Ocala Is Calling

It's gone

A week had passed since I had gone to the doctor's with Gavin, and he already had a catheter surgically placed in his chest to recieve chemotherapy. His chemotherapy had been going on for about a week now, and for his own best interest his mother pulled him out of school. Gavin now took online classes for 5 hours a day. Everyday for the past week I called him on my way home from school and he'd beg me to come over, and I of course would agree.

Today, Friday, I got off the bus and reached into my backpack to retrieve my cell phone. I scrolled through my contacts and hit the green button when I got to 'Gavin<3'.

He answer after a long series of rings,

"Hello?" He answered, sounding a bit disterbed.

"Hey, Gav. How are you?" I asked, zipping up my backpack and heading towards me house on foot.

"I'm, uh. I'm fine. How are you?" He asked, a bit disoriented.

"Great, now that I'm talking to you," I replied, stealing the line he commonly used on me.

"Ha, nice one." He replied, "Keep stealing my lines and theres gonna be a beat down." He threatened playfully.

"I'd like to see that," I said, teasing him. "Hey, am I coming over like usual? I'll bake you cookies." I said, drawing out the last syllabull.

"Uh, Ronni. I. I don't think so." He said, straight-forward.

My heart dropped, "Oh.. Okay?"

"I just... I have alot of school work to do.. yeah, so." He rambled on.

"Gavin, what's the matter?" I questioned, knowing this wasn't even close to his normal come-over-and-feed-me-sweets-like-a-five-year-old attitude.

"I. Okay. I'm not going to try to hide from you, you're going to have to see me sooner or later. Maggie's at Tylers, mom and dad are at work, I'll unlock the door, I'll be in my room. Bye."

and with that the other end of the phone call was lost, and replaced with a long beep notifying me to hang up.

I made my way to Gavin's house, not stopping at my own for any reason, and walked straight through the door as if it were my own house.

"Gavin?" I called.

I walked into his room to see a figure completely covered by a sheet, playing a racing game on his xbox.

"Hey?" I greeted, more of a question than anything else.

He turned but only showed his eyes, letting the sheet engulf his face.

I walked towards him and sat on his bed.

"Hi." was all he said.

I tugged at the sheet covering all of him but his eyes, and he gripped tighter pulling away.

"Gavin? What the hell?" I asked, more snooty than I intended to be.

He looked down and then dropped the sheet, putting his hands on his head.

I gasped, startled by the sight. Gavin's head shined in the light, bare, bald.

He looked down, almost ashamed.

"It's all gone." He said, rubbing his bare head.

I grasped his face with both hands, and pulled him into a deep kiss. Gavin's eyes widened, suprised by my reaction, but kissed back. I pulled away and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him as tightly as I could.

"Do you still like me?" He asked putting on a pouty face.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, "of course, Gav."

"Good, because I'm kind of digging this." He said, jokingly, rubbing his head.

He pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. He buried his face in my hair, and I heard him mumble something, "Gohd i lmm yhh." was all I could make out.

I pulled away, "what?"

"Nothing." he said, pulling me into a kiss.
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Thanks for all the comments!! <33