Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Being lazy at 2 AM.

I had my sunglasses on because once again it was late at night, and I wasn’t wearing any makeup. The boys were all smiles for there fans and stopped to sign some autographs and talk, making the process of getting from the hotel to the van forty five minutes long. Every time I would try and keep walking towards the bus with Frankie Joe, Kevin, or Nick would call to me so I could wave or smile at someone they were talking to obviously about me. It was the first time the guys had talked about me with fans. Finally the boys pulled away from the fans and we got onto the bus. I set Frankie down and was then picked up by someone around my waist they walked me back to the lounge area and threw me down on the couch. It was Joe who had Kevin and Nick behind him laughing; I stuck my tongue out at them. “Same” Nick started and I said “Jersey girl” in a mocked tone, Joe and Kevin busted out laughing and then I joined and Nick just stuck his tongue out at me back. I rolled my eyes. It was eleven thirty, “Guys aren’t you tired?” I asked, “Nope I had like twenty Red Bulls” Joe said bug eyed I laughed, “Nah I’m good for now but in like an hour, I’ll be dead” Kevin said back. “Um same here” Nick said pointing to Kevin; I laughed at the pouting Joe. “What do you want to do?” I asked pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around my knees. “Um we could play guitar hero?” Kevin asked. “I’ll play, I’ve only played once though with Frankie” I warned. Joe and Nick rolled there eyes. Kevin got up and grabbed the guitars from under where he was sitting, handed me one and then set up the game. After a few, okay a lot of songs I was getting a little bored of playing and Kevin winning, I sucked apparently. So then we decided to watch an episode of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody that was on. Then I was getting tired along with the rest of the guys, “I think I’m going to go to bed” I said yawning and getting up, I was laying and my head was in Nick’s lap, I didn’t really even notice that he was playing with my hair. I walked over to the suitcase that was open on the kitchen table, I grabbed my things out and walked back to the closet, put my clothes away and make up in the closet in my section then I walked to the bathroom, though I wasn’t paying attention.

I slammed into someone and fell backwards onto my butt. “Ouch” I said looking up and seeing a laughing Nick, he held out his hand and helped me up, “Want to watch where you’re going?” he said teasing me. “Shut up” I said laughing and sliding past him to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I opened the door and someone fell in and on top of me. “Okay now who needs to watch where there going?” I asked laughing Nick was on top of me and we were pined in between the sink and shower. Joe walked by and casually looked in “Shit” Nick said shaking his head and looking down, “Don’t you dare look down my shirt Nicholas!” he slowly smiled and then moved his head up I would have slapped him if my arms weren’t behind me. Joe backed up and looked into the bathroom, “Okay now I know I’m interrupting something.” Joe said leaning on the door frame, “No actually you just happen to always walk in at bad moments.” “Okay then explain to me please how you two got like that?” I was trying to nudge my arm out from under myself, but that was not happening, we were stuck, or I was at least. “I was brushing my teeth and then I opened the door and Nick came tumbling in and then we got stuck here, and then you walked by.” I said Nick had moved his head, back to looking down my shirt. Joe noticed and laughed and then just slowly walked away with his hands up, “Whatever you say” “Nicholas!” I snapped again, “Sorry” he mumbled and laughed I rolled my eyes, we stood there for a minute…”So Nick I know you’re enjoying the view and all of my boobs but my shoulder is about to pop out so if you don’t mind, MOVE!” I harshly whispered to him. “Ha sorry” he said while laughing he moved his arms around and his leg and then his whole body moved back and I moved aside. “Thanks” I said with a smile. “No problem” he said smiling. I rolled my eyes and started to walk out then I stopped in the door way, “So I have one question,” he had his toothbrush in his mouth, “Yeah?” he asked kind of muffled, “Since when does Nick Jonas look down girls shirts and smack them on the ass?” I asked cocking an eyebrow at him, he just shrugged and went back to brushing his teeth I laughed to myself and turned around and got up into my bunk, on the third try again. I got under my covers and heard Nick turn off the bathroom light, “Nick?” “Yeah?” he asked looking at me, he was now eye level with me because I was lying down in my bunk and he was standing up on his tippy toes. “Mind pulling my curtain down?” I asked with a smile. He rolled his eyes “Lazy ass” he mumbled and I giggled and rolled over after making sure I had plugged my phone in. I looked at the picture of my dad and me and then put it back under my pillow and fell asleep.

I woke up to my phone going off, I didn’t put it on vibrate, Inseparable was blaring…Nick? I shot up and got the phone once I realized it was still dark in the whole bus. I flipped open my phone. “Still up?” I couldn’t believe he was freaking texting me. He was right under me....literally. “Are you really texting me right now…Nick your right under me” “I don’t feel like getting up I’m lazy.” “Damn right you are.” I said back, I forgot to change my ringtone to vibrate from Inseparable. I heard him laugh. “I like your ringtone” he said, “I never changed it” “From two years ago? Really?” he said back. “Yeah Nick really.” “Oh well that’s cool” “Nick I still can’t believe your texting me right now.” Then I heard his curtain open and close and mine shot open I sat up. “You are so lazy.” I said to him “I know” he said climbing into my bunk. You know these bunks are very small, though when he would lay with me, it was nice and cozy. We fit perfectly. He put his arm around behind me and I put my head on his chest and intertwined my legs with his. We were playing thumb war and talking. “What time is it?” he asked me I looked at my phone “It’s two thirty” “Kind of early” he said still playing with my thumb though I had stopped playing. “Aren’t you exhausted!? Nick you woke up at seven this morning played an amazing concert for thousands of fans, and your still not tired!?” “Nope” he said smiling like he was proud of himself. “You are a goof.” I said laughing and his proud smile fell, “I’m just used to the tour life I guess” he said. I just shook my head and laid it back down on his chest, his one hand still playing with my thumb, the other now playing with my hair. “Want to watch a movie?” I asked looking up, because now that Mr. Jonas had been nice enough to wake me up because he couldn’t sleep I wanted to watch The Notebook. “Sure, but I don’t feel like getting up” he said, “No worries I have some in here.” I sat up and opened the cabinet next to the flat screen TV. I opened up the notebook and put it in the DVD player that was in the cabinet too. I turned on the TV and put it on the right channel and all. I made sure it wasn’t too loud and then I layed back down and we were back in the same position we were before. “The Notebook?” Nick asked from the opening scene. “Of course” I said smiling up at him. He just laughed. We watched the whole movie, well I did, and of course I cried at the end. I reached up and turned off the DVD player and TV. I looked back at Nick, he had one eye opened, “It’s over?” he asked. “Yep” I said rubbing my eyes with my one fist, rubbing away the tears. “Come here” he held up his hands for me to come over, he got under the covers with me and then wrapped his arms around me and intertwined his legs with mine again. I fell asleep to him playing with my hair.
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