Ocala Is Calling

I'm so nauseous

So there I stood, at the entrance to Broward High School, map in hand, and probably a little pee in my pants.

I made my way through the double-doors, and followed the highlighted path on my map to my first period, and as the day went on I did the same for each class.

I read my schedule when I sat down at my seat in my first period,

Period One; French with Mr. Fleming
Period Two; Geography I with Mr. King
Period Three; Early Childhood With Ms. Eldridge
Period Four; English I With Ms. Marcus

By the time First period ended I had already learned "Bonjour" and "Au Revior," which made me very proud of myself. By the time the lunch bell had rang after second period I was more than ready to go home.

This dumb school was so big that it had a lunch system to make the lunch lines more navigable. The school was split into four lunches, and if you didn't happen to have lunch with your friends.. well than that was just too damn bad. I had already checked with Maggie and I knew I didn't have lunch with her, so I planned on skipping it for today, until I met a few people, and just getting a feel for the school.

I made my way out of the classroom and thru a mass of people as I noticed the soul of my crochet boots was rubbing on my heels, I walked over to the nearest bench and pryed them off. My heel was red, and raw, and hurt. I gently put my boot back on, and pulled out my map in search of the nurses office, where I could most likely locate a bandaid.

Once at the nurses, I pushed open the big wooden door, and glanced around. There was an empty desk in front of me, and to my left were blue plastic-y benches to lay the sick on.

On the benches was one overweight kid, who looked about 14, passed out, with saliva pouring out of his mouth, onto the bench.

Note to self... never lay on these benches.

My swift movement continued along the rest of the room. A girl getting medication out of a cabinet, the nurse running a cloth under the sink, and a kid crouched over with his head in his hands, and his back to me.

"Mr. Brighfield, I expected you to visit me the first day back dear, but I wasn't expecting you to regurgitate all over my paperwork." she joked.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so nauseous. Coach had me working hard last night, I'm our only goalie for next season. I guess I'm just tired, I've been tired alot lately." His hands met behind his head.

Brighfield... Brighfield.
Where did I know a Brighfield...

"GAVIN?" I blurted.
He whipped around to meet my stare. He slung his backpack over his shoulders, and hopped to his feet.

"Well, it was nice catching up with you Ms. Brawlings. I'll come again next time I can stay longer." He slurred, scrambling out the door.

"Gavin, wait." I said, turning around to watch him dash out of the nurses office.

What a weird kid. Did he really think I didn't hear about him throwing up on the nurses papers?

I snapped back to reality.
"Can I help you young lady?!" The nurse asked.
"Uhm, Yeah. I - I Just need a band-aid"