked down the stairs and heard the guys talking.

“Dude. Lo is so pretty.” said Max.

“I know, I love her eyes.” said Geno.

“She’s so gentle but I like that.” said Sid.

“She’s so sweet, I mean she’s a nice person. I like that about her.” said Jordan.

“It’s obvious we all like her, we can’t fight over her though.” said Kris.

“Yeah my eyes are pretty and I’m very gentle and I am just such a sweet person.” I said laughing.

“Did you hear everything?” asked Jordan

“Yes. I think we should go out later. Like to a club.” I said.

“Yeah. What are you wearing, I mean we can‘t clash.” Jordan asked laughing the whole time.

“I don’t know, but I could use your help, come here please.” I said.

“What do you need?”

“Help picking out a dress.”

“I love that one, it looks pretty with your pretty eyes.” he said.

“I’ll wear that one then.” I said. This dress was white with a black band around the waist. I wore black heels with it. It came to the middle of my thighs.

“Lo?” he said.


“Do you have feelings for any of the guys on the team?” he asked.

“I don’t know, do any of you guys have feelings for me?” I asked, turning the tables.

“I do. I really like you.”


“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”

“I’m not exactly the perfect girl. I mean I play hockey with all guys and I come off the ice all sweaty and gross. I have hockey all the time. I can’t be there for a guy, and they usually just want to be with me for money, or attention.”

A few weeks later I got a phone call from Hank.

“Hey. How is Detroit?”

“Good, Lo I have bad news.”

“What’s the bad news?” I said starting to get worried.

“Val is talking about you. He‘s like yeah she didn‘t mean a thing.” he said. I was sitting in the living room. Jordan, Geno, Max, Marc, Kris and Tank were all there. I looked at Jordan. He could sense something was wrong. He looked worried.

“He said that?” I said.

“Yeah. I think you should call him.”

“I will.”



“So I don‘t mean a thing?”


“You know what you said, you told all the guys that I didn’t mean a thing to you. Thanks for making me feel like a complete nothing Val.” then I hung up.

Jordan opened his arms and I gave in. He ran his hand along my hair. How could Val do this to me? I got a text message from Val.

‘I never meant to hurt you Lo. I don’t know what I was thinking. You mean the world to me.’

I texted him back, ‘You hurt me Val, you weren’t thinking. I honestly never want to talk to you again, EVER.’

He texted bad, ‘Lo, don’t do this. You mean everything to me.’

I texted him back, ‘Bye Val.’

He texted back, ‘You are my everything.’ I shut my phone off and threw it at the wall. It shattered. I broke Jordan’s heart and he is still here for me. I got up and walked up the stairs. I got to my bed and couldn’t hold the tears in anymore. I cried. I just don’t cry, it shows weakness. I didn’t want the guys to see me cry. I heard a knock on my door.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“Jord.” he said.

“Come in.”

“Are you ok?” he asked.

“No.” I said.

He came over and opened his arms and pulled me close to him. He stroked my hair again. I cried into his chest.

“Sorry.” I said and he kissed my forehead. I knew I was getting his shirt tear stained.

“Please don’t cry.”

“I hate crying. I don’t want people to think I’m weak.” I said.

“You are the farthest thing from weak. If you can play in a league of guys who weigh a lot more that you and its rough for us guys, you aren’t weak.”

“Thanks Jordan.” I said.

He took my hand and led me downstairs.

“Lo are you ok?” asked Sid.

“I guess.” I said.

There was silence. We had a game tomorrow against the Wings. This was going to be interesting. I hope Val was expecting a very hard check from me, I was going to fight him, if it killed me.

I was on the faceoff. I was looking into the eyes of him, Val. I won the face off. I skated for about 30 seconds then went to the bench. I was put on D now. I was going to fight him.

Val came down the line, I pushed him backwards and when he got up I grabbed his shirt and started punching him.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Are you too girly to fight back, Valerie?” I asked.

He started to punch back, we had a two minute fight, the refs split us up. I went to the box. I was in for 5 minutes. Jordan got a tripping call and came in.

“That’s was a nice fight.”

“He is such a jerk, did you hear what I called him?” I said.


“I was like ‘are you too girly to fight back Valerie?’”

“Oh my god.” he said laughing.

