Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Memory one.

I am your normal teenaged girl I guess. I get excited over stupid things, I get angry over stupid things, I laugh at the stupidest things, and I love boys. Though I’m not to sure why because if you ask me, I honestly have the worse luck with boys ever. But then again who has ever had good luck with boys? So let’s see my best friend would have to be Nicholas Jonas, that’s right, THE Nicholas Jonas that millions of girls are in love with. Well me, I know the real Nick Jonas and I have ever since I can remember, before all the stardom and fans, before the record deals and tours. Well that is until the day we decided to never talk again, man do I remember that day like it was yesterday, in reality it was about two years ago…..the day they were leaving for there second tour, The Jonas Brothers American Club Tour. We had a fight and then he left, and well we didn’t talk, he didn’t write and I didn’t call, the only thing I could do was wait for him to apologize, say he had taken it back and didn’t mean it. As much as I wanted to believe that he would, I knew he wouldn’t, because the Nick Jonas I knew was to stubborn to ever admit that he was wrong. But then again so was I. Well let’s go back to when we were younger, how about when we were nine?

“I’m the captain!” Joe yelled, “No I’m the captain!” I yelled back. “No I am!” Nick yelled in. Then Kevin spoke up “I’m the captain because I’m the oldest!” “Well I should be because I’m the youngest!” Nick said stomping his foot on the ground. Joe and Kevin laughed at this, Nick always would get angry when he didn’t get his way, and if he didn’t then I definitely would because I didn’t get my way. “Wait I should be the captain because I’m the only girl!” I said jumping out of the tree I was sitting in. “That’s the reason you can’t be captain!” Joe called to me from the spot on the grass he was sitting on. “JOESPH ADAM JONAS TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!” I yelled running over to him. “Or what!?” he said starting to laugh. “I’L L MAKE YOU CRY!” he started to laugh and then that is when I got really angry I punched him the nose and it started to bleed, then I stomped on his foot and kicked him in the shin. “HEY ALLY STOP IT!!” Kevin yelled running over and picking me up I was still kicking and punching the air, “KEVIN PUT ME DOWN HE DESERVES IT!!!!” Joe got up and scrambled away inside his house. Kevin put me down and I kicked him in the shin and stomped my way over to my house next door, once I got inside I slammed the front door shut and stomped my way up to my room and slammed my door shut. I plopped myself down on my bed and screamed into my pillow. Joe Jonas always knew how to make me mad, and he always got me in trouble, for instance I knew the phone would ring in like twenty seconds with Mrs. Jonas on the other line telling my mother about how I beat up Joe….again, and then I would get in trouble and not be able to play outside anymore for the rest of the day.

Well just as I called it, the phone rang I could hear my mom from downstairs talking to Mrs. Jonas. “Hi Denise!” “She did what!?” “Oh no is he alright??” “Well good” “Oh no don’t worry I’ll talk to her” “Okay I’ll talk to you later!” then she hung up and then I heard her coming up the stairs and down the hall, I braced myself, she was going to yell at me and then make me go over and apologize for beating him up and then come back home and stay in my room for the rest of the day, that’s what always happened. I heard a knock at my door then a faint “Allison?” and then my door opened and in walked my pissed off mother. “Allison what did you do to Joseph!?” “I didn’t do anything he started it!” I yelled back at her. “Of course he did because he always starts everything doesn’t he?” My mother always knew how to get me angry, she thought she always knew everything when in reality she never knew anything, I never liked my mother and I still don’t. “Allison you know what you have to do” my mother said making her way over to the door. “Nope, not a clue” I said like my stubborn self. “Allison!” my mother said with her ‘angry’ voice while glaring at me. “Fine” I said getting up off of my bed. I left my house and rang the door bell next door.

Nick answered it, “Hey Ally!” he said happily. “Hi Nick is Joe here?” I asked looking behind him. “Yeah he’s in his room, crying I think” he started to laugh. “I really made him cry?” I said with a snort. “Yeah you punched him pretty hard” he said laughing more now and I joined in. Then I saw him coming down the stairs and we both immediately stopped the laughter. “Joe, I’m sorry I hit you and made you bleed, I didn’t mean to, I was just upset” “It’s fine” he said and then walked back towards the family room down the hall, I sighed and rolled my eyes, “Alright well I have to go” I said starting to walk away. “You can’t stay?” Nick asked. “Nope I’m under house arrest now” I said rolling my eyes and putting air quotes around house arrest. He laughed and so did I. “Alright well I’ll see you tomorrow!” I said “Bye!” he said, “Oh shoot, tell Kevin I’m sorry to!” I said jogging back to my house. “Alright!” He said then I heard his door shut as I opened my front door.
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So okay, I'm new at mibba but i have an account on quizilla (same user name) and i'm still getting used to the layout and stuff of the site so um yea, tell me what you thinkkk :]