Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Memory three.

We were now twelve, the guys had been “discovered” and were leaving for there first promo tour this November and would be gone only for a month but hey that was still long to be away from my best friend. Well now it was summer and we were down the beach together, well our families anyway. I remember I got my own room while all four boys had to share. So to be fair I said I would let Nick sleep in my room. The parents were a little hesitant but decided it was alright. Our parents along with Kevin and Joe thought we loved each other, but we didn’t, or at least we didn’t know that yet. That was the summer Nick had his first real girl friend, her name was Kelsey, and I hated her. Joe also had a girlfriend named Mandy, but we all loved her. Okay so I was really the only one who hated Kelsey, to me she was annoying, to whinny, and she was always with us. Lucky me.

“Niiiiiiickkk stop it!!” she screeched in her annoying voice, it made me want to rip out her throat. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him tickling her. “Kevin, do you want to go on a walk with me?” I asked getting up from towel; we were all on the beach meaning, me Nick Kelsey Mandy Joe and Kevin. Our parents were back at the house with Frankie. “Um sure” he said hopping up; he was now seventeen years old. We walked for a long time and I vented about how much Kelsey annoyed me and how I hated her and I even did little impersonations of her flirting with nick in her obnoxious voice. The whole time Kevin was laughing and eventually I did to, so by the time we got back I was in a much better mood. Joe and Mandy were out in the water and Kevin was leaving to head back. I didn’t want to leave yet I still wanted to go in the water but not with the couples so I begged Kevin to stay and go in with me, he finally agreed and went in with me for awhile we played keep away from Joe with Mandy. That was very entertaining. Then Nick and Kelsey came out to join, I stayed in for a little bit longer not wanting to seem like a total brat. “Alright guys I’m getting hungry I think I’m going to head in and go home for a late lunch” I said. I got a variety of alights and see you laters. I got out and dried off and walked back home, we only lived right down the street.

Our last night on vacation we decided to go to the board walk, including the parents and Frankie. Nick and I had got into a fight about how he was spending all his time with Kelsey and not even talking to me. He said I was being over dramatic and that I was just jealous and then that set me off and we started to freak at each other in a full out screaming match Kevin and Joe came in and separated us. Well that night Nick went off with Kelsey with out even looking at me and Joe went off with Mandy and then me and Kevin went off with Frankie for the night. We ran into Nick and Kelsey a few times and every time I wanted to kill her and I would glare at him. She knew I didn’t like her and I knew she didn’t like me, hell everyone knew. My phone started vibrating and I looked to see who it was, it was Josh, a boy from back home, we flirted a lot. Okay I was a huge flirt and I knew it but whatever. “Hello?” “Hey Josh!” “You are? You see me!?” Kevin gave me a weird look I put up a finger to tell him to hold on, “Oh I see you!!” I started waving to him a little further up the boardwalk and he started to walk over and I hung up. Before he got there I turned to Kevin. “Kevin is it okay if I go hang out with him?” “Who is he?” Kevin said kicking into big brother mode. I rolled my eyes “His names Josh, he goes to school with me and Nick and I think he likes me! Please!?” I begged “Alright, but don’t forget we have to meet back at the pizza place at eleven thirty!” “Okay!” I said kissing him on the cheek and rushing over to where Josh was waiting he waved to Kevin and then I did and we started walking.

It was time to walk back to the pizza place and I saw only Nick and Kelsey there, I was not going to wait there by myself with them and plus at the moment they were kissing. Okay so I felt jealousy boiling up in me I did the only thing I could think of at the moment, I made sure Nick saw me and I turned to Josh and kissed him, full on kissed him. That’s when I felt someone pull my arm and pull me away from Josh, I looked up at Nick. “What the hell are you doing!?” He yelled at me. “Um I was in the middle of kissing Josh until you pulled me away!” I said getting mad. “You know I hate Josh!!” he yelled back while looking off at Josh and giving him a death glare, “So sorry I didn’t know you have to like the guys I get with and well you know I hate Kelsey!” I shot back. “Are you just doing this to get back at me!?!” he said catching on to my plan. “What!?! No!” I yelled. “YOU DON’T EVEN LIKE JOSH!” he yelled at me. “YOU DON’T KNOW THAT!” I yelled back just as loud. “YOU CAN’T LIKE HIM!” “WHY NOT!?!” “BECAUSE I LIKE YOU! YOU DUMB ASS!!” He shot back at me, I was shocked. Nick covered his mouth as soon as those words left them. “You do?” I whispered. “Yeah, Ally I’ve liked you since like forever!” he said back rubbing his hands over his face. I was still shocked. Then he leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked at first but then kissed back. I lifted my hands to be around his neck and he placed his on the small of my back and pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. You know people always say you can feel the sparks? Well there right, I could feel the magic in this kiss, well more like make out but it felt right, my knees went week and my legs felt like jelly, if Nick wasn’t holding my back right now I would probably have fallen over. I didn’t want to pull apart but since I was about to pass out from lack of oxygen I had to. I was smiling like a fool but then again, so was he.
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so that's actually how my brother and my sister-in-law told each other that they liked each other and i always thought it was cute/funny, so of course i had to use it.