Ocala Is Calling

Cold hard time

So, I wasn't put in jail. I didn't face any charges. The only trace of any substance on me was found on my clothing and nothing more. Innocent, I tell you. For my "friends?" Well, they had been known for being where they were and there was another cruiser parked on the other side of the building. They would all see a sitting in Teen Court. I however, faced something much worse. The wrath of my mother.

I had never seen such a disapproving look on my mother's face, as when she walked in the door of the police station.
"Those kids, Veronica." She mumbled
"I've told you a million times, no good."
And of those million times she told me, I heard her everytime. But I had no one else. I was lonely, and anything was better than nothing. I was just lonely. So I had resorted to the likes of drug and alcohal abusers. All though I thought she would be atleast slightly relieved that I hadn't resorted to participating.

I bit at the side of my cheek, unsure of what to say. She walked by me, and brushed her hand on my cheek, reassuring. Then made her way to the desk behind me. God, my mom was so beautiful, and never the exposed, unflawed beautiful you see in movies. Better than that, she was so refined, flawed yet perfect. Why couldn't I be just like her?

I heard her talking to the police officer. I didn't reallly pay attention, though. I didn't really want to think about this more than I had to.

"Come, Veronica. You have much to explain." she chided.
"You two have a nice night, now" Officer Goodman grunted
for sure, douchebag.
I fell in step behind my mother, and followed her to the '94 Nissan Maxima, that would take setting of a nice, long lecture I would soon partake in.

i spilt into the passenger's seat, and clicked my seatbelt into place by my left hip. I let my mass of matted chocolate colored hair fall against the head rest as I lay back and close my eyes. I felt the car move slightly as my mom sat down. I heard the door shut, and the engine start, and I knew I was in for it.
"Like the passenger's seat better than the back, eh?" She retorted.
"Most definately." I assured her.
"Well then, let's keep it that way, hm dear?"
"mhm." i agreed.
I was puzzled for a moment. Where was the lecture? The "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" talk. Where was it? Did she forget? Should I remind her?
"aren't... aren't you supposed to...?"
"What, Veronica?" She replied.
"I-I don't know. Normal parents would.. yell? Tell me how bad of a choice I made? Take my stuff away? A little help here, Mom, I'm just going with the majority." I rambled.
"Well, lovely. I really don't think that will do much will it?"
I nodded in agreement.
"So you've learned your lesson as far as I'm concerned. Would you like a lecture? I'm sure I could scrounge something up for you, if you'd like."
"No, no. I'm fine. Great."
I looked at her, and then to the window, fogged dark, and splattered with raindrops from the drizzle that began to fall while we were still inside. I looked back at her.
"Yes, Veronica?"
She smirked.
"I love you." I reminded her.
"I love you too, dear. Very much."
♠ ♠ ♠
Second chapter done.
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