“That is why he fought back. I wanted to keep going, I was going to kill him. My hand hurts, he has a very hard head.”

“Let me see it.” he said.

I showed him my hand.

“Can you ever grip a stick?”

“Good enough, why?”

“Just asking.”

Then he left and so did I. Later in the 1st period I hit Val with a huge check that sent him to the ice. They stopped the play. He was still laying there. I skated over.

“Are you ok?”

“Why do you care?!”

“I still care about you, I just don’t forgive you.”

“I just had the wind knocked out of me.”

He got up and skated away, Hank came over.

“You guys are really after each other.” he said.

“I know.” I said smiling, “I’m not giving in either”

“Obviously.” he said.

After the game Val asked to see me.

“I’m sorry about everything.” he said.

“How could you?”

“I‘m sorry.” he said.

I started to cry again.

“Please don’t cry.” he said pulling me into his arms.

“Can we still be friends?” he asked.

“We won‘t be super close but we can be friends.”

I finished hugging him and left. I don’t know how much more I can take.

I woke up early the next morning to go to optional practice. Jordan was sitting on the couch relaxing. I hugged him.

“I could get used to this.” he said.

We had another game tonight. This time it was against the Rangers.

It was game time. I was ready. I warmed up and went out on the ice to start the game. I got checked into the boards in the third period and I swung back around, the Rangers skated away, I poked the puck out of one of the player’s possession. I skated back, got tripped, and went into the board feet first. Like Sidney Crosby, only I didn’t have the same outcome as him. Jordan was the first one to me.

“Lo, please don’t move.” he said.

“I couldn’t anyways.” I said.

Jordan and Geno pulled me up. They glided me across the ice and when we got to the runway Geno held me up and Jordan stepped through the door. Jordan picked me up bridal style and carried me back. He left to continue playing. Sid came back after the game was over.

“It‘s a cracked ankle.” I said.

He hugged me.

“How bad does it hurt?” he asked.

“Perfect ten.” I said.

“I know who tripped you.” he said.

“Marc.” I said. I knew it was Jordan’s brother.


Jordan and Marc Staal walked in.

“Lo, I’m so sorry.” Marc said.

“It’s ok. It will heal……eventually.” I said smiling and giggling.

He left, Jordan stayed, Sid left too.

“I’m so sorry.” he said.

“For what?”

“You having to be out.”

“It’s fine. I‘m playing. I don‘t really care, hurt or not.” I said as I got off the table.

Two days later::

I was getting dressed when Sid walked in. He looked upset.

“Sid what’s wrong?”

“You’re in pain. I know it and it kills me to see that.” he said.

“Sid come here.” I said.

I pulled him into a hug. I just stood there for about five minutes.

“I’m doing ok.”

“No you aren’t.”

“I just don’t want you to feel bad.”

“I do. How much pain are you in seriously?”

“A lot.” I said looking down.

Sid put his index finger under my chin and pulled my head up. “Please don’t play. I don’t want you hurt more than you already are.”

“Sido I’m just playing through it.”


“I’m not giving up on my team. We’ve had too many injuries already.”

“Then one more won’t matter, please--”

“What are you worried about?” I asked.

“You.” he said.


“You are everything I want and more, I don’t want you hurt. It‘s stupid for you to play hurt.” he said.

“Sidney Patrick Crosby concentrate on your own game.” I said and turned away.

“Now your mad at me.”

“No. I’m mad at me for knowing that you’re right.” I said.

“Then you aren’t playing?” he said.

“I never said that, I just said that you were right.” I said.

“Please Lo.” he said.

“Sidney please don’t worry.”

“Promise me something.”


“You’ll be careful.”



“I promise.”

“I really don’t think it’s a good idea for you to play.”

“Sido you’re making this hard on yourself.”

“I just really care about you.”

“I care about you too but I’m going to be ok.”

“I hope so.”

We were starting our game. I was playing alongside Sergei Gonchar. I got checked into the boards. I fell to the ice. They stopped the play because Fleury caught the puck.

“Are you alright?” Sid asked.

“Fine.” I said. I got up and skated to the bench.

“Sid is really worried.” Jordan said.

“I don’t know why.” I said.

“He’s just as worried as I am.”

“Well don’t be.”

