Ocala Is Calling

You said anything

As I walked out of my fourth period, and was about to make my way to the bus ramp I felt a rough tug on my backpack. I turned my head to see Gavin attached to my backpack pulling me in reverse. I quickly turned to face him.

"You scared me." I confessed.

"Yeah, I tend to have that affect," he joked. "Do you need a ride home?"

"I don't neeeeed a ride home." I replied.

"Would you LIKE a ride home?" he asked, a smile pulling at the sides of his full lips.

"Sure." I said, as he let go of my backpack.

"Let's go" He finished, pointing towards parking lot.

Once inside his car, he threw his text books off of the passengers seat, making a motion similar to that of Vanna White, implying for me to sit down.

Gavin pushed the key into the ignition, and toyed with the radio.

"Preference?" he asked.

"Uhm... I'll listen to anything" I replied.

"Well, in that case..." He said, flipping through his CD case, until pulling out a clouded disk and putting it in the player.

He flicked through the songs until he got to 7 and stopped.

His foot hit the pedal and we flew forward, speeding out of the school parking lot and onto the highway.

The song seemed familiar, I knew it from some where, but where?

The words began, and I instantly new what I was listening to.

Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze

I covered my mouth, letting a few giggles escape.

"What???" He asked, protectively.

"The Lion King?" I questioned.

"The Lion King happens to be my favorite Disney movie, and you said you listen to anything!" He replied. "Do you know the words?"

"...no." I stated firmly.

"I find that REALLY hard to believe, Veronica." He growled, jesterly.

I turned to look at him, and he flashed me a playful smile. It was a smile I hadn't seen yet. It was crooked, beautiful, and sincere, and it was now my absolute favorite.

"SING." He nudged me with his elbow, as he began to follow the words.

"It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy"

He nudged me harder with his elbow, and I followed direction, finishing the song with him.

together we sang..


The song finished,

"I knew you knew the words." He replied.

"Why do you have a disney CD?" I asked, laughing.

"I think the more important question, Ms. Veronica, is why don't YOU have one?" He retorted in a serious tone, then breaking into laughter.

He took the CD out, while mainting control of the car, and replaced it with an All Time Low CD, that I instantly recognized.

"Hey," he said lightly hitting the back of his hand against my shoulder, I turned to look at him. "Me, Daiz, and a few friends are going to the T docks tomorrow, you should come."

"The T docks?" I asked, completely oblivious to what he was reffering to.

"Docks, down by the lake, their not too far from here. We jump off 'em." He replied.

"Oh, are you sure Maggie wouldn't mind me coming?" I asked.

"Are you kidding? You're practically her best friend" He reminded.

It was a good feeling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Written as a spur of the moment thing. :P
