Ocala Is Calling

Open your window, Open your mouth

I was absolutely appauled that I had homework on the first day at a new school, but then again it was really only fair. So, I sat there and did my English report on my old town, and thanked God that I had already completed Science and Math last semester back at home, because those were my two worst subjects.


What the hell? I shrugged it off, and continued my report.


I ignored it again.


Jesus! i thought, I got up and pulled my curtain away from my window, as a hand full of jellybeans flew towards me and smacked against my window. I looked up to see Gavin, sitting criss-cross, with the sofa turned so it was facing out the window, a bag of jellybeans in his lap.

I lowered my brow, and lifted my lip, questioning him.
He held up his pointer finger, implementing me to wait one second.
He leaned over to his left and came back into the window sill, white board in hand.
He began to scribble on it.

Sorry about today. /: he wrote.

I grabbed my white board, and scribbled back
You don't have to put smiley faces.. I can see you.

Oh, Right. he wrote

So... puking on the nurses papers? I'm sure you could have found a better way to say welcome back.

He squinted to read the words, then pursued his lips, showing that he didn't find my joke funny.

I did NOT puke

Ha, sure. I held my board up, confidently

He threw a few jellybeans in his mouth, and then moved his hand in an up motion.

I looked at him, confused.

He began to write.

open your window.

I followed instructions, and unhooked the latch on my window, at the height I was at this was not safe at the least. I sat cross legged on my window sill, staring down at the empty and dark street below me.

He pointed at his mouth a couple of times, and then opened it as wide as he could.

I was beggining to seriously question this kid. I gawked my head back in disgust.

he shook his hands in front of him in a "no, no, no!" fashion.

I lowered my brow again.

He scribbled on his board, and held it up.

open your mouth. he grinned

I looked completely weirded out by this whole thing, but I listened, and parted my lips.

He began to write again,

no, wider!

I opened my mouth as wide as I could, as I saw his arm go behind his head I began to wonder what the hell this kid was doing, when suddenly it flung foward and I felt something hit the back of my throat. I threw my head forward to stop myself from choking, and suddenly tasted lemons.

He jumped to his feet, and threw his hands over his head in victory, fists clenched, a full smile across his beautiful face.

He had just thrown a lemon jellybean all the way from his game room, across the street, into my mouth. I could see where he was getting this vindication from, but this kid was crazy

and the more he showed it, the more he tugged on my heart.
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I've been wanting to write a story like this for a while now.
The original idea is from "You Belong With Me" By Taylor Swift.