Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Show Number Two.

“Hey Frank the tank!” Joe said while ruffling Frankie’s hair. Mrs. Jonas just hung up her phone and smiled at us, “How was rehearsal!?” she asked very happy, this woman was always in a good mood, I’ve seen her get mad of course, I mean I did grow up with them, but she always got over it in a very short period of time and put it behind her. “Good” the three boys said at once, watching Frankie play the video game I laughed and shook my head at them, “From what I heard, they should do amazing tonight” I said talking to Mrs. Jonas she smiled at me after rolling her eyes at the boys. “Thank you Ally for being the only one who really answered me” she said with fake anger, I kicked the chair Joe was sitting in and got his attention, “What?” he asked, I rubbed my stomach, “Oh right, mommy?” Joe said twisting around to face Mrs. Jonas, she looked up from the papers in front of her with a smile, “Yes Joseph?” “Is it okay if we take the car and go out to eat?” “I suppose, though if you run into any fans, please I beg you to come right back” she said stressing the word beg. “Don’t worry Mrs. Jonas, I’ll be with them, I can handle them” I said laughing as Joe pretended to look insulted. “Alright go on, be back soon though okay?” Mrs. Jonas said laughing, “Of course!” Joe said getting up and kissing her on the cheek, “Ready guys!?” I said loudly to get Nick and Kevin out of the trance they were in with watching Frankie play. “What?” Nick asked, “Were going out to lunch, come on!” I said hopping up and running and jumping on to Joe’s back at the door, he stumbled a little and then regained his posture and we walked out to the car, “I’m surprised mom let us go” Kevin said while leaving the parking lot of the arena, we were headed to Chilies that was a little down the road. “Same, then again it’s always dad who says no” Nick answered, “True” we all said at the same time, we looked at each other a little shocked, “Okay that was weird” Nick said while laughing, “Awkward” Joe said his famous line, and I busted out laughing. My phone went off and the guys all looked at me, “What?” “That song” Kevin said laughing, “What?! I like it!” I said while flipping it open, it was a text from Nicole, nothing important just a daily text to say hi and if any thing new happened since last night. “Hey girlie and no nothing has happened in the past few hours, were on our way to lunch right now though, I’ll let you know when something happens” I sent back she responded with “Okay!” I shut my phone and put it back in my pocket, “Isn’t that by M.I.A?”Nick asked still looking at me, “Yep” “yea I’ve heard it before, it’s alright” he said.

Once we were done lunch we headed back to the arena, it was about four and they boys went back in for the last sound check and rehearsal. I stayed back with Frankie and got my ass kicked in some guitar hero. The kid was amazing at this game. A few hours later the boys came back and we were in one of the dressing rooms eating the pizza Mrs. Jonas had ordered. We were all joking around and having fun for a little then it was time for them to get ready, I helped by straightening most of Joe’s hair. Then I took the sweatshirt I had been wearing all day off, I was wearing a pair of light wash Hollister ripped jeans with black flip flops and now a black three quarter sleeved shirt that had a v neck cut, I hadn’t really realized how low it was when I put it on this morning, so I grabbed a sweat shirt on my way out because I didn’t feel like finding a whole new outfit. Well whatever I was getting hot from running around back stage. I walked by Nick and he grabbed my arm, “What?” I said kind of annoyed I was on my way to get Frankie because the concert was about to start and he was still playing video games. “You look really… tonight” he said after thinking about what to say after really, “Ha thanks Nick, you look pretty sexy yourself” then I was off to get Frankie. I opened the door with the sign The Jonas Brothers on it, Frankie was actually asleep on the couch, “Aw that’s so cute!” I said out loud, then I went over and shook him, “Hey little man, ready for a rocking night!?” “NO DUH!” he said jumping up and grabbing my hand, “come on let’s go before they start!!” he whined I laughed and let him jump on my back and we arrived just in time for the group prayer, well everyone would have waited for us any way.

After we all prayed for a good concert and such the guys started off with SOS. The crowd was really going wild for them, they do every time but it was breath taking, even though this was my second concert I was still having so much fun watching from the side lines, “It never gets old” I jumped and looked to see Mrs. Jonas beside me I hadn’t even seen her or heard her walk next to me, “They are amazing to watch” I said smiling and watching as Nick did his aerial and the crowd went crazy. “That gets me nervous every time!” Mrs. Jonas said while chuckling a little, I laughed at her motherly reactions. Soon the boys were bowing and saying good night and running off the stage towards me. I smiled and handed them towels and new water bottles, Joe came over and put an arm around my shoulder, “Now her I like as our water person” he said laughing, “Ew Joseph get off me you are all gross and sweaty!” I said letting the more girly side of me slip out, the guys laughed, “Yeah she is much more fun to see then Big Rob” Nick said I didn’t know if he meant because I was cuter then Big Rob or just because I was like there friends, and I could tell Joe and Kevin were wondering the same thing because we all narrowed our eyes and looked at each other and then busted out laughing. “What!?” Nick shouted, which only made us laugh harder. “Okay come on kids! We have to head back to the hotel and gather our things and get washed up and then back on to the tour bus for a few days!” “YAY!” we all cheered they were sarcastic though I was serious, I thought sleeping in my bunk was fun; I don’t know I guess I’m weird like that.