Status: finished, look for the sequel!

The Same Jersey Girl

locked in the bathroom.

“Um she’s wondering if the bologna in her fridge that she ate for lunch was bad because she’s not feeling so great right now” Nick said, I laughed. We were playing the game we used to play all the time when we were younger; we’d pick someone out and then say what they were thinking or something like that. The cars stopped coming and we ran across the street. “Um oh there it is!” I pointed up the block a little more. Once we got there we walked in and again we were stopped, “Um excuse me but-“ “Oh no we know, but you called me because he left his phone here” “Oh well if you can call it then the phone is yours” the creepy guy said to me, Nick pulled out my phone and dialed his number. “When you look me in the eyes and tell me that you love me, I catch a glimpse of heaven.” I smiled and looked at him, he smiled back to me. “Um are you beautiful?” “That she is” Nick said taking the phone from the guy, “Thank you!” I said and we walked out of the adult store for the second time that day, “Al I have a question” “What?” I asked not really paying attention, “In your room when you were packing for tour, your Jonas box…. What were all the papers in there at the bottom?” “You saw those?” I asked my eyes widening…they were poems and songs or letters I wrote to Nick but never sent them, I would write them when I was feeling really low for leaving with out notice, and just when I felt bad about myself. “Yea I did, what were they?” “Um they were just notes and stuff that I wrote when I was upset or feeling low because of stuff” “Why were they in the Jonas box then?” “Well most of them were like stuff I wrote to you, but never sent you know that type of thing.” “Oh, can I read them?” “No.” “Why not they were written to me” he pushed on, “Maybe some day, but not now.” I answered with, “Alright fine” he said then we both saw the guys and Emily, they were taking funny pictures in the middle of the street. “Nick, you should kiss her” “What?!” he asked stopping, “I mean she’s like in love with you, it wouldn’t kill you” “But, what if like the paparazzi gets a shot, or she tries to like take the kiss further? Or thinks I like her, isn’t that like leading her on?” he was so flustered, “Chill, I was just saying it’d be nice, you can just kiss her on the cheek, or give her a real quick peck” I said laughing, “Maybe” he said. We caught up to them and I took the pictures for them, then she got one with me, then she took a group shot of us then I went back to taking them of her and the boys, then she held it out to take one of just her and Nick, and I knew he was going to kiss her. I saw him leaning for it, right when she was about to click. That’s when it happened, the jealousy boiled up and I could feel myself getting angry, but I was the one who told him to do it so I couldn’t get angry….right? “Nick, come here!!” Joe called I smiled to myself and thanked god for Joe, Nick pulled away and ran over to him. I let out my breath and took another one; I realized I had stopped breathing while I was watching them. Joe pointed to a billboard further up, it was of them. I smiled, and walked over behind Nick, I had to stand on my tippy toes to reach his ear, “It’s like a dream isn’t it?” He turned around and smiled at me, “Exactly, I keep thinking I’m going to wake up any minute and I’ll be back in New Jersey in my bedroom, my nine year old self.” I laughed, “Nick you aren’t dreaming, no matter how much I wish we were, we aren’t.” he looked at me confused, “Sorry, I didn’t mean like your fame or anything, I just meant about my” I just stopped talking and looked around at everything taking in the moment, he knew I was going to say I was talking about my dad and leaving and such. He hugged me from behind and I smiled. “Thanks” I said to him, “Anything for my best friend”.

