Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

I love that you guys are famouse!

So yet again I had that reoccurring nightmare, I was screaming and screaming, crying and shaking. I woke up to strong arms being wrapped around me; “Al its okay” was whispered in my ear I knew it was Nick. I was crying and my throat hurt, I guess I cry and scream in my sleep now? Yea that’s cool I guess…..I turned over to face him, he wiped away my tears, “I didn’t mean to wake you up” I said while clearing my throat. “It’s okay, I know you were sleeping when you did it, same nightmare?” he asked me, “Yea” I said back. He pulled me in closer “And just so you know, your not vain, I love your games because I always win them, your not insecure at all, and I know you love her even though she says you just like her…who ever she is, you always make me laugh and help me when I cry though you never EVER cause it, I love your friends because well we have the same friends….,and you’re my best friend so I’m forced to love you” I said laughing at the end. “Thanks, Al I love you to” he said, Now I know he didn’t mean it like love, love, friendship love, but it still made the butterflies go in my stomach. “And also, that dog tag, looked horrible on her, only you can rock that look” he just laughed, “and I love your old levis to” “Thanks, I like them to” he said back, I yawned, “Go back to sleep” he said in my ear I smiled “Whatever you say Mr. Jonas” I said though I didn’t fall asleep, I just laid there with my head on his chest and listened to his steady heart beat, I knew he wasn’t asleep either because he was still playing with my hair. We laid there in silence for a pretty longtime, and then I heard Mrs. Jonas walking by to the kitchen. I gulped. She was going to freak if she saw me and Nick. I heard her getting herself some water and then putting the glass back. She was walking by I was praying to God she wouldn’t stop. Of course god decided to not give me my way. She stopped to check on her boys, I listened as she opened Frankie and Joe’s curtains and then closed them again, then she got to Nick’s. She obviously saw an empty bunk, she reached for my curtain I closed my eyes, just pretended to be sleeping. “Hey mom” Nick whispered, “Nick what are you doing?” she asked, she didn’t seem mad or upset more confused. “She’s been having really bad nightmares about Mr. Windle lately, she’ll scream and cry in her sleep so I’ll just climb in here and make her feel better” he said to his mom, “Alright, well I’m glad your helping her Nick, but I’ve known you’ve been sleeping in her bunk every night so far.” She said with a slight chuckle, thank you god she wasn’t angry. “We’ll she’s had them every night” he said while pushing some hair out of my face that had fallen, he tucked it behind my ear and then continued to stroke my hair. I love this boy, I always have. “Alright, well love you Nick and please get some sleep okay?” “Alright, love you to mom” he said rolling over after she closed the curtain, “she’s gone you don’t have to pretend anymore” he whispered in my ear, I smiled and opened an eye, he was eye level with me. “How did you know?” I asked closing my eyes again. “I always know when your faking or lying” he said to me. I just smiled with my eyes closed, “You know me all to well” I said, “Your still the same girl from Jersey I fell in love with ally, you know that was one of my biggest fears, that you had changed” he said softly while he brushed his thumb along my cheek I opened my eyes and looked into his, “Nick I’ll never change, and I’m so glad that all this pop star stuff didn’t go to your head, your still the boy who lived next store to me and held me all night long when my dad died, that was the night I decided I loved you.” I said to him honestly. Then nothing else was said we just smiled and starred at each other then he leaned in and kissed me, I kissed back. When we pulled apart I laid my head on his chest and fell into peaceful sleep thinking about when we were younger.

I rolled over and felt something around my waist pull me closer to the body lying next to me. I smiled and turned around to face a smiling Nick. “Hello beautiful” he said, “How’s it goin?” I said back he rolled his eyes as I started to laugh. “So guess what” I said, “Hm I don’t know…..what” he said back “You are going to be on TRL today!” I said excitedly he laughed “yeah, I guess we are” “I’m so hyped! I get to sit in there and watch you guys with Frankie!” I said getting more excited; I’ve always wanted to go to TRL. He just laughed at me some more, “So want to know what I’m going to wear!?” I asked sitting up, he rolled his eyes “You already know what you’re wearing?? I don’t even know what I’m wearing and I’m the one who’s being interviewed!” “Well I’m a girl, so it’s normal for me to know what I’m wearing oh and Joe” I said laughing “True” Nick said shaking his head in agreement, “I heard that!” then my curtain shot up to reveal Joseph standing there with his arms crossed. “Hey Joe, want to know what I’m wearing!?” “Sure” he said dropping his fake mad act, “Okay I’m thinking about wearing my white straples dress that has navy blue flowers on it, and goes to like here” I said while putting my hand a little bit above my knees, “And then I’m going to curl my hair” “Sounds hot” nick said still laying down, “I agree” Joe said shaking his head yes, I smacked Nick with a pillow and rolled my eyes laughing. “Are we almost there?” I asked after I finished laughing at Nick’s shocked face, “Um in like twenty minutes we’ll be at the hotel” Joe answered me. We were staying at the Ritz-Carlton in Central Park. “I’m so hyped! I love New York, I love TRL, and I love that you guys are famous!!” I said jumping out of my bunk. I heard them laughing at me but I didn’t care, I ran into the bathroom and changed into some jean shorts with a white t-shirt from Abercrombie and Fitch. I had my hair in a low side ponytail in its natural wavy state. After I had packed my stuff into the suitcase we were finally in NYC. I can’t even explain how excited I was, actually I guess think of Joe after he’s had about twenty Red Bulls, then multiply that by five. That’s how hyped I was.