Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

The break up.

All during dinner I was laughing, Joe and Nick were fighting over Frankie’s crayons to color with, Kevin was talking to his mom about something, and Miley was texting, which I thought was very rude to text during dinner. I turned to Kevin, “Does she ever put that thing down?” I whispered to him and motioning to Miley. “Never” he said, I rolled my eyes, “Kids, I have an announcement to make, so please listen, Joseph put down the crayons. Thank you” I giggled that he had to tell Joe to pay attention and not the youngest Joe Bro. “Sorry” he said we all were listening, “Well I got a call today, and guess what” “What,” everyone said at once. “You boys are going to be on TRL!” we all were excited and cheered and stuff. “When?” Nick asked from the other end of the table, “The fifteenth of July” He said, that was in about a week or so. We all were excited now. After we had dessert we all went back to the hotel. Miley and Nick went off on their own, when Mrs. Jonas asked why I looked at Joe and Kevin and we all at the same time said, “To talk” and started to laugh. She said “Oh, okay come on Frankie lets go rent a movie and watch it before bed” Her, Mr. Jonas, and Frankie headed up. Mr. Jonas’s last words were, “Don’t stay up to late, you do have a concert tomorrow!” then the doors closed. “What do you want to do?” I asked turning to the boys, “I don’t know, Kev?” Joe asked turning to Kevin he had a smile and pointed to something behind me and Joe, we turned around and saw a luggage cart. We ran over to it and I jumped on it with Joe, Kevin pushed us to the elevator and we went up to the fourth floor and started running all around with it, we took turns pushing each other, we went all over the hotel with it, then we had to abandon it when Joe pushed me and Kevin into the big fake tree on the sixth floor and made it fall over with the luggage cart, dirt went everywhere and the cart flipped on its side and me and Kevin went flying into the wall. We got up and started to laugh really hard then we heard someone unlocking there door, we looked at each other and ran.

We were in the elevator now breathing heavily and laughing. “You know I’m getting tired, want to go to bed?” Kevin asked, “What time is it?” I asked yawning, “Only ten thirty” Joe answered. “Wow I’m so beat, and it’s so early!” I said sliding down and sitting. We had gotten out of the elevator on some random floor and I just sat down in the middle of the hallway against the wall. “Well we got in late last night, and woke up early this morning” Kevin answered, “Plus were going to have to get up early tomorrow morning for rehearsal” Joe added, “So bed?” I asked getting up. “Bed” they both answered, I jumped on Kevin’s back and he gave me a piggy back ride back to the elevators, when the doors opened we saw Nick, with a very upset and pissed off looking Miley. “Hey guys!” I said as cheery as I could. Miley looked at me and rolled her eyes while pushing me aside to walk by, “Woah, what’s her problem!?” I said Joe and Kevin looked to Nick, “I broke up with her” he said, “FINALLY!” Joe and Kevin both said together while throwing there hands up in the air, “Guys come on that’s mean I thought she was nice” I said while the doors closed and I pressed level five, our floor. “She just like ran you over!” Joe said “Yea, well she was upset” I said back sticking up for her, I knew how it was to have your heart broken, it didn’t matter that I actually didn’t like her all that much. “How can you be so nice?” Kevin asked, I looked at them all, “because I know how it feels” then the door opened and I walked out, a few seconds later the rest of them walked out, Kevin hugged me goodnight and said sorry into my ear I told him not to worry about it and then caught up with Nick and Joe. “Hey can I have my phone?” I asked Nick, he handed it to me, “Um it vibrated like a lot while I was with Miley” he said to me and I smiled, I had seven new messages. One from Nicole, two from Kyle, and four from other friends. I had only told Nicole I was going on tour. The four friends wanted to know where I’d been lately, I told them I was on vacation for the rest of the summer with family friends. Then Kyle’s messages said “Hey what was up with the other night?” and “are you ignoring me?” so I texted him back, “Hey sorry I didn’t have my phone tonight, but what do you mean about the other night?” He responded with, “Oh ha sorry I thought you were ignoring me but I don’t know that Nick guy seemed a little pissed, were things okay?” “Yea, things are all good now, I’m actually going to be on vacation with them for the rest of the summer” “Really?? =/” “Yep” “Ally I didn’t even get to hang out with you! I left the day after school ended, and then I surprised you at the ice cream place but left early because I thought that guy was going to kill me!” “Kyle he wasn’t that mad, and I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do” “Whatever, it’s cool, sorry I freaked, have fun. Bye.” “It’s okay, I’ll talk to you later bye!” I knew he was pissed but I didn’t want to deal with that now. I changed into a tank top and shorts and got into bed, Nick was in the shower and Joe was watching TV. I looked at the message from Nicole, “Now Ally, don’t forget about the purity ring tonight!” I laughed and rolled my eyes, “Oh Nicole, I love you. Oh and he broke up with Miley tonight. DON’T TELL A SOUL!” “REALLY!?! Yes!! I love that you’re his best friend because now I get all the gossip first, and I know it’s all true!!” “Ha love you to! But I’m going to bed I’m tired, night love!” “Night girly!” I plugged my phone into the charger and Nick had gotten out and walked out of the bathroom in some pajama pants.