Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

Memory three/four.

“NICKY HOW COULD YOU!?!?!” came that annoying screeching noise that pulled us out of our world I closed my eyes and I heard nick sigh. “Ally I’m so sorry I have to take care of this” he whispered to me. I just nodded my head and turned around to see Josh standing there rubbing the back of his neck. I took a deep breath and walked over to him. “Um Josh I’m really sorry” I started but he cut me off, “Nah it’s all cool I always knew you guys had something for each other even though you guys didn’t so it’s cool, don’t worry” he said smiling. “Really? Wow your being so chill about this!” I said laughing a little, “Yeah it’s fine, don’t worry but hey were still friends right?” he said cocking an eyebrow at me I laughed “of course” “Alright good, well I better get going, told my friends I’d meet them up the other end of the boardwalk, but I’ll talk to you later” he said and then we hugged and he walked away I turned around to see Kelsey slap Nick across the face and crying and then Nick saying over and over again, “Look Kelsey I’m really sorry! I can’t help who I fall for!” I laughed to myself, I kind of felt bad for her. “Woah what happened to those two!?” Joe said I turned around, “Um I did” I said with an innocent smile on my face while raising my hand, “What?!” He said shocked and confused with Kevin who had walked up with Frankie asleep in his arms. “Well um I don’t really know what happened, I mean I was kissing Josh and then Nick saw us and came up and pulled me away and we started yelling and he said you can’t like him and I said why and he said because I like you and then we kissed.” I said replaying the scene in my head I left out some things. “Wow really?” Joe said confused. “Yeah” I said shaking my head. “Wow I wouldn’t expect that from Nick!” He said with a smile I laughed “I know I was very shocked, I still kind of am” Kevin just said “Finally, I’ve been waiting for this for like ever” he said and then I laughed.

Well that was our first kiss, that night we both slept in his bed talking all night about what we are, like relationship wise. Well we finally decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend and I couldn’t have been happier. So that was us for awhile, inseparable, we would go to the movies or out to dinner or to the mall like every night together but once the boys started getting more popular and paparazzi and fans became an issue we started to stay in and watch movies at our houses and do stuff at home. My next major memory is probably our fight, the last time we ever talked.

It was early that morning they were leaving I had slept over their house and we were all asleep in the basement. See I made it through the first tour, Nick would call and write and I would call and we’d text all the time. The month was long for me but I had school and my other friends to pull me through, But this next tour, The Marvelous Party Tour, it was going to be five months long, I don’t think I could handle that.

I woke the morning they were leaving and just layed there with Nick’s arms wrapped around me. I looked up at him and he looked down. He could tell I was upset. “What’s wrong?” he asked, “Nick I don’t know what to do.” “What do you mean?” he asked getting more serious, “I mean your going to be gone for five months!” “I know don’t worry though it will go by so fast.” “Nick your going to miss my birthday, our anniversary, and were not going to have our trip to the beach this year!” I said getting upset. “Ally I’m really sorry, but we talked about all of this and you said you were okay with it!” he said getting angry. “Well I lied I’m not okay with it!” I said just as angry getting up. “Ally are you serious!?! I’m sorry but I can’t do anything about how long our tours are!” He said following me up the stairs. “I KNOW YOU CAN’T!” I yelled back heading towards the front door, he was leaving in a few hours and I didn’t want to fight right now, I didn’t want him to leave me behind and forget me. “Then what is this about!?!” He said to me “Nick I just don’t want you to go and forget me!” I said we were on his driveway now, he started to laugh and pulled me into a hug “Ally I’ve known you since well I can’t remember ever meeting you, I’m not going to forget you ever!” “But what if you meet someone else!” “Ally I won’t I promise!” “Nick you can’t promise that!!” I said pushing him away. “Well what do you want me to say!?!” “I don’t know!! But don’t make promises you know that you can’t keep true!” “Are you saying your expecting me to cheat on you!?!” now he was getting pissed. “No!! I mean I just don’t want you to make a promise that you can’t keep!” “THAT’S WHAT YOU JUST SAID!” “DON’T YELL AT ME!!” “YOUR NOT MAKING ANY SEANCE!!” “YES I AM!!!! YOU DON’T HAVE CONTROL OVER WHO YOU FALL FOR!!” “ALLY IF YOU THINK I’M GOING TO CHEAT ON YOU THEN MAYBE-“ “MAYBE WHAT NICK!?” I yelled cutting him off, “MAYBE WE SHOULD JUST BREAK UP BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY YOU DON’T TRUST ME!!” “I DO TO TRUST YOU!!” “NO OBVIOUSLY YOU FREAKING DON’T IF YOU THINK I’M GOING TO CHEAT ON YOU!!” “I NEVER SAID THAT!!!” “YES YOU DID ALLY!! YOU SAID I CAN’T MAKE PROMISES I KNOW I CAN’T KEEP, AKA YOUR SAYING YOU KNOW I’M GOING TO CHEAT ON YOU!!” I was so confused right now and I just wanted him to stop yelling at me and rewind to when we were laying down the basement in each other’s arms. “YOUR GOING TO MAKE ME CRY NICK” “GOOD” was all he said, that was like a blow to my heart, he knew that I hadn’t cried since my dad, he knew that I said I would never cry again, he knew how much that just hurt me. I turned around and walked to my house, “ALLY WAIT I DIDN’T MEAN IT!!” My response? I flipped him off and kept walking.