Ocala Is Calling

One question at a time

I pulled his body off me, so that we were side my side, and I raised my self up onto my knees to watch. I pulled his cell phone out of his pocket to call an ambulance, It was 4:31, I gave him 2 minutes, if he didn't wake up by then I was calling 911.


C'mon Gavin, please wake up....

His eyes fluttered open, and my body fell in a relieving sigh. His body tensed, and then his eyes shifted to me, and I watched as his shoulders fell back, relaxing. He put both hands over his eyes, and I just looked at him dumbfounded.


He pulled his hands away and turned his head to look at me, raising his eyebrows.

"What the hell was that?!"

He pulled him self upright, and shrugged.

I let my bottom lip drop, in confusion. "Well, You.. I.. GAVIN."

He just stared at me. Dazed. Off in a completely different world.

and he sat like that for 3 more minutes until he snapped out of it.

"Ronni, we should get going."

"Gavin, you. You can't drive!" I stumbled over my words.

"Sure I can, come see." he said, with a smirk emerging.

"You just passed out." I argued.

"No, I don't know what you're talking about, Veronica." He said, sarcasticly. "Come on."

"Gavin, you cannot drive a vehicle."

"Veronica, watch me." he said, cocking his head to the side, playfully.

Gavin is the only person I could ever imagine making a joke out of falling to the ground unconciously.

He hopped to his feet, and wobbled back, dizzily.

I widened my eyes. "Yeah, you look stable." my voice saturated in sarcasm.

"Well, what would you like me to do about it, doll face?" he snapped back, chewing on the side of his mouth, sourly.

I could see he was growing impatient with my morals.

I sighed. "Let me drive" it wasn't even so much of a suggestion as it was a demand.

He broke out into laughter, "Ha, yeah. You're funny kid." He said, slapped my back. "You driving my Corvette, do you even have your permit?"

"Well.. no." I confessed. "I just never read the book! I can drive! I used to mow the lawn all the time!!" I argued.

I looked at like I was insane, like I had three heads on my shoulders.

He took a deep breath in, held, and then exhaled. He looked down at the keys, and then lifted my hand, placing them in it, and curling my fingers over the set of silver keys.

"Hurry, let's get to the car before I change my mind" he said seriously.

I jumped up, and we made our way off the dock and to the parking lot.

When we arrived at the car he got down on his knees, and I watched him place his hand to his lips and then blow a kiss directed to the bumper of his car.

"WHAT are you doing?" I asked.

He whipped around to look at me, grimacing, "I'm saying goodbye!" he cried.

"Quit being so dramatic." I demanded, winking.

"When did YOU become so outgoing?" He said, crossing my path and smirking.

God, that smirk. It could make a girl drop to her knees in an instant.

I got into the drivers seat, and Gavin slipped into the passengers, which was weird for me to see.

I put the biggest key into the ignition, and turned it on, the engine roared, and I turned to smile at Gavin who had his hands over his eyes and his seatbelt strapped firmly around his waist.

"Seatbelt, Veronica!" Gavin screamed as I threw the Vette into reverse. I slammed on the breaks and put my seatbelt on.

He let out a deep breath. This was going to be a long ride home.

I stopped at every stop sign, remained casual when passing police officers, and aside from my occasional led foot, made it into Gavin's drive way without a problem.

I turned the car off, removed the key from the ignition, and dangled them in front of Gavin.

His bottom lip protruded, implying that I wasn't too shabby.

"Pretty good?" I asked.

He got out of the car, and shut the door. "You've got a lot to learn, Ronni" His smirk appeared again. "In many fields." he said, winking subtly, and making his way towards me.

I got out of the drivers seat and stood, as he suprisingly wrapped an arm behind me.

He squeezed me tight, "Thanks for staying, today." he said, pulling away and looking me in the eyes. "I appreciate it alot." and he turned to walk away. I stood for a second stunned.

Gavin hugged me.

It was a one armed hug, but it was a hug none the less.
He said he appreciated me. ALOT.

I was in too deep.

I just needed to know what was eating at that boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
tee hee. [:

I dragged this chapter out for Dominique and Emily.
You're freakin' welcome.