It started to rain, like down pour rain. We couldn’t see three inches in front of us and we had to yell to hear each other. Kevin had unzipped his sweat jacket and given it to me to wear because I was only wearing the skirt and tank top. We ran back to the MTV building and dropped off Emily because it was eleven and that was the time the date would be over at. The guys talked to her parents for awhile and her little sister, they signed some autographs and took more pictures. Then it was time to say goodbye, I hugged her and said it was nice to meet her. All the guys hugged her, Nick was the last, then he gave her a kiss on her cheek. I smiled a little at her reaction. Pure shock. After we left there we just ran around for a little in the rain even though we couldn’t see or anything. We decided to walk back to the hotel tonight. Well Nick gave me a piggy back ride. Once we got in we all went to Kevin’s room to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Jonas, they laughed once they saw us all soaking wet, Frankie was asleep. I gave Kevin his jacket back and then Me Joe and Nick went back to our room, I was practically asleep, in the elevator I had my head on Nick’s shoulder and he had his arm wrapped around my waist to keep me from falling. Then I heard a ding and opened my eyes, he scooped me up bridal style and started towards our room, “Nick I can walk put me down” I said, “No, it’s fine” “Nick I’m wearing a skirt!” I said trying to cover myself up so I wouldn’t expose anything to the people we were passing. “Exactly” He said back, “Nicholas Jonas!” I slapped him on his chest and he just laughed. I tried to wiggle out of his arms, but it was useless we were at our door and Joe opened it and walked in then followed by me and Nick. He laughed at us as I was trying to cover up my butt, and Nick was spinning in circles. “Nice underwear Al” Joe said laughing, “Ha your freaking hilarious Joseph, now put me down Nick!” “Nah,” he said heading towards the bathroom, he dropped me in the shower and started it, it was freezing, “NICK!!!!” I screamed, I heard fits of laughter coming from Nick and Joe. I grabbed him by the little tie he was wearing and pulled him in with me I made sure he slammed hard against the wall to. “Shit Al that hurt,” he said rubbing his back, “Good” I said with a smile, Joe just laughed harder then walked over and shut the door but then opened it back up again, “PURITY RING!” then he closed it. I busted out laughing, then I looked at Nick’s ring, “Till marriage” I said, “Yep, true love waits” he said shaking his head. I smiled. I grabbed the shampoo and started to wash my hair, “Are you really washing your hair right now?” Nick said laughing, “Why not I’m in here, and then I won’t have to shower in the morning” “What about your body?” “I’ll wash that once you get out.” “And what if I don’t” he said raising an eyebrow, “Purity Ring!” I said back mimicking Joe we both laughed then I squeezed some shampoo on Nick’s head. I washed it for him and then I conditioned both our heads. “Okay now get out so I can wash my body” I said shoving him out through the curtain. “Fine” he said, I heard him shaking the handle, “Um Al” “What?” I asked throwing my tank top and skirt over. “It’s locked” he said. “Then yell for Joe, he obviously locked us in here” “Right” Nick said and I laughed at him. “Joe! Let me out she’s showering now come on!!” I heard him bang on the door, nothing. Meanwhile I was washed and shaving my legs. “Do you think he fell asleep?” Nick asked, he had given up and was now sitting on the ground against the door, “I don’t know, hand me a towel.” I said putting out my hand then I felt it and grabbed it. I wrapped it around my body and then pulled back the curtain, and walked out. I banged on the door really hard, “JOE OPEN UP THIS ISN’T FUNNY!!” I just heard him laughing on the other side, mean while Nick had gotten in the shower. I brushed my teeth and brushed out my hair, I washed my face and then Nick was done, “Towel” he called out, I gave one to him, and then he walked out. “This is so gay” he said, “JOE!!!” we both started banging on the door all we heard was him laughing on the other side. We were both sitting on the ground in our towels, just sitting there playing thumb war. “I’m so tired right now.” Nick said and I yawned. “Oh wow I’m so dumb I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before” I said getting up, I banged on the door again, “JOE LET US OUT, NICK’S BLOOD SUGAR IS LOW OR SOMETHING HURRY UP!!” I heard the bed creak and then running he unlocked the door and threw open the door. I smiled at him, “Thank you” I said and Nick just laughed and we walked out. “Guys that wasn’t funny” Joe said breathing heavily, “Well it wasn’t funny to lock us in there.” Nick said grabbing clothes, I grabbed mine and beat him to the door. “DON’T LOCK ME IN!” I said before I closed the door, I changed into shorts and one of Nick’s t-shirt. I walked out and yawned, Nick was changed into pajama pants. I jumped on the bed and then crawled under the covers; Joe had decided to get in the shower. Me and Nick were laying there in the dark. “You know for most people that situation would have been really awkward” he said with a slight laugh, “Yea, but whatever were best friends” “True” he said I yawned and rolled over towards him, “I haven’t gotten any nightmares” “I know and that’s good” he said wrapping his arms around me, “I think when you sleep in my bed I don’t get them, but if I sleep by myself I do” “That’s weird, but true” he said thinking about it. “So don’t ever leave me alone at night” I said laughing slightly, “I won’t as long as you don’t” he said, “I won’t” I said back, then I fell asleep to him singing Hello Beautiful to me in a whisper. I was head over heals for this boy, I always have been.