Ocala Is Calling

Beauftiful Name.

Maggie and I listened to music, danced, shoveled our faces with food, prank called, and watched movies until about midnight. I hadn't seen him within that time, but my mind hadn't let go of him in the least. I was just beggining to realize how much of a creeper I truly am.

"Hey, Vee. I'm gonna take a shower, you can take one downstairs, kay?" Maggie questioned.

"sure, yeah" I replied.

I collected my things, and proceeded to the bathroom.
The whole shower all I could think of was schemes to "bump" into Maggie's brother, schemes to find out his name, schemes to make him like me. I was beggining to question my own sanity, which can never be a good thing. As I stepped out of the shower, dryed myself off, and put my clothes back on, I tryed my best to shake the thoughts of him from my lust-stricken mind. I ran a brush through my hair, and looked in the mirror.

I had forgotten my tooth brush upstairs. I sprinted upstairs to retrieve my tooth brush, and when I opened the bathroom door once back downstairs, I was suprised to see him standing at the sink nonchalantly, scrubbing his teeth monotonously. I pulled my lips to the side of my face, in an unsure pucker, questioning him with my expression.

"I can share" He said curtiously with a smile, making a motion towards the sink.

I made my way over and stood to his right, beggining to brush my own teeth.
He looked me over once, starting at my bare feet, and working his way all the way from my Ed Hardy sweats, up to my white V-Neck and all the way to my face, which was trying it's absolute best to hold back a smile.

"I like the nerdy look better." He stated with his toothbrush still inside his mouth, leaving his
words slightly muffled.

"The nerdy look?" I repeated, but questioning.

"Glasses." he said, pointing to his eyes, as a few drops of foamy Colgate escaped from his mouth.

"Oh," I said. "Yeah." as I looked down, squinching my toes, and studying them, as to not make eye contact, silently kicking myself in the ass for not bringing my glasses with me.

"Shy?" He said, finally taking the toothbrush brush out of his mouth and spitting into the sink.

"A little." I replied, pulling my brown hair out of my eyes, and tucking it behind my ear.

"I noticed. We never had a proper introduction." He said, "If you're going to hang around here, you can't be shy. I mean, I normally am.. at school, and everything. But at my own house? Nahhh." he said, his lips curving upwards.

"Yeah, so do you have a name? I heard Maggie call you Vin." I pointed out.

"Yes, and yes, she does." He replied, leaving me with no more information then I already had.

"Well.. Your name?" I demanded, it came off a little rude, but I was so anxious.

He just sat there staring at his toes. I looked down at his feet, and then into his eyes.

"See?" He said. "It's hard making conversation with someone who's shy, huh?" he declared.

I let a half-hearted smile melt to my lips.

"Yeah, it is." I replied, "So what is it? Vince, Vincent, JUST Vin?"

The moment of truth. He let out a burst of laughter.

"Vincent?" He questioned. I nodded.

"Try Gavin." he taunted. Sliding his hands into the pockets of the same sweatpants I had seen once before.

Wow. I loved it. It was so.. him. It was so hot. so cute. all at once.

He used his broad hands as a make-shift cup, and put them together letting the sink water flow over them. He lifted the water he collected up to his lips and slurped it up at once. Gargling, he then spit and turned to me, gifting me with a cheezy grin, as to present his clean teeth to me.

"It's all yours" He said, stepping out of the bathroom, barely nudging my shoulder, and
shuffling towards his bedroom, adjacent to place I stood in the bathroom.

It's a start, I thought to myself. I finished up brushing my teeth, and ran back up stairs. I still couldn't wipe the smile off my face by the time I got to the top of the stairs, and Maggie was already out of the shower, dressed, and sprawled across her bed.

"Why so cheery, dearie?" She inquired. "I mean, I know you're happy to see me, but anything else?" she said, flattering herself, jokingly.

"No." I answered bluntly.

"You talked to Gav." She concluded.

I just smiled.

"Do you want me to invite him to hang out with us?" She asked, sweetly.

My smile grew.

"Uno momento." she said, hopping to her feet. "Go chill in the gameroom."

I obeyed, and sauntered to the room next to her bedroom.