“Why shouldn’t I?”

“Because I can’t concentrate knowing that you guys are having heart-attacks over me.”


“Don’t be, just chill.”

“Are you mad?”


In the locker-room::

We won 9-4.

“I kept my promise.”

“Thankfully. Mario and his family are going away tonight. Wanna watch a movie with the guys?”


At Mario’s::

Our huge couch held 5 normal sized people or 3 hockey players. Jordan sat on one side of me and Sidney sat on the other. Jordan had his arm around my shoulder and Sid had his arm around my waist.

Max was sitting on the floor in front of me, getting a back massage from me.

Kris Letang was sitting beside Max, in front of me too.

Geno was sitting in the chair off to the side.

“Lo?” Sid asked.

“Yes.” I said.

“Can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure Sidney.”

I walked into the kitchen with me.

“I’m sorry I’ve been on you about the whole injury thing.”

“You’re just being cautious.” I said smiling, “Don’t worry about it.”


“No problem.”

“Would you be my girlfriend?” Sid asked me.

“Sid I can’t. I’m sorry.” I said.

We went and sat on the couch.

“It’s ok.“ he whispered into my ear.

Jordan walked out of the room and out the door, I went after him.


He did not answer.

“Jordan Staal!” I yelled.

“What?” he whispered and turned around. He had tears in his eyes.

“Jord?” I asked quietly and calmly.

“You’re happy.” he said. The tears spilled over and I took him into my arms.


“I heard what Sid asked you.”


“You said yes.”

“I said I couldn’t.”

“You told him no?”

“Of course I did. Didn’t you hear that part?” I asked.

“No. When he whispered something into your ear I had to leave.”’

“I said I was sorry in the kitchen and he whispered ‘it’s ok’ to me.” I said.

“So you two aren’t together?”

“No. Why?”

“Because I really like you. I’m not good at getting girls.”

“Pssht. Jord come on, you always have a girl on your arm, if not more than that. That‘s bull.”

“Not the one I’d want to be with forever. When I get serious about girls I never have the nerves to ask them to be girlfriend and even if I did another guy always gets them.”

I didn’t say anything.

“I want you. You are who I want to be with forever, but I don’t have a chance.”


“I understand.”

“I’m not done. I was going to say that it would be awkward with us being teammates and all but we can be friends with benefits.” I said smiling.

“Does that include a kiss every so often?”


‘I’m happy now.”

“Let’s go inside Jordan.”

We got inside:

“Dude are you ok?” Kris asked.

“I’m better now.’

“What was wrong?” Sid asked.

“Nothing.” he said and put his arm around me.

He pulled out his phone and was texting. The sound of the keys clicking put me to sleep. I woke up to my phone buzzing.

‘FWB I can handle that, don’t make it obvious it’s me’

‘Jord you are so sweet, but I just know things would be awkward. You had to have screwed up what you were going to say b/c you erased things fifty times’

‘You’re right, I did. Nothing sounded right.’

‘Aren’t I always. Oh lol’

‘Yeah lol’

‘I was so worried about you when you hurt your ankle, I could have had a heart attack.’

I burst out laughing so did Jordan. Everyone was just looking at us. I had to walk away.

“What’s so funny that you cannot tell us? Geno asked.

“I--can’t--breathe--” I said in between gasps.

“I think it’s funny to watch you laugh.” Jordan said.

“That was so dumb it was funny.” I said.

“Care to share?” Sid asked.

“Inside joke.” Jordan said., pretty coldly.

“Oh.” Sid said.

We finished watching the movie and I woke up at 6:00. I was laying on Jordan chest and he had his arms wrapped around me. I carefully moved his arms and got up. I started cooking breakfast after I got dressed and showered and everything.

“Good morning sunshine.” Jordan said.

“Good morning. How’d you sleep.”

“With you by my side. Amazing.”

“I have bad news.”

“What?” he asked.

“I got traded.” I said.


“But I quit the NHL.”


“I’m not leaving you.”


“I love you Jordan. I really do, I love you more than anyone in this world. Leaving you would kill me.”

“Marry me?” he asked.

“You’re kidding?”

“No. Marry me?”

“Of course.”

That was my love story, I got to be with Jordan for the rest of my life. <3