Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Making it threw to the hotel

I woke up to the bus stopping. I didn’t want to get into trouble with Nick in my bunk, but then I heard Mrs. Jonas talking to Kevin “Mom don’t worry, Ally got upset about her mom, Nick just fell asleep trying to make her feel better, don’t worry I know they didn’t do anything” he said “Alright, and I didn’t think they did anything any way Kevin but can you wake them up since were here” “Yea” was all he said. He opened my curtain and shook Nick slightly, he stirred. “Hey come on Nick were here” “What time is it?” he asked yawning, “its four thirty, come on the faster we get in the faster you can go back to sleep” he said and then shut the curtain. “Ally” he whispered to me, I looked up at him, “Were here” he said “Alright” I said sitting up and then he did to, he was about to get out “Hey Nick” I whispered, “Yeah?” he said turning back around, “Thanks, you know for being there” I said. “Anything for my best friend” he said and kissed me on the cheek, I smiled and he jumped out. We all pulled out some clothes and our toiletries and threw them into the one suit case that would be going into the hotel with us. I real quick braided my hair into a low side braid and slid on some flip flops, I put on my sun glasses and put up my hood since I didn’t have any make up on. And there were fans out front of the hotel. The boys had warned me that the fan situation was going to be crazy. Nick turned to me before we walked down the steps and out the door, “Ready for this?” he asked me. “As ready as I’ll ever be” I answered yawning. He laughed, “Want a lift?” he asked and I smiled, “You know me all to well” I said while laughing, I jumped on his back once we were out of the bus and we got threw all the fans and into the hotel. I could here the fans asking who I was and why I was on Nick’s back and if we were going out, we just laughed. Once we finally got checked in we headed up to our room, we had gotten three, Mrs. And Mr. Jonas got their own, Kevin and Frankie got their own, then Me Nick and Joe shared. Once we got in, I threw myself on one of the beds. I could here the Joe and Nick laughing, “You’ll get used to this” Joe said lying on the other bed after taking off his shoes and such. “This is my least favorite part” Nick said to me. I rolled over and motioned for him to come lay with me. He came over after he took off his shoes and such. “I hate having to wake up and get threw all the fans and then check in and then get back to bed” he said. “Well I hate it to” I said and he laughed, “I guess you’ll get used to it like Joe” Joe was already passed out. I laughed, “I guess so” I said back, I rolled over to face him, “Will we get in trouble?” I asked, “For sleeping in the same bed?” he asked. “Yea” “No, my mom will call in the morning to wake us up, she always does.” He said inching closer to me, “Good” I said with a smile and then laid my head on him and then we fell back asleep.

Sure enough I woke up to the phone ringing the next morning. I rolled over and opened my eyes, “Nick” he didn’t answer I leaned over him and grabbed the phone, “Hello?” I tried to sound as peppy as I could, “I thought you’d answer” Mrs. Jonas said with a laugh I smiled, “Of course, did you think these boys would?” “Nope, that’s why your in with them, but anyway it’s time to get up, breakfast is in our room, and can you please remind the boys that they have an interview this morning with Miley Cyrus with E!?” “Oh sure” I said back, “Okay see you soon!” she said and then hung up and I hung up the phone and plopped down on Nick. He picked me up over his shoulder and stood up, I started laughing “Nick come on put me down!!” he dropped me on the bed, laughing, “Okay your mom said breakfast is in their room” “Like always” he said rolling his eyes, “and then to remind you two that you have an interview with E! and with Miley Cyrus this morning” I said he let out a sigh, “I do not want to see her” he said rolling his eyes, I shrugged my shoulders and ran to the bath room so I could get it first, I changed into a cute sun dress, it was gray and went a little above my knee and was a halter dress, I curled my hair lightly and then did my make up then finished by brushing my teeth. I walked out and found Nick watching TV and Joe still sleeping, Nick got up and walked into the bath room, I went over to Joe and woke him up. He watched TV with me till Nick was finished and walked out, his hair was wet from his shower and he was in a towel. Joe got up and ran into the bathroom. Nick grabbed some clothes and I turned around and covered my eyes. “You can look now” he said to me after a few minutes. He was wearing a pair of tight black jeans with a button up white shirt and he was buttoning it up, then he rolled the sleeves then he brushed his hair real quick. “We don’t have to wait for Joe, he’s going to take forever.” Nick said with a slight laugh. “Alright” I said getting off the bed, I slipped on some flip flops and grabbed my phone I looked my self over in the mirror on the back of our door; Nick came up behind me after he finished putting on his green converses. He rested his chin on my shoulder, “You look very cute in that dress” he said with a smile while looking at me in the mirror. I smiled, “You look like a cutie to” I said smiling at him in the mirror. We heard the shower stop and the blow dryer start. We just stared at each other in the mirror for awhile, and then the phone rang again. Nick pulled away and answered it.

“Hey mom, oh no me and Ally are about to leave now, yea Joe is just starting to straighten his hair, other then that he’s ready. Okay I will, alright I’ll see you soon, love you to bye” then he hung up. He walked over and Joe had opened the door while he was on the phone, I was helping him straighten his hair faster while I used my straightner to. “Mom said just to do your hair after breakfast cause now their just waiting for us” “Hold on were almost done” he said, it was true I just had to do the back, with in five minutes we were finished and he put some hairspray in his hair and put on his shoes. “Damn I look good” he said with a smile to himself in the mirror, I busted out laughing and opened the door and we walked down the hall to the room.