Ocala Is Calling

I'm not her puppet

From the time I arrived home, the noise from next door hadn't ceased. I had listened to almost two hours of shouting between what sounded like Gavin and his mother, with some from his father and a few from Maggie. At some points I could have sworn I heard glass shatter. It had been completly silent for almost 15 minutes now.


I heard a tap at my window, but ignored it, not getting my hopes up.


there it was again. My heart skipped a beat, and then picked up at double pace.

I drew back my curtain and stared at the boy ahead of me.

he held up his board

Coming off quite the jerk, aren't I?

his lips were in a slight frown, he tossled his hair.

I scribbled one word back, a question.


I watched him take in a deep breath and part his lips, letting it out.

no. NO. no. Mommy dearest's idea

I followed with one more word, if you could call it a word

ahh. was all i wrote back.

Sorry I was like that in the car today. Angry. i don't like Em. Mom makes me, say's it's good for me to have a girl w/ her head on her shoulders.

it's ok. I began to write back, fight?

He held up his board, sick of BS, I'm not her puppet

I reassured him, writing back, understood

I'm whooped. Night?

I confirmed, Night and then let my curtains fall back in front of my window.

I heard another CLACK on my window, Gavin must be almost out of jellybeans by now.

When I pulled back my curtain, he was gone, but the white board was leaning against the window.

I strained my eyes to read what it said,

BTW you looked gorgeous today. Sleep tight.

I dropped to my bed, as butterflies consumed my stomach.

Moving was the best choice I ever made, that's a fact.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a small portion I wanted to write before I went to bed.