Ocala Is Calling

Home Sweet Home

Sunday night felt the same as every other night to me. I was doubled over on my bed, sifting through binder upon binder completing my homework. No jellybeans hit my window that night, or the next morning, for that matter. I was confused, but figured Gavin had probably just lost interest in me, or something.

School was still monotonous. I completed class after class, bored. During 3rd period I felt my hip vibrate, and surreptitiously slipped my phone out of my pocket, glancing at the screen.

From: Maggie
Hey, Vee. From the bottom of my heart, srry for smoking Saturday. Im not usually like that. Tyler just.. yeah. Well we're in Colorado for a week, srry for late notice. It was an impulse trip, my dad has some buisness shiz. ily -Magz.

I sighed. No one to hang out with for a whole week. No Maggie to talk to. No jellybeans at my window.

School dragged on that week. I was almost becoming robotic. Repeating the same schedule everyday. Skipping lunch became accustom to me. I slipped out of 3rd period, and made my way to library everyday, where I would listen to music or read. The school food was greasy and disgusting anyways.

That Friday while in the library I felt my pocket ring, expecting a text from Maggie telling me how boring Colorado was and how badly she wanted to shoot herself.

From: Maggie
Coming home tomorrow. Come over? I meece you!!

I smiled, and replied with a

closing my phone, and making my way out of the library after the bell rang.

I went home, and made dinner for myself, my mother, and of course, Jay.

Went to my room, did my homework, and fell asleep.

I woke up to the sun peeking through my curtains, and rolled out of bed.

After making toast with Nutella, I dressed myself, threw my hair into a ponytail, not bothering to put in my contacts, and made my way over to Maggie's.

I slipped my phone in my pocket and knocked on the door.

No answer. I knocked once more, seeing that Gavin's car wasn't in the driveway i was a little disheartened.

The door swung open.

"Quite the incessant knocker, aren't we?" Gavin asked jokingly.
I nodded, "Maggie here? Wheres your car?"
"The jeep's low on gas, I let mom use the Vette, Maggie's with her, they went shopping." He said in one swift breath, sucking in air dramatically.
"Oh," I said, turing around "I'll go home, then" making my way off the porch.
"Okay, I see how it is." He said sourly.
I turned around, lowering my brow.
"Don't wanna hang out with me" he said, crossing his arms.
"Oh.. sure." I replied.
He leaned against the door, pushing it opening, and making a movement for me to enter the house.

"Whole house to yourself?" i asked.
"Yes." he said, turning to me and grinning. "Would you like to see my fucking awesome room?" he said, excitedly.

"Sure." I replied.

He led me to the door of his room, just outside the kitchen, and faced me.

"This territory is very off limits, feel privileged." He said, patting me on the shoulder. "I understand if you tear up a bit." He said, sarcastically, still grinning.

I nodded, not impressed. He threw his hand over my eyes, and thrust me into the room.

Uncovering my eyes, I looked around. I did feel privileged.
I glanced around. His walls were plastered with posters of everything you could think of, cars, bands, and the occasional nasty girl.
"Don't mind those." He said, blushing as he saw my eyes reach the poster of Audrey Kitching topless only covered by a Fender Strat.

I was a little appalled but still mesmerized by his room, all the same. I looked past the posters. Broken skateboards lined his walls, placed frivolously, along with old records, and cds.

Huge speakers hung off his walls, along with a stereo system placed a shelf. His television was huge, and sitting ontop of it was an xbox 360.

"I thought your xbox was in the game room?" I asked.

"convenience," he replied. "I have two, i switch hard drives"

"Committed gamer?" I asked, poking fun.

He nodded, proudly, and patted his bed. "Try it, you know you want to."

I hopped onto his bed, and sunk in, the sides surrounding my body.

His bed was monstrous, at least a queen, and it was incredibly comfortable.

I watched Gavin as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and flipped it open.

"Maggie and mom went to Orlando, they're gonna be gone all night." he said, with a smirk.
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