Ocala Is Calling

I Promise

By the end of the day, I had tried my best to accept what was happening. Sure enough, around 10 PM I heard a knock on my window. I peeked out, to see Gavin with his white board.

I read his scribbles

Get on AIM please, I'm not supposed to be up here, I'm sneaking on the wifi on my ipod. mwahaha.

I smiled at his attempts to sound maniacal, and complied to his request. I picked my laptop up off of my desk, and set it on my lap. Opening up the IM window I signed on, waiting for Gavin to message me.

DanceGavinDance: Hey Ronni :D
VeronicaxVengeance: Hey, how are you?
DanceGavinDance: Great now that I'm talking to my girlfriend :)
VeronicaxVengeance: Lol. So what's up?
DanceGavinDance: Actually I needed to talk to you about something..
VeronicaxVengeance: Shoot? [:
DanceGavinDance: I need to srsly relieve some stress
VeronicaxVengeance: Uhm.. Gavin, if this is going where I think..
DanceGavinDance: NO RONNI [x I mean my dad has a trip to sanfran in two days and my moms gonna go and im throwing a party.
VeronicaxVengeance: OH. Like, drinking? /:
DanceGavinDance: Yeh are you gonna come :)
VeronicaxVengeance: Idkk.
DanceGavinDance: Ronni cmon nothing bad will happen i promise
VeronicaxVengeance: Kay.
DanceGavinDance: Alright, baby. :)
VeronicaxVengeance: [:
DanceGavinDance: im going to bed before i get in trouble again. nite :)
VeronicaxVengeance: Night<3

DanceGavinDance has signed off.

I sighed, and closed my laptop. The last thing I wanted was Gavin throwing a party, but I thought as this point my needs were not above his. Within minutes I was passed out, sprawled across my bed.