Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl


I could here my mom yelling saying to stop it that he was going to wake us up, he yelled back at her to shut the hell up. I was getting mad I tried to get up but Nick pulled me down. “Nick stop, he may hit her!!” I said trying to get up, “Ally no! He could hit you instead!” he said holding me with both hands now. “Nick seriously knock it off!!” “No!!” he said back rolling me over so he was sitting on top of me. I was squirming from under him trying to get him off Kevin was saying to stop being ridiculous that I was not going out there. Then it happened. My door was kicked in we all jumped, I screamed. Jerk saw Nick on top of me. I saw anger boiling up inside of him, and for once in my life, I was actually really scared of him. My mom came staggering in. I looked at her with a pleading look. “What the hell is this!?!” jerk yelled, clearly meaning me and Nick, he was straddling me and well this could look really wrong from someone else’s point of view. “Brian, stop it” my mom yelled from behind him grabbing his arm in attempt to pull him back. He turned around and slapped her across the face and shoved her away, she fell through the door way and on her back. I shrieked and Nick got off of me and pushed me behind him. Then Kevin shot up, “What’s going on!?” Joe yelled from the bed, he just woke up and was clearly confused. “WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE THREE GUYS IN HERE WITH YOU ALLISON!?” I didn’t answer I just gripped the back of Nick harder. Then my mom came out of no where and jumped on his back and started to hit him on the head, she wasn’t doing much just pissing him off. I grabbed my cell phone and Nick’s hand and all of us ran out from my room and into my mom and Jerks and locked the door. I dialed 911. “Um yes, my name is Allison Windle and my mother’s boyfriend is trying to hurt us please hurry” “my address?? uhh it's uh....." WHAT'S MY ADDRESS!?! "Ally it's 292 Shady lane" Nick said calmly in my ear. "Um oh its 292 Shady lane” “thank you” I said and hung up, the guys looked scared. And then I couldn’t breath. I was hyper ventilating. “Ally, calm down!” Kevin somewhat yelled at me but I couldn’t I just kept thinking what if he really hurts her, what if he kills her!? I can’t just let him do that!! I sprung up and ran to the door and slammed it open I went to my room but they were no longer there, then I heard commotion down stairs, I ran down the stairs with the guys chasing after me telling me to stop. I saw them both in the kitchen throwing plates at each other.

“STOP IT!!” I yelled, they both looked at me, “STAY OUT OF THIS YOU BRAT” jerk yelled at me, “DON’T YELL AT MY BABY!” My mother yelled back to him. Then they continued there fight I didn’t know what to do I looked to the guys for helped but they didn’t know any better then I did. Then Kevin made a dash for something in the kitchen, then he came back, it was the knives. “We don’t need them to start throwing these” he said breathing heavily. I just frowned and then tried to do something to help my mom. He was now in front of her yelling, then he threw her across the room, she slammed into the wall and slowly fell to the ground. I picked up the vase and threw at him, hit him in the back and it broke. Well this got him away from my mom but now he was coming for me. Shit what do I do now!? I looked around and then ran to the front door but he grabbed my arm and twisted me around and twisted my arm. “You want some more scars and bruises to add to your collection!?” jerk yelled in my face, I spit in his face and then he threw me across the room. Thank God Joe was there to be thrown into, I landed on him and then we both fell backwards into the wall, softer then I would have just by myself. Just as he was about to walk towards us Kevin came out of no where and slammed him on the head with a pot. He slowly fell to the ground, then he was out cold. I sat there in shock with Joe’s arms tightly around me, I was soon joined by Kevin and Nick, and we were all in a group hug.

Mr. and Mrs. Jonas showed up with Frankie while I was being questioned by the police about what happened, I told them everything. My mom was taken to the hospital because she needed some stitches in her head and arm, and she was in a concussion and not responding. So I was to stay with the Jonas family now. After I had finished answering questions I was alowed to leave the hospital. I went home to pack my things. I grabbed my suit case from the attic and then wheeled into my room; my door was now probed up in the hall way against the wall. I just went in and sat on my bed and sighed, “Hey” I looked up and saw Nick, I tried to smile at him, “Um my mom wanted me to tell you that you should pack for the rest of the summer because your coming on tour with us” he said, I looked up wide eyed, “Really!?” I asked feeling the smile creep back on my face, “Yea, apparently our moms talked about it this morning while we were sleeping and you were going to come with us anyway.” He said coming over and sitting next to me. “Good” I said smiling at him, “There’s that Jersey girl smile” he said pulling me into a hug, his remark making me laugh. After we separated I got up and opened my suit case and my drawers. I pulled out each drawer and dumped it upside down in my bag, and then I grabbed my make up bag and threw it in, grabbed most of my shoes, left behind my Uggs and other winter shoes. Then I made my way to the bathroom and grabbed my tooth brush and face wash. Yep, I threw that into my bag to. I walked over to my ipod speaker unplugged it and threw it in including my ipod. Then I walked over to where I keep all my hair stuff and threw it in. Nick was smiling on my bed, “What?” I asked laughing, “You know how to pack” he said laughing, “Oh I almost forgot!” I walked to my closet, shoved some of my sweaters out of the way and finally found the box. Yes, the box that had everything thing in it from when me and Nick dated. “What’s that?” he asked, I walked over and opened it. He smiled, and I took out the contents, two of their cds, a bunch of magazines with articles on them, a few cards from Nick from my birthday and past birthdays, his sweat shirt, all of the pictures I ever had with me and the boys, and finally the necklace he had given me for our anniversary. “You kept it all?” he asked, I smiled “yea, I couldn’t bring myself to throw any of it away.” I said laughing at myself. He put his hand under my chin and lifted it up, I looked at his eyes, they were just as memorizing as before, and then he leaned in and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss; once we parted we were both smiling.