Ocala Is Calling

There's going to be a fight tonight

I had been through two days of school, and so far it wasn't anything too exciting.

I had skipped lunch both days, and hadn't really met anyone new, aside from a few people who welcomed me to their school. Today was Wednesday, and I was spread across my bed, in a mass of papers, trying to complete a diagram of South America.

My phone lit up, and I flipped it open.

Maggie: Banquet Tonite.

oh shit. I had to get ready.

I texted back, Getting ready, be over in an hour?

I got a confirming kay and then hopped up towards my closet to retrieve the dress I had bought Sunday with Maggie. I laid it across my bed, and then made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, powdered my face, and applied a thick thin of eyeliner above my eyelid, then mascara, and blush. I let the curling iron heat up, and pulled my hair up, into twists, braiding some, and leaving others, until I was left with a formal updo with a fountain of curls spilling from the back. I let my bangs and a few curls fall forward, before placing pearl earrings in both ears.

I made my way back to the bed and pulled the dress up over me, feet first. Then sliding on a pair of pearl strappy heels, and following with my mothers single pearl necklace. I grabbed my house key, slipped it into the front of my dress, grabbed my cell phone, and walked across the street to Maggies house.

She greeted me at the front door.

"My dad, and Vin already left, they were aggravated with my mom taking so long. Let's go" she said with a cheerful smile.

I hopped in the car and Maggie looked me in the eyes, solumnly.

implying she knew something, that I didn't.

We arrived and made our way into a massive hotel crowded with men in buisness suits and trophy wives firmly latched to their arms. Maggie waddled over to the table of orderves in her lime green slingbacks, and I stayed planted where I was, In search. On a mission.

My eyes latched on a pair of hazel ones looking back at me, pushing through a crowd.

His jaw drapped slightly as he made his way towards me.
"Wow.. V- Veronica."

I smiled back politely.

"You look great." He approved.
I felt his hand graze my shoulder, and fall down still in contact with my arm, all the way down to my hand where it grasped mine, and brought it to his mouth, leaving a gentle kiss on it's surface.

my face lit up.

"Geeee." I heard someone whine from behind me. "Save those lips for me."

and I saw a figure move towards him.

Thin, pale, freckly girl wrapped her arms around Gavin's waist and his arm fell politely onto her shoulder.

she flipped her red-brown hair, and her blue eyes glittered.

"I'm bored, let's go to your car?" she begged, winking at him.

I saw his hazel eyes roll, and it was slightly reassuring. His lips pulled to the side in a halfhearted smile.

"Em, this is Veronica. Veronica, is.."

and before he could state her name she blurted it out on her own

"Emily. Emily Thatcher. Gavin's date. Nice meeting you."

She flashed an intimidating smile, and whipped around dragging Gavin with her.

I didn't know Gavin had a girlfriend. Maggie told me he wasn't serious with anyone. She told me girls here didn't go for him. I was so confused.

I found Maggie still at the table of appetizers, and stood there for the remainder of the night, excluding sitting down for dinner. Silent, the whole time.

The banquet and I sighed out of relief.

"Mom, Me, Vin, and Vee are gonna ride together, kay?" I heard Maggie say over the bustling of the crowd.

She grabbed my arm, and pulled me towards Gavin's black Corvette. "Let's sort this out."

We got into the car, and I settled for the back seat, deciding that riding shotgun would probably result in an akward conversation.

I watched Gavin out the window, as Emily pulled him into a petite embrace, and turned her head to the side, surely. Gavin leaned in and pecked her on the check, as she strutted back to her car across the parking lot, her curls bouncing behind her with each step.

He slid into the car, and clicked his seatbelt in place.

"I still can't believe you." Maggie scoffed.

"Daisy..." Gavin warned, calm, but I could see he was losing composure quickly.

"No, Gavin. EMILY? Of all people. I mean, REALLY?!" Maggie argued.

"MARGARET!" Gavin barked, showing that he was done talking about it.

That was the first I had ever heard him call her by her real name.

She bit her lip and turned to face the window.

He whipped the steering wheel the left and we swerved cutting off multiple cars.

"Put your seatbelts on." he grumbled. "please."

I pulled my seatbelt over me, mentally slapping myself for not doing it in the first place.

He jammed on buttons on the radio, until Bring Me The Horizon spilled from the speakers.
He turned on the knob until "Chelsea Smiles" was so loud, your own thoughts were barely audible.
The music remained like this the entire ride home, until he slammed on the breaks, when we arrived home. He turned the key, pulled it out, and stormed off into the house.

Maggie let me out, and turned to face me

"I would run, if I were you. Run and don't look back." she said with a smile tugging at her lips.

I laughed.

"Theres gonna be a fight tonight." she assured.
♠ ♠ ♠
filler, not my best