Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Kevin's butt and a bra.

Soon we were back at the hotel and I was lying on my bed with my things all gathered up and in the suitcase. I was showered and wearing a pair of Nick’s black basketball shorts that I stole from him and hot pink and white beater layered, my hair was up in a messy bun with a pink head band to match and now I was waiting for every one else to finish packing so we could get going. I heard a knock at our door, I got up and jumped over the suitcase, “Nice move” Joe said laughing, “Thanks” I said back with a little smirk, I knew he was making fun of me but whatever I didn’t care. I opened the door to see Kevin all washed and changed into some black basket ball shorts and a white t-shirt, “Ayo Kevin!” I said giving him a punch in the shoulder, he looked at me like I was crazy, for some reason I was a little delirious and it couldn’t have been from lack of sleep because I got plenty of it. He walked in past me after punching me back lightly in the shoulder. I shut the door and went over to my bed and sat back down Kevin leaned against the bathroom door. “Joe, are you guys done with the suit case? Me and Frankie still have to pack up.” “Uh yea let me just throw this in there once Nick gets out.” Joe said pointing to the clothes he was wearing. “Alright, NICK HURRY UP!!” Kevin shouted while banging on the door turning around, I was sitting there and then started laughing at what I saw. “What the hell is her problem!?” Joe said while starting to laugh because I was laughing so hard I was almost crying. “I don’t know, Ally, are you okay?” Kevin asked me seriously I just kept laughing and then I took a breath, I walked over behind him and then Joe saw what I was laughing at and busted out laughing, then I started to laugh all over again, “WHAT IS SO FREAKIN HILARIOUS!?” Kevin yelled getting a little mad that he couldn’t find what was funny. I was rolling on the floor laughing and so was Joe. “Alright Joe I’m do-“ Nick walked out in a towel and started talking until he saw me and Joe laughing hysterically and Kevin spinning around in circles with one of my bras hooked onto the back of his shorts. He busted out laughing, Kevin was getting madder now, then we saw a flash and all snapped our heads over to where it came from, Nick had gotten a picture of it. Finally after I was able to compose myself enough to walk over and snatch it from his butt I held it up, “Apparently I forgot I had my bra hanging on the door knob, but no worries you got it for me” I said busting out laughing again. Kevin laughed at himself and then rolled his eyes. I threw the purple bra into the suitcase and then Joe disappeared into the bathroom and threw his clothes out. Kevin grabbed them and put them in the suitcase. “Alright guys were meeting downstairs in the lobby in twenty minutes” then he walked out of the room.

I looked over to Nick and we laughed some more and then sighed. Then I realized he was still in his towel, “Oh ha sorry” I said while turning around and covering my eyes. “Okay you can look now” he said I turned around and he was just finishing pulling up a pair of red basketball shorts. “Hope you don’t mind I took a pair” I said pointing to the pants I had on, “Nope, they look better on you anyway” he said while putting on a grey shirt. “I had to role them a few times, because someone’s a little fatter then me” I said being sarcastic. “Oh so sorry I’m not a stick like you are!” he said back just as sarcastic, “Well you should be” I said back laughing, he smiled back. I flopped back on the bed and then he did to. “So like the tour life so far?” he asked, “It’s so much fun, I’m never bored and I love being able to be with you guys again!” I gushed out. “Ha good, but we’ll get annoying trust Me.” he said laughing a little, “Remember now I grew up with you.” “True, true” he said laughing. “So I wanted to say sorry Nick for not being there when you were diagnosed with diabetes” I said quietly, “nah don’t worry about it, I’m not going to lie though it did really suck not being able to go to someone, like yea I got help from my family and friends but what I really needed was you” he said, “sorry” I said again even quieter. I was tearing up again and I let a few tears stray down my face I sat up and wiped them away before Nick could notice. “Ally?” I didn’t answer I just sniffed and wiped a few more tears away, “Oh ally I didn’t mean to make you upset!” Nick said climbing over the bed and sitting next to me and pulling me into a hug. “No, I’m fine” I said, He pulled away his arms still on my shoulders, I laughed a little, “what are you laughing at now!? I don’t have a bra stuck on me any where do I?” He joked looking behind him, I just laughed harder, “No, it’s just I haven’t cried since you know, and well I’m with you for like five days and I’ve cried three times already!” I said sighing in frustration with myself. “Oh” was all Nick said. “Oh? That’s all you say? Ha I don’t know why, I guess it’s because I’m so comfortable around you.” Nick just smiled at me and gave me another hug.

“Am I interrupting something?” Joe asked cocking an eyebrow towards us. We jumped apart quickly, “No” we both said and then turning away from each other. “Sure” was all Joe said with a smirk, I took a pillow and threw it at him. He just laughed at me. “Okay let’s go down to the lobby everyone’s probably waiting for us” Nick said getting up, he slipped on some sneakers along with Joe I just put on my black flip flops. I ran and jumped on Nick’s back. He stumbled but rebalanced himself, “You could warn me you know” he said laughing slightly as we walked to the elevator, “Wow am I that fat?” I said with fake shock. Joe laughed, “No I mean you jus-““Nick shut up I was just kidding!” I said laughing and I could tell he was rolling his eyes at me. The doors opened and I hopped off of Nick and got in followed by the other two Joe Bros that were with me. Soon they reopened again and we saw the whole Jonas Family in the lobby waiting for us, Joe linked arms with me and I linked arms with Nick and we walked up, “About time” Mr. Jonas joked with us, I smiled at him and Joe just blamed Nick who pointed a finger at Joe. Mrs. Jonas laughed, she was holding the suitcase, and Kevin just rolled his eyes and smiled while holding a sleeping Frankie. Kevin woke up Frankie because if he didn’t then the fans would, Frankie was a little upset now and had a frown on his face, “Oh come on little man want a piggy back ride to the bus!?” I said trying to make him feel better he kept the frown but gave a yes, I giggled at his stubbornness, just like his brothers and well like me really. He jumped up on my back and Denise mouthed a thank you and I just smiled, Joe came running up beside us with Nick and Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas were ahead of us. I felt someone smack my butt and I gasped and turned around to see Nick smiling mischievously. “Nicholas Jerry Jonas!” I said still shocked, “What?” he said acting innocent. “You’re so going to pay for that!” I said glaring at him, Joe and Kevin laughed at him as he gave a look of terror and we walked out the automatic doors of peacefulness and into absolute fan hell.