Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

7 Things.

Well the video was interesting, Miley was wearing a dog tag necklace, we all looked at Nick who was in complete shock, she was playing with it and looking at it through out the video. The video had a bunch of other girls holding things that there boy friends had given to them and then going crazy, some were even crying. It was a weird video. Then in the middle of the video she held up a picture. It was of her and Nick, now she had cut out his face so no one was supposed to be able to tell who it was. Unless your retarded, you knew it was Nick, you could still see his curly fro. We all were shocked now. I can’t believe she would do this, I mean like publicly tell Nick how mad she was. Now how immature can a girl get!? I was getting angry watching it, next she got to a part that was the seven things I like about you. After she listed them and then the song was over we all slowly looked at Nick. He looked mad, “Um that was…..” I started, “So ridiculous!! I can’t believe she’s that immature!! Ah oh my god she pisses me off so much!!! See this! This is why I broke up with her!!! She’s so, so, so GAY!” then he stormed out of the room. I looked at Joe and Kevin, we sat there starring at each other feeling bad for Nick. “So what do we do?” I asked quietly, “I don’t know I guess just let him cool off.” Kevin answered, “Well the song is kind of catchy….the seven things I hate about you!!” Joe said after a few minutes he was singing in a girly mocking voice and jumping around. “Joe!!” I yelled and threw a pillow at him. He was hit and fell over and we heard a noise like something was crunching. I looked at Kevin with a weird look and we both looked behind the couch to where Joe had fallen. “Damn Corn Pops” he said sitting up, they were now crushed and sticking to him on his back and arms, I started laughing along with Kevin at a very upset looking Joe.

Nick sat in his bunk for the rest of the day on his own, every time I would go over to see if he would want to talk he’d just say not now. So I gave up and just hung out with Joe and Kevin for the day. We played some video games, watched a movie, ate some food, and played some board games with Frankie. Then it was time for dinner and we stopped off at another restaurant, this time it was Olive Garden. I changed into simple black summer dress that was a halter dress and came just above my knees, I curled my hair and pinned some pieces back. All through dinner Nick was unusually quiet, he would laugh at the things we were all saying and laughing about so at least he wasn’t like completely upset. After dinner we hopped back onto the bus, we should be arriving in New York City the next morning, the boys were on TRL at three. So after we had all changed and showered, we decided to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the version with Johnny Depp. I think this movie is hilarious so I was laughing the whole time with Frankie while the boys would just stare at us like we were stupid, “You guys just have no sense of humor” I said once the movie was over and Frankie was in bed, “No you just think everything is hysterical” Joe said pointing a finger at me, “Oh please Joseph, don’t make me make you cry” I said narrowing my eyes at him, “Bring it little girl” I lunged at him and we were wrestling on the couch and then we fell onto the floor and then he started to tickle me, that was my weakness. I started to laugh uncontrollably “Joe…….stop…..please!?!” I begged “Nope” I kept laughing, “I’M GOING TO PEE MY PANTS!!” I yelled still laughing, he started to laugh and then stopped I got up breathing heavily and walked over and punched him in the arm as hard as I could. “OW ALLY THAT HURT!” “good.” I said laughing, “I’m going to bed now” I said I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then ran and jumped in my bunk, I fell back down. I heard laughter from the bunk below mine, “Shut up Nick” I said laughing, then I heard him laugh and I tried again but I didn’t make it. I tried four more times and couldn’t get in because I was laughing. Nick finally just picked me up and threw me in my bunk. “Thanks” I said laughing, “No problem” he said with a smile. “Sweet dreams Ally” he said to me and then closed my curtain, “Hopefully” I said to myself. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
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i don't hate miley cyrus so don't freak out :]