Ocala Is Calling

pancakes, pancakes.

"Hide the scars to fade away the shake up.Why'd you leave the keys up on the table?"

The words spilled effortlessly from Gavin's lips as he jumped up and down belting lyrics into the microphone, not missing a word. I held my own, as I strummed the Fender replica, while Maggie just tried to keep from injuring herself while flailing around beating on the Rock Band drums.

Gavin left with a big finish as he flipped his hair violently, and threw the microphone down.

"I do believe I just owned you both," Gavin teased.

I shrugged, not wanted to argue, while Maggie held a different approach.

"Think what you want, Gavin, I still own you at Donkey Kong." She replied

"Think what you want, Daiz, I still own you at everything else." He said, playing with his still damp hair. "I have Lacrosse in the morning, I need to hit the sheets."

"Night, Ladies" Gavin said, making his way towards Maggie to give her a hug, then giving me a wave.

"Night." Maggie and I said in unison.

-------------------------------------------time elapse-------------------------------------------------

I woke up to a deserted room. I glanced at the clock. 12:30. Jesus Christ. I got up and made my way down stairs, startled by the sweet smell of chocolate chip pancakes.

"It's about time, Vee. I made pancakes" Maggie said jokingly.

"We thought you died!" Gavin played.

"Mhmmmm." I groaned, sitting down at the breakfast nook directly across from Gavin, laying my head down on the table.

Gavin scraped his plate clean, and then hopped up, making his way towards the counter where a massive stack of pancakes sat.

"pancakes, pancakes, Maggie makes, delicious pancakes, that I takes!" Gavin sang.

I laughed and he looked back at me with a grin on his face.

"Vin, you need to hurry it up. You've got 15 minutes until Lacrosse, you're gonna be late" Maggie nagged.

"I GOT THIS!" Gavin barked, throwing his hands in the air, in the attempt to look "hood."

He shoveled the last of his pancakes into his mouth, threw the plate in the sink, and snatched his worn lacrosse stick off of the table. Maggie threw the keys at him.

"Fucking ridiculous." He spat, as he clenched his fist around the keys.

"I know, Vin." Maggie cooed.

Gavin shrugged. "C'est la vie"

and he was out the door.

"What was that?" I asked, confused, and bit concerned.

"He's upset. He hates lacrosse, and always has. My parents are bitches, you know that. All they care about is money, and so they make him play lacrosse to get a scholarship." She replied, scrubbing the dishes clean.

"Oh" Was all I could come back with.

"Awh, shit" Maggie said as she glanced at the white board that had been placed back on the refridgerator.

"Whah?" I asked.

"We have some god damn buisness banquet to go to wednesday. I don't have a dress." She replied.

"Well, my moms home, she could give us a ride to the mall?" I offered.

"Sho nuff!" Maggie replied, whiping the water off of her hands onto a paper towel.

She grabbed a cookie jar off of the top of the fridge and reached inside, pulling out 6 twenties, then putting 2 back.

"Lets go."
♠ ♠ ♠
filler. bleh. I need comments ]: