Ocala Is Calling

want a ride?

The day after the banquet was just like any other boring Florida day. School was becoming monotonous, I was sick of the same thing, the same cadance, hour after hour. But still, I was happier here than anywhere else. It was Thursday night, and I had no where to be, so I lay sprawled on my bed, infatuated with the movie playing on my television. Chicken Little, until I passed out, face down in my homework.

I woke up, homework adhered to my cheek, saturated in drool. Just as I hopped up to look at the time on my phone, I heard the call of the jellybeans at my window. I shuffled to the window and drew back my curtain, becoming acustom to this.

Though he wasn't there, his white board was.

Want a ride? Vette's in the driveway, 20 min.

I scrambled to get ready. I threw on a white V neck, and a pair of dark wash jeans.
I ran to the coat closet, and threw on my yellow pea coat, and a pair of matching flats.
I threw my hair up in a messy bun, and curled the pieces that fell down.
I tossled my bangs, grabbed my backpack, and made my way out the door.

When I stepped off the porch steps, he was already outside. On the side of the car opposite to me, he was leaned against it,

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yepp." I replied, and made my way to the car.

He slid in effortlessly, and pulled his seatbelt over him. I did the same, yet a little less gracefully.

"I figure, it'd probably save your mom some effort, and.. I don't mind" he said, turning to me and smiling.

I smiled back, and he flicked on the radio, but left it so quiet I could barely make out the words to the song.

He pulled out the drive way, and as we made our way to school, the ride becoming advancingly akward. I pulled my gaze away from the window and looked at him, concentrated on the road.

He pulled at his lip, slowly letting it go in between his teeth.

He turned to look at me quickly, then went back to the road.

"I'm sorry." He said "About the other day, I'm usually not like that. I was just.. mad. I don't have any feelings for Emily. Whatsoever. Dais-" he cut himself off, "Maggie likes to agitate me."

"It's okay," I said. "your mom has alot of expectations for you, huh?"

"There not really FOR me, It's all for her benefit." He mumbled.

"Oh." I sighed, and looked out the window.

His voice became more cheerful, "So, VERR AWH NICK UHH" He drew out my name, emphesising it. "Tell me more about yourself, I know NOTHING." he said, tossing me a smile.

"Hm," I thought for a second. "There's really not much to tell. I'm fifteen, a freshman.."

"Any sports?" he asked.

"absolutely not" I replied. "I'm not athletic at all."

"I'll teach you how to own the stick" he promised, laughing under his breath.

I laughed back, and then glanced to the backseat of his car, where his lacrosse stick was.

"Hey?" I said, questioning him. He looked to me, raising an eyebrow. "Where's Maggie?"

"She rides with Tyler, lately." he replied, his voice tensing.

"Tyler?" I asked.

"My friend. Well, now her FRIEND, I guess." He said, biting at his cheek.

"Ahh." I replied.

We pulled into the school, and the conversation ended.
We went our seperate ways, not before he placed a hand on my shoulder,

"Have a good day."

God, that gorgeous smile.
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