Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

TRL (.part one.)

“You three look very nice, Ally I love that dress it’s very cute!” Mrs. Jonas said to me I Smiled at her and said thank you. Then we headed out the front doors and started down sixth Avenue. Once we were on Broadway we decided to eat at the Hard Rock, once we were there we Had to wait twenty minutes because it was now twelve and lunch time. Well there were many Jonas Brothers fans there, just like everywhere else we went. The boys were nice and took pictures and gave out autographs like always. Though this time Nick was talking to me the whole time, when fans would come up he’d stop and smile and take a picture but usually I would just sit in the corner while they talked to all there fans. But this time I was standing in between Joe and Nick and I knew girls were wondering who the hell I was. Joe leaned over and whispered to me “Seems like some girls are getting jealous of you” I just laughed and smacked him in the arm. Finally our table was called and we were seated. Through out lunch I was giving the guys practice questions, like “What’s tour been like?” “How’s living on the bus with your family?” “Nick, what’s going on with you and Miley? How did you like her new song?” “Are you boys seeing anyone?” and stuff like that. On the show they were going to have a contest to see who thought like the Jonas Brothers, the guys were going to be asked questions and then some people they would pick from the audience would be asked the same ones, then who’s ever answers matched up the best, won and got to go out to dinner with the guys plus me tomorrow night. After lunch we headed towards the MTV building, where TRL is filmed. There was already a crowd outside so we crossed the street and ducked inside the Hershey store to loose some time, then we had about twenty minutes left so I dragged them into Safora with me, I needed some new make up! I bought some stuff though Mrs. Jonas insisted that she buy it because I was like her daughter, after a long debate we split it. Though when I went to hand her the money she refused it and walked away. “She’ll never take your money” Kevin said to me, “I feel bad though!” I said putting my money back into my change purse that was in Nick’s pocket along with my cell phone, Joe had my camera. “Don’t worry about it” Joe said, then it was time to head on over to the MTV building. Security let us in the side entrance so we wouldn’t have to deal with the fans. We walked up a flight of steps and opened the door. We were greeted by stage managers and such and then were put into a dressing room. Then Carson Daly came in and introduced himself, the guys introduced themselves and then Carson looked at me, “and who is this?” he said putting out his hand, I shook it “Hi I’m Ally” I said smiling, he was shaking my hand pretty hard, then he let go and I shook it out behind my back. Joe saw and laughed a little. “She’s our old nextdoor neighbor, and has been our best friend for like ever” Kevin explained some more. I just smiled. “Oh well it’s good to have you here! Oh you must be the girl sitting in the audience with Frankie right?” “Yep” I said nodding my head yes and smiling at Frank the tank who was across the room looking out the window. “Great, okay well guys here’s the questions that we asked you to answer for the game, now the fan with the best matching answers gets to go out to dinner with you tomorrow night right?” he asked, “Yeah, and Ally” Nick said adding me in there. “Okay great, Ally is it okay if I point you out in the crowd? Or do you just want to sit back and enjoy the show?” Carson asked me, now I had to think, let’s see everyone I know watches TRL. Everyone I know will know the truth then, and people will try to be my friend just because I’m tight with the Jonas Brothers right? “Um sure it doesn’t matter” I said smiling, because hey if people are watching anyway and see me sitting with Frankie, they’ll know something is up.

“Pick one, Coke or Pepsi.” Nick said out loud, “Coke” me and Kevin answered “Ginger ale” Joe said. Nick was reading the questions out loud to us and we’d answer. It didn’t matter what I would say really but whatever I contributed my opinion anyway. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas were already back stage or in the sound booth or something. When the boys got the ten minute warning that’s when I would take Frankie and we’d go sit in our seats, Carson said he saved us seats in there somewhere, I told him not the front row and he said he would put us in the back somewhere. I was fine with the back and so was Frankie. “Okay this one is for Joe, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word Frankie?” “Boy” he said. “Okay now what’s the first word that comes to your mind when you hear Ohio” “Kill” We all looked over at him, “WOW. I don’t know why that came to my head but it did” we all started to laugh hysterically. Nick put down what Joe said. “Okay Now then what does our perfect girl need to have?” “Style” Joe answered, “Good personality” Nick and Kevin said, “I would have to say the ability to make me laugh” I said, “That’s a good one, put it down.” Kevin said and Nick wrote it down, “Next question strawberries or watermelon?” “Strawberries” we all said then Joe said “Pineapple.” We all laughed and Nick again wrote down his bazaar answer. Then a stage manager came in and told the boys they had three minutes. “Alright well ready Frankie that’s our cue to get to our seats!” I said grabbing his hand, “Let’s rock and role baby!” he said I laughed “Alright guys good luck!” I said before I was dragged out the door by Frankie, “Chill son were here” I said to him I saw our seats that were reserved in the back center, I walked over to a stage guy, there were girls and guys but mostly girls sitting all around and stage people were walking around, I tapped the guy on the shoulder and he turned around, “Oh you must be Ally, and the bonus Jonas!” the guy got really excited and high fived Frankie I laughed and he pointed us to the seats that I guessed were ours, I walked behind Frankie and sat down, everyone in the room was starring at us, and the girls around us were already talking to Frankie and saying how cute he was. Though the whole time he refused to let go of my hand.
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so i wrote this story early last summer and it was the first i'd ever written. I know it's not to good but i promise it get's better haha. Like i said it was my first time ever writing...