Ocala Is Calling

How good are you at sneaking out?

I pulled the blankets over my shoulders, and curled my knees into my stomach. It was 1:30 in the morning and I had finally finished my homework, it was only friday night but that meant I didn't have any homework to do for the rest of the weekend.

It had been almost a week since I had hung out with Gavin, and I knew exactly why. He had sent me a text only minutes after I made my speedy escape from his house explaining that he was grounded until further notice due to my presence without the accompaniment of an adult , and grounded from everything excluding lacrosse and school.

I had felt so horribly guilty for getting Gavin grounded, and he crossed my mind even more often after the kiss.

Everything reminded me of him. Everything was related to something that was somehow a reminder of something that linked somehow to his lips crashing into mine upstairs in his empty house mid-downpour. I couldn't stop thinking about his beautiful smile, or his eyes. It was all so alluring, and captivating. I was hopeless, for now at least.

Suddenly I heard a tap at my window. My heart fluttered, and I couldn't help but picture Gavin. I drew back my curtains and took a deep breath, hoping for the best.

I peeked out the window, but to my dismay, saw nothing but black. Just as i was about to turn away, and fall back into my light slumber, I saw a beam of light flash out of the window across the street.

I gazed intently, as a figured waved to me. The figure was sitting cross legged on the back of the couch, with a sheet draped over his body, and head, in a hooded fashion, like a five year old playing super-hero. The flash light turned to the figures face and i immediately recognized the features as Gavin's. A crooked smile on his face. My favorite smile.

He held his white board in his hand, writing only a greeting.
Hello, mah lady.

I smiled at his goofy word choice, and grabbed my white board, scribbling a message back.
Hey, still grounded?

my mouth went crooked to show my concern.

he wrote back, and shown the flashlight on the board for me to see.
Very. I havesomething alot to tell you.

His smile faded, and my thoughts flew back to the day in the fort when he showed me his bruised legs, and stomach, and confessed everything to me. He went to the doctor the next day, obviously it had something to do with that. At least, I hoped.


was all I wrote back.

I'd prefer in person. How good are you at sneaking out?

I watched a smirk fall onto his face as he watched me read his lettering.

We'll find out.
I wrote back, then dropped the curtains to throw on something a bit more suitable. I exchanged my worn plaid pajama pants for a pair of ripped jeans. Pulling my boots on over my jeans, I grabbed my phone, and cautiously made my way downstairs. I took each step slowly and made my way out the door. Someone stood right in front of me, and I jumped back in fear. Just as my mouth was about to open in a shriek of pure terror, a hand met my mouth.

"Shh, Ronni. It's me. Jesus." I heard the familiar voice say, with a hint of laughter.

Relief washed over me. He had gotten over to my house quicker than I thought.

"You scared me." I whispered.

"I tend to have that effect on people." he said, grasping my hand in the dark

I jumped at the unexpected warmth of his hand. It felt good, as he laced his fingers through mine gracefully, and gave my hand a momentary squeeze. I smiled, even though he couldn't see it.

He tugged on my arm, pulling me away from my house.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, concerned.

"Where ever I want, Veronica." He teased

"Gav, seriously." I played.

"You'll see." he replied

He pulled me back behind houses and houses, up a huge hill until we were at the top. It was a beautiful sight, even at almost 2 AM, it was probably the prettiest landscape I had seen since I had been here. Lights from vast building scapes shown bright in the far distance, and a blanket of stars sparkled over our heads, a crescent moon hanging in the sky.

"So?" He asked.

"It's gorgeous out here, Gavin." I blurted.

He looked at me and nodded. My eyes were adjusting to the dark, and I could now make out all of his facial expressions.

His eyes set on mine, and I looked back at him. For no less than a minute he stood staring at me, untouched.

"You had to talk to me?" I asked, remembering the statements on the whiteboard.

"Oh, right," he remembered, shaking his head.

He sat down on the ground, and patted the spot next him, motioning for me to sit down also.

I followed instructions as usual, and sat down next to him. He scooted himself closer to me, so that our sides met, his warmth radiating onto me. I felt his right arm graze my back as it made its way around my waist.

"But first," he added, smirking and pulling his left arm around the other side of my waist to meet his right. I turned to look straight at him, as he sat, speechless.

Before i could say a word, or even think, his lips met mine again. He parted his perfect lips, and pressed them against mine with pressure. Slowly our lips left each others and then met again, our tongues lacing together, and his hand pulled my hair out of my face, and tucked it behind my ear. He pulled away, only an inch or two from my face, and looked straight into my eyes. He leaned in for one more kiss, and pressed against my lips, urgently.

He pulled away, and looked at me seriously.

"Ronni, I have so much to talk to you about." He confessed.

"Well, start." I encouraged

He sighed heavily, and layed on his back with his hands behind his head casually. He looked at me, and I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to continue with what he was going to say. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me unil I was laying directly ontop of him, my head on his chest. I layed my head down, and he wrapped his arms around either side of my body, incasing me in warmth.

I looked up at him. He was gazing at the sky, and I could tell he was thinking intently. He looked at me and sat up, so I was still in his lap, and our faces were only inches from each others. He looked me in the eyes.

"Well, Veronica." He started, lightly caressing my cheek.
Butterflies consumed my stomach when my name left his mouth.
"I brought you hear to tell you two things, mainly. So it's your choice. Good, or bad first?"
I thought for a moment.
"Good." I said, nodding for him to continue.
"Alright." He said, as I gazed into his hazel eyes. "Ronni.. I don't know how to put this. I just want.. I.."
I lowered my brow, confused.
He groaned at his loss for words.
"When I kissed you, it was just. like. shit." he stumbled his over his words.
"Bad, shit?" I asked, a little hurt.
"No!" He replied. "Like, That was fucking amazing."
A smile spread across my face.
"Ronni." he said, pushing a piece of hair out of my face, and tucking it behind my ear. "I can't stop thinking about you, Your smile, Everything you say, You just. I don't know if... I don't know how you feel. But it would just..."
His lips pulled into a sideway pucker, searching for words.
"Gavin?" I asked, a hint of play in my voice, still smiling.
He rolled over, switching positions, so he was now holding himself above me.
"Ronni, I just want you to be my girlfriend." He said, fixing his puppy dog eyes on me, innocently.
♠ ♠ ♠
What's gonna happen next??? [: