Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Joe and his ways.

After awhile I could see another group forming down stairs, I saw a curly afro, and then straight black hair in the center. I smiled “I spotted two other Jonas boys” and I pointed my finger to the crowd forming, Mrs. Jonas laughed, then we saw Joe and Nick point up stairs to us, and then they started up the stairs with the crowd following them, “How much weight do you think this floor can hold?” I asked jokingly as we saw basically the whole store following the boys. “I hope enough” Mrs. Jonas answered. The boys were now standing with Kevin and taking pictures and giving out hugs and such. I stood in the aisle with a big giraffe, I looked up at it, and it was like as tall as the ceiling, I sighed and leaned against it, this was going to take long. Then I took a few pictures of the boys being engulfed by all there fans. “Um Ally, can you go find Mr. Jonas and Frankie, I think we should start to leave, this crowd is getting pretty rowdy.” “Sure” I said standing up straight and fixing my dress I started off towards the Lego section, they weren’t in there so I thought maybe webkinz, nope they weren’t there either, I went up to the last floor. It was all little kid movies and music, I searched through some aisles then I finally found them looking at the High School Musical 2 DVD, “Hey guys, I think we need to leave, the boys have been spotted and well the crowd is starting to get really big.” “Oh alright ready Frankie?” “I guess so” Frankie said kind of sad, “Hey come on little man, I’ll give you a piggy back ride out of the store okay?” “Okay!” he said jumping up and on to my back, I walked down the stairs with him on my back. “Okay Ally, here how about you go buy this and this, and we’ll meet you two outside okay?” Mr. Jonas said to me handing me the DVD and a blanket with the boys on it and some money. Frankie jumped down and we walked down the stairs, “Frankie you wanted this blanket?” I asked looking at it, “No, mom and dad, they but all the new Merch.” “Oh” I said throwing it over my arm we got to the cashier and I handed the things over and he rung them up, I gave him the money and he handed over the bag which I handed off to Frankie. I saw Mrs. Jonas waiting for us at the door, we walked over and outside, there was a huge crowd now around the guys, “WOW” I said, “Yea, were getting a cab and going back to the hotel for awhile until it dies down” she said grabbing Frankie’s hand, I pulled down my sunglasses and walked over to the guys who were still surrounded by fans, they were smiling and just kept walking like the fans weren’t even there. Finally we got one cab, Joe pushed me in still smiling and then he jumped in followed by Nick and then Kevin sat upfront. “The Ritz-Carlton hotel by central park please” Kevin said then the guy took off, I sat back and let out a sigh, “The fans can get so hectic” Joe said taking off his glasses. “I never got to ride the Ferris wheel” Nick said crossing his arms, I laughed at his two year old behavior, “I’ll go back with you and we’ll ride it okay?” I said reaching over Joe and patting Nick on the leg, he smiled. Once we got there Kevin paid the cab and we walked into the hotel, we sat in the lobby and waited till Mr. and Mrs. Jonas showed up with Frankie. Once they showed up we got in an elevator and headed up, I heard Mrs. Jonas yawn along with Frankie and Nick. “I am so tired” she said then I heard Frankie agree. “How about we take a break and rest, then we’ll call you guys in a little bit?” Mr. Jonas said to us when they were getting out, “Sounds good dad” Joe said as the door closed, I gave thumbs up. Once the doors opened I ran and jumped on Nick’s back, he didn’t stumble or anything. “Wow you didn’t like stumble or anything” I said to him, “I was waiting for it” he said back laughing, Once we got to our door Joe slid the key in and I jumped off of Nick and put my bags down in the corner and ran and jumped on the bed. I was soon joined by Nick, I closed my eyes, “Tired?” he asked “Very” I answered. Rolling over to face him I smiled and then I heard Joe turn on the TV, “do you guys care?” Joe asked from the couches, “No” I answered yawning. Then I peeked an eye open and saw Nick already asleep. I smiled and closed my eyes.

I woke up to someone shaking me, “Hm?” I said with my eyes still closed, “Come on Al, time to get ready for dinner” Joe said starting to tickle the bottom of my foot. I started to laugh and rolled over, “Okay I’m up!” “Good, now hurry up and get ready were leaving in like ten minutes” “Alright” I said stretching, I got up and breathed deeply then grabbed a pair of shorts and a long sleeved shirt, I walked into the bathroom and changed then I curled my hair again, just touched up some pieces here and there. Then I pulled back my bangs into a poof. I fixed my now smeared make up from sleeping. I brushed my teeth real quick and then walked out. “Cute” Joe said with a smile, “Not so bad yourself!” I said with a smile and a wink. He laughed and held out his arm, I real quick grabbed my phone and slipped on my flip flops then linked arms with him. “Wait, where’s Nick?” I asked as Joe opened the door, “He left with Kev earlier, hasn’t been back but he texted me saying that we were leaving in ten minutes” Joe said as we were now outside the elevator, “Oh alright” I said smiling at him he stuck out his tongue and I did the same. Then as the doors opened my phone went off, Inseparable. Joe smiled, he knew who it was. I grabbed it out of my pocket and flipped it open, “Hey Nick” “Hey are you guys on your way?” “To?” “Dinner, at Carmines?” “Oh are we meeting you guys there?” “Yea, mom and dad just showed up with Frankie, are you two almost here?” “Um were getting a cab now,” “Okay good, see you soon” “Alright bye” Me and Joe were now sitting in the cab talking about random things, then Burnin up came on, “Ha listen it’s you!” I said slapping him on the knee, he smiled and then started to sing his parts, I laughed and then he pointed to me for Nick’s parts, I sang, very badly I knew I couldn’t sing but I’ve known that all my life and grown to accept the fact. “Oh this is my favorite part!” I yelled, it was the ending line that Nick sang, “For you baby!” “I LOVE his voice!” I said dragging out the word love, Joe just laughed at me, “Oh were here, Thanks!” Joe said giving the cab driver the money he opened the door and put his hand in and I grabbed it, “My lady” he said holding out his arm, “Thank you Joseph, but I like your back better!” I said jumping on his back he laughed and we walked into the restaurant, we looked around, didn’t see anyone anywhere, I went up to the hostess, “Um excuse me, I was wondering where the Jonas family is seated?” “I’m sorry miss, I can’t let a fan know, but nice try” she said with a sly smirk, I narrowed my eyes and twirled around on my heel and walked up to Joe, “Um she won’t tell me where there seated?” “What, why?” “cause she says I’m a fan” I said laughing, “Alright let me talk to her” Joe grabbed my hand and dragged me back up to the stand, “Um excuse me, sorry do you mind telling us now where my family is seated?” Joe said taking his glasses off, even though it was dark outside he still had to where something so people wouldn’t recognize him, “Oh I am SO sorry, I didn’t realize-“”It’s okay” he said with a wink, I rolled my eyes and Joe’s flirtatious ways. She walked us up the stairs and then pointed to the table in the corner with the Jonas family. “Thanks” Joe said with another wink she smiled and turned around, “You are SO ridiculous,” I said laughing as we walked over to the table “Why because I like to flirt!?” “Exactly” I said laughing and then pulling out a seat next to Nick, Joe sat across from me. “What’s so funny?” Kevin asked us, “Joe and his ways” I said.