You only have this one-shot

You don't know anything

"No matter what I do you're always mad." I whispered. He slapped me.

"Don't talk to me like that ever again. Got it?" he yelled in my face.

He slapped me again when I didn't answer.

"I said got it?"

"Yes." I said.

"Yes what?"


"Wrong." he said and slapped me.

"Honey." I said.

"Thank you. Go on, get out of my face." he said. I shook my head and sat in the window seat. I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged my knees.

"Nobody wins when everyone's losing." I whispered to myself.

This was normal. He hit me every time I came home from a game or a practice. Basically whenever I was with my hockey team. I was the best friend of every player for the Pittsburgh Penguins. I practiced with them and sometimes I subbed in games. The guys don't know what's going on. My phone rang.

"Hello?" I said.

"Victoria?" Jordan said.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"We have a practice in a half hour. You coming."

"I'll be there." I said.


"Bye." I said.

I hopped from the window.

"Hold on Skippy!" Josh yelled.

"What?" I asked. He slapped me really hard.

"Where the ell are you going?"

"To practice." I said.

He pinned me against the wall and began hitting me and kicking me. I held back tears. He kicked me right in the knee and I let out a yelp. I let a tear slide. He dug his fingers into my neck, he pressed me against the wall then shook me and dropped me. I ran up the steps, got my bag and left. I got into my Lamborghini and pulled out.

When I got to the Mellon Arena I walked inside. Evgeni and Sidney were the only ones there.

"Victoria!" Evgeni screamed. He came running over. He gently rubbed my neck. I pulled away and sat down. I looked down at my shoes. Evgeni came and sat beside me.

"What happened?" he asked in Russian.

"Nothing." I said.

"Please Tor." he begged.

"Nothing." I said. I was holding back tears.

Evgeni pulled me into a hug. He stood up and walked me to our supply closet.

"I won't tell anyone. Please Tor." he said.

"My boyfriend hit me." I said. I broke down there. He called the coach.

"I'm taking her home."
"Family issue. She can't practice."
"Yes. Thank you. I'll be with her."

"It's ok. Let's go to my apartment." he said. I shook my head yes.

I called Josh and put it on speaker phone.

"I'm going to stay with a friend." I said.

"Biotch, get home now!" he screamed.



"I said no. I'm not coming home."

"Fine, we're over. You won't ever find anyone as good as me." he said.

Evgeni's knuckles were turning white from the pressure he was putting on the steering wheel. I reached over and brushed his cheek. He turned towards me, tears in his eyes.

"Geno." I whispered.

"He's hurting you." he whispered.

"I'm here and fine now."
"You know what really kills me?" he asked.


"That I love you and could treat you so much better."

"You think I do love you back?"

"I know you don't."

"You don't know anything." I said pulling him into a kiss in the parking lot of his apartment.

"I guess not." he said.

It started to rain but we just stood there. It didn't matter to us.

We were in love...... <3