Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

"Your'e stil the same Jersey girl"

All of us split up, I went with Nick because he had a death grip on my arm. We ran everywhere then we cut into Macys and ran around trying to loose them and then ran back out and we ran by Starbucks, saw Kevin and Joe sitting there waving at us with amused smiles on their faces. “Those assholes!!” we both yelled at the same time as we ran past them and then Nick slammed on to the glass as we ran by and yelled car. All the girls were still chasing us. “We have to loose them first” Nick said to me running into Boscovs, “Uh Nick what do you suggest we do!! We’ve been trying to loose them!!” “Don’t let go of me!” we ran around a corner and he pulled me into a clothing rack. He threw his hand over my mouth. We watched as all the crazed fan girls ran by us and we were both breathing heavily. After they ran up the stairs, he put his hand down and I busted out laughing. “And that would be why I covered your mouth” he stated with a smile on his face, after I calmed down I answered back “oh well Mr. Jonas you just know me all to well now don’t you?” “Your still the same Jersey girl” he said back, I smiled. “I will always be the same Jersey girl you grew up with” I said back. “Good, because that’s the girl we all grew up with and love.” He said while breaking our eye contact and getting out of the rack. I sat there thinking about what he said, he didn’t use the past tense of love. “Come on Ally, before they come back!” he said sticking his hand back in to help me out. I just shook the thought out of my head; he didn’t mean anything by it. I grabbed his hand and I crawled out. We made our way back to the car laughing about some of the girls that were just chasing us. We reached the car and Joe and Kevin were waiting inside, they unlocked the doors and we got in. “What took you guys so long!?” Joe asked “So sorry, all the freaking girls in the mall were chasing after us and not you guys!” I said back everyone started laughing and then I joined in. “Still got that temper” Kevin said shaking his head and pulling out of the mall parking lot, “Still the same Jersey girl!” Nick said with a huge smile and I just shook my head and laughed and looked out the window.

Once we arrived back home our parents informed us that we were going out to dinner because Mr. Jonas had a big surprise for the boys. After we talked about what it could be, which we got no where with, it was time to get ready. The Jonas family went back to the hotel they were staying in and I went to go get ready upstairs in my room. I turned on my “never play” play list. They were all Jonas Brothers songs. Cute right? Never play? Ha I love how mature I am. After I got out of the shower Underdog came on and I stopped and listen to the words, everyone sees her but nobody knows her, she screams in her pillow for a better tomorrow, she hates it but she takes it. Wow that was kind of touching, but it was true. I shrugged it off and continued to get ready. Mrs. Jonas said it was a nice hibachi restaurant, so I wore a white jean skirt, and a brown baby doll tank top from Hollister. I know the boys hate Hollister but whatever I still liked it. I gave my hair a light curl and gave myself a poof. Then I did my make up and put on my brown flip flops. I turned off my ipod it was on Inseparable which made me smile and think of Nick. I walked down stairs sadly only jerk was present, I tried to turn around and get back up stairs to my room, but it was to late I was already seen, “Ally” I tensed up when he said my name and I took a breath and turned around, “Yes?” I asked as nicely as I could. “Do you think you could behave nicely tonight?” he said buttoning up his shirt, “What?” I asked narrowing my eyes and crossing my arms, “Act more mature, I mean come on, your not twelve years old anymore” he said with a snort of laughter, “Um I’ll grow up once you do” is all I responded with and turned around and started to walk off in a huff, “Young lady I heard that! And just because of that remark your grounded for this week!” “You can’t ground me!” I yelled back at him, “I JUST DID!” he yelled slamming his fist down on the kitchen counter, “YOU’RE NOT MY FATHER!!” I yelled and stomped out of the front door and slammed the door shut behind me, I kept walking up the street to the park. I knew if I stayed at my house jerk would just keep yelling at me possibly hit me and then my mother would get upset and call off the dinner with the Jonas family. I texted Nick, “I’m at the park when you guys come to pick us up, I got in a fight with jerk” “Are you okay?” he sent back. “Yep, it was just a fight, I needed some air.” I said back, “Alright well were on our way now, see you soon” he said back I put my phone back in my pocket and kept swinging for another ten minutes, then I saw the rental car and Nick opened the door and waved me over. I jumped off the swing and made my way over to the car, once I was in, westarted to drive towards to my house to pick up my mom and jerk.

We pulled up and they got in my mother gave me an “I’m disappointed in you look” while jerk just ignored me all together. Whatever I liked it better that way, I looked to the boys to see if they noticed the look I had just gotten from my mother, they had and they gave me sympathetic looks, I just rolled my eyes and shrugged. Then I felt someone’s hand on my knee, I looked over and it was Nick he was rubbing my knee to comfort me and it was working. We arrived at the hibachi place and we all piled out, Joe fell out and I busted out laughing along with the boys, I got a glare from Jerk, of course I just laughed louder. So the adults sat together further up the table, I sat next to Nick and Frankie was on the other side of me. Joe was next to Frankie and Kevin was next to Nick. I was in a fit of laughter the whole night, especially when Joe was smacked in the face with the peice of meat that was supposed to go in his mouth. After our dinner Mr. and Mrs. Jonas and my mom and jerk decided they wanted to go back to my house to have a few drinks. We on the other hand didn’t. “Mom, can I take the guys to get some ice cream?” I asked speaking to my mother for the first time all night. She stared at me for awhile and then responded with “if it’s okay with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas” with a sigh. We looked over at the two “Oh alright, but keep an eye on Frankie!” We all answered back with alrights and see you laters. We decided to walk because well, our parents took the car. “Ally can you walk with me!?” Frankie yelled from in front of me and Nick. “Sure little man” I said grabbing his hand, “Dude, I was walking with her!” Nick called from behind us, “Sorry bro, chicks dig me!” he said back, I busted out laughing and Nick look shocked at his response then just laughed. “You, little man have spent way too much time with Joseph” I said shaking my head and still laughing. We reached the ice cream place and ordered. “Ally?” someone asked from behind me I was kneeling down and asking Frankie what he wanted. I turned around; it was Kyle, the guy I was kind of with at the moment, well until I saw Nick again. My eyes widened, “Kyle!!” I ran over and gave him a huge hug and he lifted me up and spun me around. “What are you doing home!?!” I asked, he was still holding me in the air, he put me down “We left a few days early, dad forgot that he’s got a conference call so here I am” he said holding out his arms. “And why didn’t I know this!?” I said pretending I was mad, “I wanted to surprise you!” he said. “Oh well you accomplished that!” “Ally!!” I totally forgot about the Joe Bros. I turned around to Frankie tugging on my skirt. “Yea little man?” I asked, “Who is this?” he asked looking mad, probably because I had left him in line.