You only have this one-shot

I have a question

My name is Veronica Zetterberg. I’m 5 foot tall. I weight 85 pounds. I was underweight. My brother always joked that if there was a wind storm I would blow away. He said he’s surprised how much I eat for how skinny I was. I have straight, frosty blonde hair. I have hazel eyes. I have a bright smile and I’m athletic. I am a pro dirt bike racer from Njurunda, Sweden. My brother is Henrik Zetterberg.

I was walking back the hallway after my race. I saw one of my brother’s teammates standing there.

“Can you sign this?” Valtteri Filppula asked me.
“Sure.” I said. He handed me a jersey with ‘Zetterberg’ and the number ‘13’ on the back.
“Good luck this year.”

One week later::

“Is this Veronica Zetterberg?”
“Yes. Who is this?”
“This is Travis Pastrana. Is there anyway that you would be on out show Nitro Circus. You can leave when you need to for races but we think it would be cool to have you here.”
“I’ll be there tomorrow. Annapolis right?”
“How’d you know?”
“I love the show.”
“So you know what you’re getting yourself into?”
“Yes. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thanks Veronica.”
“Call me V and no problem.”

The next day::

“I’m Travis, this is Joline Van Vugt.”
“I’m Veronica Zetterberg.”
“Where are you from?” Joline asked.
“Sweden.” I said.
“I got the perfect nickname. Would you take Swede offensively?” she asked.
“Nope, Swede it is.” I said.

After hanging and doing crazy jumps::

“I’m going to try to flip on monster truck. We aren’t sure if it’ll work. Nobody else will do it so would you want to try it with me?”
“Sure why not?” I said laughing.

The truck landed on the hood.
“Travis are you alright?” I asked.
“Yes. How about you.”
“I’m not sure. I’m pinned under the seat. My knee hurts pretty bad.”
“Can you get out at all?”
“Dude Trav I can’t get out at all, like I can‘t move!”
“Hang on. I’ll try to get the guys to get you out.”

“Swede, where is the seat at?” Travis yelled.
“Like, I’m stomache down and it’s pinning my legs. I’m losing feeling in my legs.”
“Hang on Swede.” Joline yelled.
“I think my knee is dislocated.” I said. I actually thought this was pretty funny. I mean nobody got seriously hurt.

Travis came back into the truck.
“We’re gonna get you out.” he said. “Guys give me a saw.”

Ten minutes later Travis pulled me out.

I stood up and almost fell but Travis caught me. I twisted my knee and it made the most disgusting sound but it popped back into place.

“Dude that was sweet Trav.” I said.
“You’re an idiot for getting in there with me.” he told me.
“But it was fun.” I said.
“Yeah I know.” he said laughing.

We were walking back to the house and Trav and I were walking behind everyone else.

“Are you sure you are alright?” he asked.
“Dude I’m totally fine.”

Later we were going on the hello track.

“This oughta be fun.” I said to myself.

I was on the bridge that was connected around all the trees about ten feet off the ground. I went too close to the edge and the boards lifted off and flung me off.

Travis’ POV;;

“Is she getting up?” I asked.
“No. She isn’t even moving.” Andy yelled.
“God please let her be ok. Please God let her be ok.” I said to myself, out loud.

We were waiting behind a dirt pile. She came out almost 1 minute later.

“I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine.” she yelled to us.
We all walked over to her. I pulled her into a hug.

“That sucked. I did really bad.” she said smiling.
“You did a good job.” I told her.
“Yeah right.”
“Are you alright?”

She walked back to the house with me.



She tried the same path again and made it. We were doing flips and she landed weird. She just kind of stuck. I rushed over.

“Are you alright?!”
“My shoulder hurts.”
“How bad.”
“I can’t really move it.”
“Let’s get into the house.”
“Do I have to?” she wined.
“Yes.” I said.

When we got to the house I walked into the kitchen and lifted her up and sat her on the counter. She was light. She was short and easy to lift. I mentally laughed.

“Why is someone sitting on my counter?” my mom Debbie asked.
“V got hurt.” I said.
“Hurt?” my mom asked, surprised.
“Are you alright dear?”
“I can’t move my right arm.” she said. She pulled her helmet off. I helped her take her jersey off and her padding. She had on spaghetti straps (a cami). Her shoulder was purple and red.

“It‘s separated.” my dad said after playing doctor. I guess all the injuries that have happened taught him something.
“Really.” V said.
“She can still ride right?” I begged.
“Of course she can.”

On the way to the track.

“Are you sure you’re ok?”
“Now that it’s semi-cracked into place.” she said.
“You’re tough.”
“Thanks I think.”
“I have a question.”
“What?” she asked.
“Would you marry me?”
“Marry you?”
“Yes, would you marry me?”
“You’ll be Mrs. Pastrana?”
“Of course!”